
Author Archives: hksar gov

Professional Services Advancement Support Scheme invites new round of applications

     The Professional Services Advancement Support Scheme (PASS) is inviting a new round of applications starting today (December 2) from non-profit-distributing organisations such as professional bodies, trade or industrial organisations and research institutes.

     The PASS, with a total allocation of $200 million, aims at funding non-profit-making industry-led projects to increase exchanges and co-operation between Hong Kong’s professional services and external counterparts, promote relevant publicity activities, and enhance the standards and external competitiveness of Hong Kong’s professional services.

     The maximum grant under the PASS for each approved project is $3 million or 90 per cent of the total eligible project cost, whichever is lower. A wide range of professional services is covered by the PASS, including accounting, legal and dispute resolution, architecture, engineering, healthcare, information and communications technology, design as well as technical testing and analysis. Sector-specific projects and cross-sectoral projects are both welcome.

     The PASS funds different types of projects. Common types include seminars, forums, workshops, exchange events, exhibitions, and research and studies. Expenses directly incurred for implementing a project such as manpower costs, venue and set-up costs, production and promotion costs, and the project team’s travel and accommodation costs outside Hong Kong are typically eligible for funding under the scheme.

     So far, over 50 projects have been funded under the PASS. Examples include a forum held in Paris by a local chamber of commerce to promote Hong Kong’s multidisciplinary professional services; conferences, workshops and seminars held by a trade body in ASEAN countries to promote Hong Kong’s status as a dispute resolution hub in the region; a visit to New Zealand arranged by a professional body for local engineers to learn about innovative technologies for infrastructure construction, and professional exchange activities held in Hong Kong. Details about the PASS and its funded projects are available at

     The PASS receives applications all year round and they are processed on a quarterly basis. The deadline for the new round of applications is February 29, 2020.

     A briefing session will be held on December 13, 2019 for organisations interested in applying for PASS funding. For registration for the briefing session or other enquiries, please contact the PASS Secretariat at 3655 5418 or read more

Effective Exchange Rate Index

     The effective exchange rate index for the Hong Kong dollar on Monday, December 2, 2019 is 106.5 (same as last Saturday’s index).

     The effective exchange rate index for the Hong Kong dollar on Saturday, November 30, 2019 was 106.5 (up 0.1 against last Friday’s index). read more