
Author Archives: hksar gov

Transcript of remarks by CS at media session (with photo)

     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, at a media session after attending a radio programme this morning (November 23):

Reporter: Mr Cheung, just a few English questions. Just how likely can the tunnel for really reopen by the end of next weekend? And also, how likely is that the tolls will, there will be a free charge for tolls for at least several days? And second question, because the court has temporarily reinstated the mask ban, does the government expect that reinstatement will affect the election tomorrow where the police will be empowered to stop people wearing masks entering the polling stations and given the current string relationship between the public and police, aren’t the high profile patrol will spark tensions, spark conflicts?

Chief Secretary of Administration: First of all, the Hung Hom Cross Harbour Tunnel. We are very concerned about its re-opening. That’s why we are leaving those unturned, trying to re-open it as soon as possible to restore its normal operation as soon as possible. I must say that I am very grateful to all department colleagues concerned. We’ve mobilised 380 staff members and contract staff yesterday throughout the day on the repair work in order to make sure that the tunnel can be re-opened as soon as possible.

     Our target is that we strive to open it towards the end of next week, but much depends on the progress on the repair works particularly over the next 48 hours. So by next Monday afternoon, we should have a very good grasp of the exact re-opening time, whether it can be opened towards the end of the week or not. We will do our very best. In fact, we are now, as I said, doing our very best to speed up the repair work across the board, including the toll stations as well.

     The second question is about the election. We are determined and committed to hold an orderly, peaceful, fair and honest election tomorrow. So I appeal to all members of the community, all members of the public to co-operate, to protect the election. It’s a very important election because it’s the first time that every single seat is contested. It’s a real democratic exercise. I really want people to treasure it, to value it, exercise their right to vote, very importantly, exercise their civic right to vote. The presence of the police is important because, for every polling station, we must ensure that there is enough police present to deter any interference and also to really maintain law and order, to maintain safety of the polling staff as well as the electors and the candidates. So I don’t think the high profile patrol of police will deter any people. On the other hand, if anything, it will encourage people to feel a sense of security that the police are around to protect them and also maintain law and order.

Reporter: Will people be stopped from wearing masks into the stations?

Chief Secretary of Administration: According to the rules, in fact they should take away anything covering their face, otherwise how can the staff recognise their identity? So before they enter the polling station, they will be encouraged and advised to take away, to remove their masks so that we know who they are, matching their identity with their ID card.

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Hong Kong team bag 16 awards at 19th APICTA Awards (with photos)

     Hong Kong delegation returned with triumphant results at the 19th Asia Pacific Information and Communications Technology Alliance (APICTA) Awards held in Ha Long, Vietnam. The delegation bagged altogether six Winner and 10 Merit awards at the event lasted from November 19 to 22, winning the highest number of awards among the 15 competing member-economies.
     The annual event is a valuable platform for ICT talent in the Asia Pacific region to exchange ideas and forge new partnerships. This year, a 60-strong delegation was led by the Government Chief Information Officer, Mr Victor Lam, to take part in the event. The following projects from Hong Kong shone at the competition and won among 324 entries:
Winner Awards

  • VAR LIVE Shop / VAR BOX by VAR LIVE International Limited (Consumer category – Media & Entertainment)
  • Evaluation of Visual Disability in a Virtual Reality Environment by ACE VR Ltd (Inclusions & Community Services category – Health and Wellbeing)
  • 4LittleTrees by Find Solutions AI Limited (Inclusions & Community Services category – Education)
  • Gekko Graph by Gekko Artificial Intelligence Ltd (Technology category – Big Data Analytics)
  • From detection of rain to safeguarding of the community against hazardous weather by the Hong Kong Observatory (Public Sector and Government category– Government & Citizen Services)
  • From detection of rain to safeguarding of the community against hazardous weather by the Hong Kong Observatory (Technology category – Artificial Intelligence)
Merit Awards
  • VAR LIVE Shop / VAR BOX by VAR LIVE International Limited (Start Up category)
  • Smart glasses 3D Display by Marvel Digital Limited (Consumer category – Media & Entertainment)
  • One stop renovation platform by HK Decoman Technology Ltd (Consumer category – Marketplaces)
  • Pulse of HKUST – A Data-Driven Smart Campus by The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Research and Development category)
  • Finding Mini by The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Tertiary Students category)
  • Prosroid: The Wheelchair Training Simulator by the City University of Hong Kong (Tertiary Students category)
  • A.I.CAMe by Christian Alliance SW Chan Memorial College (Senior Students category)
  • Augmented Reality Game for Identifying Early-age School Kids with Dyslexia by Christian Alliance SW Chan Memorial College (Senior Students category)
  • BackUp by Cheung Sha Wan Catholic Secondary School (Junior Students category)
  • Intelligent Minibus and Minibus Station 2.0 by Heung To Secondary School (Tseung Kwan O) (Junior Students category)
     “We are proud of the accomplishment of the delegation, particularly the dedication and innovative ideas demonstrated by our ICT professionals and students. The Hong Kong delegation has been yielding good results in the event. It is not only a recognition for the Government’s protracted backings to widening and nourishing local innovation and technology (I&T) talent pool but also a very encouraging indicator for our booming I&T ecosystem. I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the Hong Kong Computer Society which had attributed great effort in organising and mentoring the delegation, making happened the success today,” said Mr Lam.
     To help non-governmental organisations (NGOs) extend their reach and students to move beyond local boundary, the Government sponsored 17 students from one secondary school and two universities as well as two NGO representatives to participate in the event. Mr Lam noted that the opportunity to compete and exchange with regional top players was certainly an eye-opening experience for the students. The students indeed got brilliant results by sweeping seven merit awards for Hong Kong.
     As a side event to the Awards, a Hong Kong Reception was hosted by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and the Hong Kong Computer Society on November 21. The Hong Kong delegation showcased their insights, innovative ideas and solutions to representatives from other participating economies.
     Aiming at stimulating ICT innovation and creativity, facilitating technology transfer, and offering business matching opportunities via exposure to venture capitalists and angel investors, the annual APICTA Awards is run by APICTA member-economies in rotation. The event offers networking and product introduction opportunities to participating ICT innovators and entrepreneurs.   
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