
Author Archives: hksar gov

Snowflake brick sample detected with coliform bacteria exceeding legal limit

     The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department today (November 28) announced that a sample of milk-flavoured snowflake brick was found to contain coliform bacteria exceeding the legal limit. The CFS is following up on the incident.
     “The Centre collected the abovementioned sample of snowflake brick from a licensed frozen confection factory in Kwai Chung for testing under its routine Food Surveillance Programme. The test result showed that the sample contained 480 coliform bacteria per gram, exceeding the legal limit,” a spokesman for the CFS said.
     Under the Frozen Confections Regulation (Cap 132AC), frozen confection for sale should not contain more than 100 coliform bacteria per gram. The maximum penalty for offenders is a fine of $10,000 and three months’ imprisonment upon conviction. The fact that the coliform bacteria exceeded the legal limit indicated that the hygienic conditions were unsatisfactory, but did not mean that consumption would lead to food poisoning.
     “The CFS has informed the person in charge of the premises concerned of the irregularity and instructed it to stop selling the affected product immediately. The CFS will provide health education on food safety and hygiene to the person-in-charge and staff concerned, and request them to carry out a thorough cleaning and disinfection. The CFS is also tracing the distribution of the affected product,” the spokesman said.
     The CFS will continue to follow up on the case and take appropriate action to safeguard food safety and public health.      read more

Hong Kong Immigration Department wins Regional Identity Document Awards of the Year of High Security Printing Asia 2019 (with photo)

     The new Hong Kong Smart Identity Card and the Next Generation Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Electronic Passport (e-Passport) introduced by the Hong Kong Immigration Department (ImmD) have won Regional Identity (ID) Document of the Year 2019 of the High Security Printing Asia (HSPA) awards for the Best New ID card and the Best New e-Passport. The awards were presented during a ceremony on November 26 in Yokohama, Japan.
     The Regional ID Document Awards aim to promote the best in security printing, system infrastructure and implementation of a government passport, identity or other security card scheme. The award judges comprise professionals of the anti-counterfeiting industries, including the Board of Directors of Reconnaissance International, the conference organiser and publisher of the ID & Secure Document News, a British periodic publication on international news of the latest anti-forgery technologies. The awards have commended the excellence and recognised the distinguished achievement of ImmD in developing the new smart identity card and the new e-Passport.
     The new Hong Kong Smart Identity Card and the Next Generation HKSAR e-Passport were launched on November 26 last year and May 14 this year respectively. They are produced under strict control with state-of-the-art security features and sophisticated designs incorporated with a view to safeguarding personal data privacy and better deterring forgeries in the race of today’s advancing technologies, providing the public and international communities with greater confidence in the documentation.

     ImmD extends its gratitude to the HSPA for bestowing the annual awards on ImmD for its pioneering status in the field of issuing highly secured identity documentation. ImmD will continue to strive for excellence, keep abreast with the times, and make use of technology advancements to issue higher quality personal documentation and deliver better public services to Hong Kong residents.

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Company fined for contravention of Employment Ordinance and Employees’ Compensation Ordinance

     Hsin Chong Construction Company Limited was prosecuted by the Labour Department (LD) for failing to pay employees’ wages, payment in lieu of notice, annual leave pay and the awarded sum of the Labour Tribunal (LT) in accordance with the Employment Ordinance (EO), as well as the periodical payments under the Employees’ Compensation Ordinance (ECO). The company pleaded guilty at Kwun Tong Magistrates’ Courts today (November 28) and was fined $212,000 in total. The company was also ordered to pay the employees an outstanding sum of about $1,730,000.
     â€‹The company failed to pay wages to 29 employees, payment in lieu of notice to one employee and annual leave pay to two employees within seven days after the expiry of the respective wage period or the termination of employment in contravention of the EO. Also, the company failed to pay the awarded sum of the LT to an employee within 14 days from the date of award, and the periodical payments to three employees who had suffered injuries at work on the normal pay days or within seven days thereafter as required by the ECO. 
     “The judgment would disseminate a strong message to all employers that they have to pay employees wages, payment in lieu of notice and annual leave pay within the time limit in accordance with the EO and the awarded sums according to the LT or the Minor Employment Claims Adjudication Board. Employers are also obliged to pay the periodical payments to injured employees in accordance with the ECO,” a spokesman for the LD said.

     “The LD will not tolerate these offences and will spare no effort in enforcing the law and safeguarding employees’ statutory rights,” the spokesman added. read more

SCED speaks on business mission to Thailand (English only)

     Following is the transcript of remarks made by the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Edward Yau, at a media session at a business seminar cum networking luncheon in Bangkok, Thailand, today (November 28):

Reporter: We heard that Dr Somkid (Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand, Dr Somkid Jatusripitak) said the Hong Kong investors are interested in investing in Thailand. What do you see as a unique standpoint? Why are you guys interested in Thailand when there are also other options like Singapore or other countries?

Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development: Currently Thailand is one of the top three trading partners within ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) with Hong Kong. I would echo what the Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) said that Hong Kong-Thailand economic relation is built on a very solid and long-time history with a lot of demonstrated success. It is one of the most welcome platforms because there is a long history of success. Hong Kong investors have been major partners in this Hong Kong-Thailand relation. This is also strengthened with the conclusion and recently a very rapid implementation of the Hong Kong-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement. Thailand is among the first to put it into implementation. It is also strengthened by the government-to-government connection we have built under the leadership of the Thai Government.

     The coming of this big delegation, over 50 business leaders from a very wide cross-section over a dozen sectors, also speaks for itself. All these 50 delegates are wearing different hats. On the one hand, they are the leaders of business chambers or professional bodies, but at the same time they are also successful investors in this part of the world. It is the mix that demonstrates the breadth and depth of the future Hong Kong-Thailand relation, because they are not here just for real estate, hotel or tourism. We have a large number of professionals in this group, from lawyers, arbitrators, mediators, accountants, insurers, architects to infrastructural management firms, with both Hong Kong origin or international firms based in Hong Kong. We also bring a group of young start-ups who are highly international because among around 3,200 start-ups in Hong Kong, one-third of them actually come from outside Hong Kong. And once the technology has been put into commercialisation, their target is not just Hong Kong, but clearly the region and the globe. The last group, which DPM also mentioned, is the creative industries. We have strong admiration of the Thai design and authenticity, which will be a very new inspiration for global business. So the creative industries that Hong Kong has heavily invested in recent years bring new opportunities for our young designers and creative industries practitioners to join hands. I believe Thailand and Hong Kong could be very good partners in years to come.

Reporter: Is there any particular sector that the Hong Kong investors are interested in Thailand?

Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development: I think from all the questions that people raised here, they are looking at not just Thailand, but Thailand in the centre of ASEAN, or in your concept, the CLMVT (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam and Thailand). Thailand is the gateway into this fast-growing area with a lot of certainty and stability. Businessmen, irrespective what sectors they are in, look for safe, secure and trusted partners, which I think they have a lot of confidence in here over the years. And the free trade agreement entered between Hong Kong and ASEAN and the investment promotion and protection agreement give them the legal-binding certainty and stability, so they feel more comfortable. At the same time, I think we are also a two-way street. While bringing business both from Hong Kong and Mainland here, we are also providing an avenue for Thai business to come through Hong Kong to Mainland China, in particular the Greater Bay Area that the DPM mentioned. There are a lot of similarities between the neighbourhood hinterland that Thailand shared, which is the CLMVT, and the Greater Bay Area next to Hong Kong, which has a population of 70 million on a high income level and also with an aggregated GDP comparable to the size of a medium-sized country and highly complementary to Hong Kong. So this two-way street between the two entry points and the two hinterlands are highly complementary. I think that’s what the businessmen in Hong Kong are looking for.

Reporter: I know it might be too early to ask, but for the high-level meeting tomorrow, what are your expectations?

Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development: I think the leaders’ meeting tomorrow will mark a new milestone. In the last two years with the negotiation, conclusion and implementation of our free trade agreement with ASEAN, we have already established a very strong platform. The opening of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Bangkok also provides us with a foothold here. The leaders’ meeting tomorrow will bring Hong Kong-Thailand relationship into a new chapter. Hopefully, the new memorandum of understanding would provide pointers to areas that we can mutually explore and with benefits to be shared. It will cover a wide spectrum of things on trade and commerce, investments and finance, which is more traditional. It will provide strong impetus for more professional services to come and help businessmen on both sides. It will also open new chapters on things I talked about, the creative industries, the film industry and other new areas like I&T (innovation and technology) or digital world. I hope this will mark a new milestone on the collaboration between Hong Kong and Thailand. read more