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LCSD signs MOUs with British Museum and Italy’s Gallerie degli Uffizi (with photos)

     The Director of Leisure and Cultural Services, Mr Vincent Liu, signed Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with the Chairman of the British Museum, Sir Richard Lambert and the Director of Gallerie degli Uffizi, Professor Eike Schmidt respectively today (November 28), further strengthening the cultural exchanges and co-operation between Hong Kong and the two world-renowned museums.
     Under the MOUs, the LCSD and the British Museum will foster their co-operation on exhibitions and strengthen professional exchanges between the two sides.
     The Gallerie degli Uffizi will offer different thematic exhibitions for display at the LCSD’s museums under their five-year plan. The two sides will also develop professional exchange programmes for their museum personnel and facilitate visits by Hong Kong youth ambassadors to Uffizi.
     It is the very first time the Gallerie degli Uffizi, the largest and most visited museum in Italy, has entered into a strategic, long-term partnership with a foreign institution. It is also the first time the LCSD has entered into an MOU with an Italian museum. The first exhibition from Uffizi is planned for September 2020 to celebrate the Italy-China Year of Culture and Tourism.
     The British Museum has long held a close relationship with the LCSD. They jointly organised the well-received “Eternal Life – Exploring Ancient Egypt” exhibition in 2017 and “A History of the World in 100 Objects from the British Museum” exhibition in 2019. They also partnered to stage the 2nd Museum Summit this year.
     Upon signing the MOUs, the LCSD will work closely with the British Museum and the Gallerie degli Uffizi to promote the development of mutually beneficial relations in the field of art and culture.

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