“M” Mark status awarded to FIE Foil World Cup – Hong Kong, China

The following is issued on behalf of the Major Sports Events Committee:
      The FIE Foil World Cup – Hong Kong, China will be staged in Hong Kong for the first time from May 1 to 4 at the AsiaWorld-Expo. The Major Sports Events Committee (MSEC) has awarded "M" Mark status to this tournament.
      The Chairman of the MSEC, Mr Wilfred Ng, said today (April 26) that like all other "M" Mark events, this event will not only promote sports development and showcase Hong Kong's capability to host world-class sports events, but also add colour and vibrancy to Hong Kong, bring in more visitors from abroad and enhance Hong Kong's position as a centre for major international sports events.
      "Hong Kong's successful bid to become the host city of the World Cup marks a significant milestone for the development of fencing in Hong Kong. This event attracts top fencers from around the world to compete in Hong Kong, providing an excellent opportunity for the Hong Kong, China team to compete with world-class fencers on their home ground and gain valuable international competition experience. Futhermore, such an event helps strengthen exchanges and co-operation between Hong Kong and other countries and regions, thereby enhancing the overall standard of fencing in Hong Kong," Mr Ng said.
           The "M" Mark System aims to encourage and help local "national sports associations" and private and non-government organisations to organise more major international sports events and nurture them into sustainable undertakings. Sports events meeting the assessment criteria will be granted "M" Mark status by the MSEC. Funding support will also be provided to some events.
      For details of "M" Mark events, please visit www.mevents.org.hk.

Effective Exchange Rate Index

     The effective exchange rate index for the Hong Kong dollar on Friday, April 26, 2024 is 106.2 (same as yesterday's index).

Approved Kwu Tung South Outline Zoning Plan referred back for amendment

     The Town Planning Board (the Board) announced today (April 26) that the Secretary for Development has referred the approved Kwu Tung South Outline Zoning Plan (OZP) to the Board for amendment to reflect the latest land use proposals.

     The OZP incorporating the amendments will be exhibited for public inspection under the provisions of the Town Planning Ordinance.

     The Kwu Tung South OZP was last approved by the Chief Executive in Council in March 2024.

Grading of beach water quality released

     The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) today (April 26) released the latest grading of water quality for 39 gazetted beaches (see Note 1) and one non-gazetted beach (see Note 2).

     Twenty-eight beaches were rated as Good (Grade 1), nine as Fair (Grade 2), two as Poor (Grade 3) and one as Very Poor (Grade 4).
Grade 1 beaches are:

Big Wave Bay Beach* Lower Cheung Sha Beach
Cafeteria New Beach Middle Bay Beach
Cafeteria Old Beach Pui O Beach*
Cheung Chau Tung Wan Beach* Repulse Bay Beach*
Chung Hom Kok Beach Silver Mine Bay Beach*
Clear Water Bay Second Beach* Silverstrand Beach*
Deep Water Bay Beach* South Bay Beach*
Golden Beach* St. Stephen's Beach
Hap Mun Bay Beach* Stanley Main Beach*
Hung Shing Yeh Beach* Tai Po Lung Mei Beach*
Kadoorie Beach* Tong Fuk Beach
Kiu Tsui Beach Trio Beach
Kwun Yam Beach Turtle Cove Beach
Lo So Shing Beach Upper Cheung Sha Beach

Grade 2 beaches are:   

Approach Beach Discovery Bay Tai Pak Beach
Butterfly Beach* Hoi Mei Wan Beach
Casam Beach* Shek O Beach*
Clear Water Bay First Beach Ting Kau Beach*
Castle Peak Beach  

Grade 3 beaches are:    

Lido Beach* Ma Wan Tung Wan Beach*

Grade 4 beach is:   

Anglers' Beach*  

     Compared with the grading released last week, Clear Water Bay First Beach, Discovery Bay Tai Pak Beach and Shek O Beach have been changed from Grade 1 to Grade 2, Lido Beach from Grade 2 to Grade 3, and Anglers' Beach Grade 3 to Grade 4.

     "We observed water quality deterioration at Anglers' Beach, which was largely due to the heavy rain brought to Hong Kong throughout the week. We will step up our monitoring until the water quality returns normal," an EPD spokesman said.

     Under the present grading system, beaches are classified into four grades, namely Good (Grade 1), Fair (Grade 2), Poor (Grade 3) and Very Poor (Grade 4), according to the level of E. coli in the water. Grades are calculated on the basis of the geometric mean of the E. coli counts on the five most recent sampling occasions.

     While the ratings represent the general water quality at the beaches, the EPD spokesman reminded members of the public that water quality could be temporarily affected during and after periods of heavy rain. Bathers should avoid swimming at beaches for up to three days after a tropical cyclone or heavy rainfall.

     A summary of beach grades is published weekly before the weekend. The latest beach grades based on the most current data may be obtained from the EPD's website on Beach Water Quality (www.epd.gov.hk/epd/beach) or the beach hotline, 2511 6666.  Members of the public can also obtain the latest daily water quality forecast information for all beaches that are open for swimming through the Beach Water Quality Forecast mobile application (available for download from: www.epd.gov.hk/en/BWQApp) or the dedicated beach water quality forecast page (www.epd.gov.hk/en/BWQForecast) on the EPD's beach thematic website.

     Note 1: Lifesaving services are provided by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department at 22 gazetted beaches, marked with an asterisk (*) above, from April 1. Due to the damage caused to the footpaths leading to Chung Hom Kok Beach by landslides, the beach is temporarily closed until further notice. For details, please refer to the Leisure and Cultural Services Department’s Special Announcement (www.lcsd.gov.hk/en/beach/index.html).

     Note 2: This refers to Discovery Bay Tai Pak Beach which is a non-gazetted beach that has no lifesaving service.

Cases of making ex gratia payments from Protection of Wages on Insolvency Fund gazetted

     â€‹The Commissioner for Labour today (April 26) gave notices in the Gazette under section 16(1A) and/or section 18(2) of the Protection of Wages on Insolvency Ordinance (Chapter 380) for cases with ex gratia payments from the Protection of Wages on Insolvency Fund made to employees. 

     For details of the notices, please refer to Government Notice Numbers from 2358 to 2391 on the website of the eGazette of the Government Logistics Department.