
Author Archives: hksar gov

Airmail services to Finland

     Hongkong Post announced today (November 29) that, as advised by the postal administration of Finland, airmail services (including Speedpost) to Finland have resumed. However, due to the mail backlog situation in Finland, airmai… read more

Schedule for issuing press releases on statistical data

     Following is a reminder of the press releases on statistical data to be issued between December 2019 and March 2020. The schedules for issuing press releases on statistical data in 2019 and 2020 were provided to the media in September 2018 and September 2019 respectively. No change has been made to the original schedule.

December 2019
Date Press Release
—– ——————
2 Retail sales statistics for October 2019
5 Statistics on vessels, port cargo and containers for third quarter 2019
9 Quarterly business receipts indices for service industries for third quarter 2019
10 Statistics on trade involving outward processing in the mainland of China for third quarter 2019
12 Construction output statistics for third quarter 2019
13 Index of industrial production and producer price index for the industrial sector for third quarter 2019
13 Gross National Income and external primary income flows for third quarter 2019
17 Unemployment and underemployment statistics for September – November 2019
17 Volume and price statistics of external merchandise trade for October 2019
19 Employment and vacancies statistics for September 2019
20 Consumer Price Index for November 2019
20 Chain volume measures of Gross Domestic Product by economic activity for third quarter 2019
20 Balance of Payments and International Investment Position statistics for third quarter 2019
27 Wage and payroll statistics for September 2019
30 External merchandise trade statistics for November 2019
January 2020
Date Press Release
—– ——————
3 Retail sales statistics for November 2019
16 Volume and price statistics of external merchandise trade for November 2019
17 Business expectations for first quarter 2020
20 Unemployment and underemployment statistics for October – December 2019
21 Consumer Price Index for December 2019
30 External merchandise trade statistics for December 2019
February 2020
Date Press Release
—– ——————
3 Advance estimates on Gross Domestic Product for fourth quarter and the whole year of 2019 (Note)
4 Retail sales statistics for December 2019
5 Restaurant receipts and purchases statistics for fourth quarter 2019
18 Volume and price statistics of external merchandise trade for December 2019
18 Unemployment and underemployment statistics for November 2019 – January 2020
18 Year-end population for 2019
20 Consumer Price Index for January 2020
25 External merchandise trade statistics for January 2020
26 Revised figures on Gross Domestic Product for fourth quarter and the whole year of 2019 : data contained in the Budget supporting documents (Note)
March 2020
Date Press Release
—– ——————
2 Retail sales statistics for January 2020
3 Statistics on vessels, port cargo and containers for fourth quarter 2019
10 Quarterly business receipts indices for service industries for fourth quarter 2019
12 Construction output statistics for fourth quarter 2019
12 Statistics on trade involving outward processing in the mainland of China for fourth quarter 2019
13 Index of industrial production and producer price index for the industrial sector for fourth quarter 2019
16 Gross National Income and external primary income flows for fourth quarter 2019
17 Unemployment and underemployment statistics for December 2019 – February 2020
19 Volume and price statistics of external merchandise trade for January 2020
19 Chain volume measures of Gross Domestic Product by economic activity for fourth quarter 2019
20 Employment and vacancies statistics for December 2019
23 Balance of Payments and International Investment Position statistics for fourth quarter 2019
23 Consumer Price Index for February 2020
26 External merchandise trade statistics for February 2020
26 Wage and payroll statistics for December 2019
31 Retail sales statistics for February 2020
Note: The Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) will issue press releases on quarterly advance estimates on Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The C&SD will compile and release revised figures on GDP in the “Gross Domestic Product (Quarterly) Report” when more data become available. The revised GDP figures for the fourth quarter and the whole year of 2019, together with other supporting materials, will also be released along with the Financial Secretary’s “Budget Speech”. According to the Financial Secretary’s Office, the Budget is scheduled to be delivered on February 26, 2020. No separate press release will be issued by the C&SD in respect of the revised GDP figures.
     The schedule for regular press releases in the other months of 2020 can be downloaded at the website of the Census and Statistics Department ( read more

Amendments to merchant shipping seafarer regulations proposed

     The Government proposes to amend the Merchant Shipping (Seafarers) (Working and Living Conditions) Regulation and the Merchant Shipping (Seafarers) (Allotments) Regulation to incorporate two amendments to the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 of the International Labour Organization (ILO) into local legislation.
     A spokesman for the Transport and Housing Bureau today (November 29) said, “The legislative amendments involve the extension of validity of Maritime Labour Certificates and the safeguards of interests of seafarers being held captive.”
      The Legislative Council Panel on Economic Development, the Hong Kong Fleet Operation Advisory Committee and the Seafarers’ Advisory Board of the Marine Department have been consulted on the legislative proposal. Members supported the proposal.
      The proposed legislative amendments were gazetted today and will be tabled at the Legislative Council on December 4 for negative vetting. read more