
Author Archives: hksar gov

Health risk category for Air Quality Health Index may reach “Serious” level

     The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) has recorded a gradual increase in pollution levels since this morning. According to the EPD forecast, it is expected that the AQHI at some general and roadside air monitoring stations may reach the “Serious” level later today (November 24).

     The weather in Hong Kong today is fine and dry with some hazy, and with moderate east to northeasterly winds. Hong Kong is under the influence of a high background pollution airstream. The sunshine enhances photochemical smog activity and the rapid formation of ozone in the Pearl River Delta region. The high level of ozone has also promoted the formation of nitrogen dioxide.

     According to the Hong Kong Observatory, the northeast monsoon will bring cooler weather to the south China coastal areas in the next couple of days. It will be windy with one or two rain patches over the region. It is expected that pollution levels will improve by then.

     With a health risk category in the “Very High” range or above, children, the elderly and persons with existing heart or respiratory illnesses are advised to reduce physical exertion and outdoor activities to a minimum or avoid such activities. The general public are advised to reduce, or reduce to a minimum, outdoor physical exertion, and to reduce time staying outdoors, especially in areas with heavy traffic. As health effects of air pollutants may vary for individuals, persons who are in doubt or experience discomfort should seek advice from health-care professionals. The public may visit the Centre for Health Protection’s website ( for more information on health effects of air pollution and relevant health advice.

     The Education Bureau (EDB) urges all schools to visit the EDB’s website for appropriate measures to safeguard students’ health and take note of changes in the index. The relevant hyperlink is as

     When the AQHI is at the “Very High” level, employers of outdoor workers performing heavy manual work are advised to assess the risk of outdoor work and take appropriate preventive measures to protect the health of their employees such as reducing outdoor physical exertion and the time of their stay outdoors, especially in areas with heavy traffic. At the “Serious” level, employers of all outdoor workers are advised to assess the risk of outdoor work and take appropriate preventive measures to protect the health of their employees.

     Members of the public can check the current AQHI readings at the EPD’s website ( or by calling the hotline 2827 8541. read more

SCED to lead business delegation to visit Malaysia and Thailand

     The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Edward Yau, will leave Hong Kong tomorrow (November 25) to lead a 52-strong delegation, comprising businesses, professionals and start-ups to visit Malaysia and Thailand to promote Hong Kong’s strengths on various fronts in the pursuit of the Belt and Road Initiative. The opportunity will be taken to foster stronger trade and economic ties and explore new business opportunities.

     The delegation consists of entrepreneurs and professionals from a wide range of sectors, demonstrating Hong Kong’s comprehensive and competitive edges. They include accounting, finance, insurance, real estate and infrastructure development, legal and dispute resolution, transport and logistics, energy and environmental services, manufacturing, technology and telecommunications, cultural and creative industries and start-ups.

     Mr Yau said Malaysia and Thailand are both close partners of Hong Kong in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The forthcoming mission is another step to reinforce the city’s relationship with these two fast-growing ASEAN countries after the inking of the Hong Kong-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement in 2017 and the opening of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Bangkok in this February.

     The delegation will first visit Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia from November 25 to 26, to be followed by a visit to Bangkok, Thailand from November 27 to 29. Apart from meeting local government officials, business leaders and chambers of commerce, the delegates will pay visits to leading companies and the Mainland’s overseas Economic and Trade Co-operation Zones there to understand the latest developments at the two places. Business matching opportunities will be staged to promote partnership and seek co-operation opportunities.

     The delegates will also attend business seminars cum networking luncheons in Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok to establish connections with the business community there. Mr Yau will give keynote speeches on both occasions.

     During the visit, Mr Yau will call on the Chinese Ambassadors to Malaysia and Thailand to keep them abreast of the latest developments in Hong Kong.

     Mr Yau will return to Hong Kong on the evening of November 29. The Under Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Dr Bernard Chan, will be the Acting Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development during Mr Yau’s absence. read more