Meetings of Legislative Council and its Committees

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     Details of the meetings of the Legislative Council (LegCo) and its Committees to be held in the LegCo Complex during the week from November 25 to 29 are available in the meeting schedule attached.
     The information in the meeting schedule is subject to change. Please refer to the "LegCo Calendar" on the LegCo Website ( for the latest details of meetings.
     Members of the public are welcome to observe open meetings of LegCo and its Committees. Interested individuals and groups are advised to make advance booking of seats by calling the LegCo Secretariat at 3919 3399 during office hours. Members of the public can also listen to or watch all open meetings via the "Webcast" system on the LegCo Website.

Grading of beach water quality released

     The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) today (November 22) released the latest grading of water quality for eight gazetted beaches that are open for swimming. Other beaches have been closed to swimmers since November 1 for the winter season.

     Eight beaches were rated as Good (Grade 1).

Grade 1 beaches are:

Big Wave Bay Beach Repulse Bay Beach
Clear Water Bay Second Beach Silver Mine Bay Beach
Deep Water Bay Beach Silverstrand Beach
Golden Beach Stanley Main Beach

     Compared with the grading released last week, Silverstrand Beach has been upgraded from Grade 2 to Grade 1.

     Under the present grading system, beaches are classified into four grades, namely Good (Grade 1), Fair (Grade 2), Poor (Grade 3) and Very Poor (Grade 4), according to the level of E. coli in the water. Grades are calculated on the basis of the geometric mean of the E. coli counts on the five most recent sampling occasions.

     While the ratings represent the general water quality at the beaches, an EPD spokesman reminded members of the public that water quality could be temporarily affected during and after periods of heavy rain. Bathers should avoid swimming at beaches for up to three days after a storm or heavy rainfall.

     A summary of beach grades is published weekly before the weekend. The latest beach grades based on the most current data may be obtained from the department's website on Beach Water Quality ( or the beach hotline, 2511 6666.

Third round results of Public Policy Research Funding Scheme 2019-20 announced

     The Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office (PICO) announced today (November 22) the results of the third round applications to the Public Policy Research (PPR) Funding Scheme in 2019-20.
     The PPR Funding Scheme aims to promote public policy research and provide evidence-based research to facilitate public policy discussion. Applications are accepted throughout the year. For the third round exercise in 2019-20, PICO received 26 applications. On the advice of an assessment panel, PICO has supported 10 projects with a total funding of about $6.3 million.

     Applications to the PPR Funding Scheme are assessed by an assessment panel, chaired by and comprising experienced academics, who will take into account comments of reviewers who are academics and experts outside the panel in considering the applications. Each application is considered on its merits and relevance to public policy development of Hong Kong. A declaration of interests system is in place to ensure that the assessments are fair and impartial.

     Details of the funded projects have been uploaded to PICO's website (

Ministry of Finance issues Renminbi Sovereign Bonds through Central Moneymarkets Unit of Hong Kong Monetary Authority

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:
     The Ministry of Finance will issue Renminbi Sovereign Bonds through the Central Moneymarkets Unit of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA). Please find attached the tender notice and the tender information memorandum of the Renminbi Sovereign Bonds to be issued by the Ministry of Finance. Please also find attached the tender-related information provided by the Issuing and Lodging Agent through the HKMA.

Tseung Kwan O Swimming Pool temporarily closed

Attention TV/radio announcers:

Please broadcast the following as soon as possible and repeat it at regular intervals:

     Here is an item of interest to swimmers.

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced today (November 22) that Tseung Kwan O Swimming Pool in Sai Kung District has been temporarily closed for cleaning and superchlorination following the discovery of a small amount of vomit in the pool.

     It will be reopened at 7pm today.

     The department appeals to swimmers to be considerate and to keep the swimming pools clean. They are advised not to swim after a full meal and should use the toilet facilities if necessary before swimming.