HKSARG strongly objects to acts on Hong Kong becoming US law

     The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government today (November 28) expressed strong opposition to the fact that the "Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act" (the Act) and another act on Hong Kong have become United States (US) law and deeply regretted that the US has disregarded the genuine concerns raised repeatedly by Hong Kong on the two acts.  The two acts clearly intervene in Hong Kong's internal affairs.  They are unnecessary and unwarranted, and would harm the relations and common interests between Hong Kong and the US.

     A Government spokesman said, "The two acts are unreasonable. Although human rights and democracy are mentioned in the title of the Act, some of the provisions in the Act are actually about export control and enforcement of the sanctions imposed by the United Nations in Hong Kong, which are totally unrelated to human rights and democracy in Hong Kong.  The two acts will also send an erroneous signal to protesters, which is not conducive to alleviating the situation in Hong Kong.

     "The US has enormous economic interests in Hong Kong, including earning from Hong Kong the largest bilateral trade surplus amongst her global trading partners for the past decade, and the surplus stood at over USD 33 billion last year.  Any unilateral change of US economic and trade policy towards Hong Kong would create a negative impact on the relations between the two sides as well as the US' own interests.  Furthermore, Hong Kong and the US have all along had close co-operation on export control and law enforcement.

     "The HKSAR Government hopes that the US Government would adopt a pragmatic attitude, and would, with the interest of the mutually beneficial relations between Hong Kong and the US as well as the US' own interests in Hong Kong in mind, maintain her economic and trade policy and principled positions towards Hong Kong as well as continue to respect Hong Kong's status as a separate customs territory."

     The spokesman reiterated that foreign governments and legislatures should not interfere in any form in the internal affairs of the HKSAR.

Red flags hoisted at some beaches

Attention TV/radio announcers:

Please broadcast the following as soon as possible:

Here is an item of interest to swimmers.

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced today (November 28) that due to big waves, red flags have been hoisted at Stanley Main Beach and Big Wave Bay Beach in Southern District, Hong Kong Island; and Silverstrand Beach and Clear Water Bay Second Beach in Sai Kung District.  Beach-goers are advised not to swim at these beaches.

Red fire danger warning

Attention duty announcers, radio and TV stations:

     The fire danger situation today (November 28) is red and fire risk is extreme. The countryside is extremely vulnerable to fire. If you are planning to spend the day in the countryside, please take pre-cooked food for a picnic and take all measures to prevent hill fires. The penalty for lighting fires illegally in the countryside is $25,000 and a year's imprisonment.

HKSAR Government welcomes Ministry of Finance’s issuance of US dollar sovereign bonds in Hong Kong

     The Ministry of Finance has issued US dollar sovereign bonds totalling US$6 billion in Hong Kong, of which US$1.5 billion, US$2 billion, US$2 billion and US$0.5 billion in 3-year, 5-year, 10-year and 20-year tenors respectively.  This marks the largest ever US dollar sovereign bond issuance of the Central Government.

     The Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, said today (November 27), "The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government welcomes the Ministry of Finance's issuance of US dollar sovereign bonds in Hong Kong for the third consecutive year.  This demonstrates clearly the Central Government's support in reinforcing Hong Kong's status as an international financial centre, and is conducive to the development of the bond market in Hong Kong."

Advisory Committee on Water Supplies visits Dongjiang Water Supply System (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Advisory Committee on Water Supplies:

     The Advisory Committee on Water Supplies delegation departed for Guangdong Province to visit the Dongjiang (DJ) Water Supply System and to understand the latest situation of matters in relation to DJ water supplied to Hong Kong. The visit concluded today (November 27).

     During the two-day visit, members of the Advisory Committee visited the DJ Water Supply System, including a DJ section along the Greenway in Huizhou, the intake point of DJ water supplied to Hong Kong at Taiyuan Pumping Station in Dongguan, the Bio-nitrification Plant at the Shenzhen Reservoir, as well as the 110 Command Centre of the Dongshen Branch of the Shenzhen Public Security Bureau responsible for the safety and security of the Dongshen Water Supply System. Members were briefed by the officers concerned on their work and inspected the quality of the DJ water supplied to Hong Kong.

     The Advisory Committee also visited the Dongjiang Water Resource Protection Works at Shima River Mouth, which included the construction of water gates at the junction of Shima River and DJ to replace the existing rubber dam to further safeguard the quality of the DJ water. The works were progressing well and the main works were expected to be completed in mid next year. The Advisory Committee also visited the Integrated Improvement Works for the Water Environment of the Shawan River and learnt that the project had been substantially completed. Members were satisfied with the work of the Guangdong Provincial authorities in safeguarding the quality of the DJ water.

     In summing up the trip, the Chairman of the Advisory Committee, Dr Chan Hon-fai, considered that the two-day visit programme covering several major operating facilities of the DJ Water Supply System was enriching. It allowed members to understand the situation of the DJ water supplied to Hong Kong, and to observe the quality of the DJ water supplied to Hong Kong at a close distance. Members found the quality of the DJ water supplied to Hong Kong satisfactory.

     The Advisory Committee advises the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region through the Director of Water Supplies on matters relating to water supplies, including water resources, network management, regulation and control of inside service, water conservation and other operational matters. It comprises academics, District Council members, green advocates, professionals, plumbing practitioners and officials from related government bureaux and departments.

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