
Author Archives: hksar gov

Working Group on Patriotic Education holds first meeting (with photos)

     The Working Group on Patriotic Education under the Constitution and Basic Law Promotion Steering Committee (CBLPSC) held its first meeting today (April 29), with a view to harnessing collective wisdom and insights on the work strategy, direction and plan of implementing patriotic education.  
     The Chairman of the CBLPSC and the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Chan Kwok-ki, said, “The clear objective set down by the Working Group at today’s meeting is to make patriotism with affection to our country and Hong Kong a mainstream core value in Hong Kong, enabling the spirit of patriotism to take root in society and people’s heart such that members of the public would proactively and consciously safeguard national sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity.
     “On taking forward patriotic education in Hong Kong, the Working Group has set a clear direction, that is to dovetail with the Patriotic Education Law of the People’s Republic of China, while at the same time adjust suitably having regard to the actual circumstances in Hong Kong. The Working Group will correspondingly tender advice on policy measures for effectively promoting patriotic education.”
     Mr Chan emphasised, “Patriotic education is a long-term work that requires continuous and dedicated efforts. The Working Group will take into consideration the characteristics of different groups in society, and adopt diverse and appropriate methods to assist the CBLPSC in taking forward patriotic education in an all-round manner, so as to comprehensively establish and robustly promote the mainstream values characterised by patriotism with affection for our country and Hong Kong and in conformity with the principle of ‘one country, two systems’.”
     The Convenor of the Working Group, Ms Starry Lee, said that the Working Group would set up four sub-groups to carry out relevant co-ordination and research work in four aspects, namely school education; local community; history, politics, economy and culture; and media publicity. In addition, the Working Group will commence work in the following two areas:
     (1) To leverage the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China as an entry point with the theme of “Love our Country, Love Hong Kong, Love our Community”, and work closely with government bureaux and departments to inject and feature the spirit of patriotism in different National Day celebration activities this year, with an aim to enhancing the awareness of patriotism of the whole society; and
     (2) To perform overall co-ordination and conduct research, including setting up a designated email address,, as announced today on the Basic Law website and the website of the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau to invite all sectors of the community to offer views and suggestions on how to promote patriotic education more effectively. 
     Established earlier this month, the Working Group aims to co-ordinate the work of government departments and non-governmental organisations in taking forward patriotic education and dovetailing with the Patriotic Education Law of the People’s Republic of China, with a view to enhancing education on our country’s history, culture and current affairs on different fronts, promoting patriotism and ensuring its continuity from generation to generation. The membership of the Working Group comprises the relevant directors of bureaux, heads of departments and leaders from the relevant sectors of society.

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Hospital Authority hosts welcome ceremony for Greater Bay Area Healthcare Talents Visiting Programmes (with photo)

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The Hospital Authority (HA) today (April 29) hosted a welcome ceremony to greet more than 100 Guangdong healthcare professionals, who came to Hong Kong for the Greater Bay Area Healthcare Talents Visiting Programmes that aim to uplift the quality of healthcare sectors in Hong Kong and Guangdong.
     The Secretary for Health, Professor Lo Chung-mau, welcomed the healthcare professionals from Guangdong Province, “On behalf of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, I extend a warm welcome to the doctors, nurses, and Chinese medicine experts from Guangdong Province participating in the second batch of the Greater Bay Area Healthcare Talents Visiting Programmes. The visiting programmes facilitate bilateral on-site clinical training between healthcare professionals in Hong Kong and Guangdong Province, aiming to improve the quality of medical services in both public healthcare systems. Since the launch of the visiting programmes in the fourth quarter of 2022, I am delighted to see not only an increase in the quantity of exchanges but also an improvement in the quality. The participating healthcare professionals have expanded to various specialties. This will generate a synergy effect in terms of healthcare manpower and service quality, contributing to the establishment of a talent pool and the enhancement of medical standards in the Greater Bay Area, ultimately benefitting patients in the long run.”
     Deputy Director-General of the Health Commission of Guangdong Province, Mr Deng Linfeng thanked the Health Bureau and the HA for their arrangements. Mr Deng said, “The doctors, nurses and Chinese medicine practitioners participating in the programmes are all experts and mainstays of the Mainland medical institutions. Through the programmes, I hope that we can learn from our fellows in Hong Kong and complement each other, as well as deepen our co-operation to enhance the medical services to bring substantial benefits to each other.”
     The HA Chairman, Mr Henry Fan, said, “The healthcare professionals from the two places who participated in the programme gave positive feedback to the exchanges. They have learned from each other and broadened their horizons. The HA will continue building co-operative and friendly relations with the Health Commission of Guangdong Province and undertake more extensive and in-depth co-operative projects in both places.” He supplemented that International Nurses’ Day is only two weeks away. He took the opportunity to express his gratitude to the nurses who participate in the exchanges, who embody the spirit of Nightingale and safeguard the health of patients.
     Deputy Director-General of the Co-ordination Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Mr Chen Zetao and the HA Chief Executive, Dr Tony Ko, also attended the ceremony.
     The participating healthcare professionals arrived in Hong Kong earlier, with two doctors already engaging in exchanges and clinical work at Prince of Wales Hospital and Hong Kong Eye Hospital. Arrangements have been made for approximately 100 nurses to undergo exchanges in different hospitals of the seven clusters, learning various nursing specialist knowledge and clinical work. As for the 13 Chinese medicine experts participating in the programmes, they have already participated in the clinical training of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine in groups at different hospitals. In addition, the HA has received support from the Health Commission of Guangdong Province to expand the specialties and the number of participants in the second phase of the doctor-visiting programmes. Apart from the two ophthalmologists who have already arrived in Hong Kong, it is expected that more doctors will come to Hong Kong for exchanges this year, surpassing the participant count of the first phase.

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Civil Service College organises third seminar in Executive Series on “Connecting with the World – ASEAN” (with photos)

     The Civil Service College (CSC) has launched the Executive Series on “Connecting with the World – ASEAN”. The third seminar in the series, on the topic of “Opportunities and Challenges from Regional Trade Agreements under the New World Order”, was delivered by Lead Advisor (Southeast Asia Region) of the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia Dr Lili Yan Ing, at the CSC today (April 29).
     Addressing the seminar, the Head of the CSC, Mr Oscar Kwok, said the Executive Series is one of the CSC’s key initiatives to develop civil servants’ international perspectives. The subject of today’s seminar is regional trade agreements, which serve as an anchor of common visions and rules shared by their signatories. They not only open doors to economic development, but also establish a network of trusted partners that can bolster signatories’ ability to weather storms and navigate volatility and uncertainty. Hong Kong, as a crucial bridge connecting the country with the world and with close trading relationships across Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries, can play a unique role in adding value to regional trade agreements and co-operation while capitalising on new opportunities to boost the local economy.
     About 150 civil servants in the directorate and senior ranks from 44 bureaux/departments attended the seminar today, including officers from Hong Kong, and from Mainland Offices and overseas Economic and Trade Offices of the Government in Shanghai, Bangkok, Berlin, Dubai, Geneva and Jakarta who joined the seminar via video conferencing.
     The Executive Series on “Connecting with the World – ASEAN” is designed to further broaden the international perspective of directorate and senior civil servants. It covers subjects pertaining to the changing international dynamics and the development of ASEAN countries, including economies of emerging markets, opportunities and challenges from the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, the role and positioning of ASEAN, and diversity of ASEAN economies. Prominent experts are invited to speak and engage in in-depth discussions with participants.

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DCS chairs fourth meeting of Task Force on District Governance (with photos)

     The Deputy Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Cheuk Wing-hing, chaired the fourth meeting of the Task Force on District Governance today (April 29) to follow up on the initiatives endorsed by the Steering Committee on District Governance. The meeting reviewed the preparatory work of various bureaux and departments for the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), and the implementation progress of seven district issues.
     Mr Cheuk said, “This year’s October 1 anniversary is of great significance, marking not only the 75th anniversary of the founding of the PRC, but also the first National Day of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region after the reform of District Councils and the completion of the legislation on Article 23 of the Basic Law. I will assist the Chief Secretary for Administration (CS) in leading various bureaux and departments to make good preparations for various celebration activities and publicity programmes.”
     The Steering Committee chaired by the CS formulated at its first two meetings strategies in relation to seven district issues, covering areas on support for children and the elderly, environmental hygiene, law and order, road safety, pedestrian facilities and estate environment. The Task Force continued to follow up at this meeting the implementation details and the progress of the relevant items is as follows:
(1) Expanding after-school care service and enhancing support for parents
     Non-governmental organisations responsible for providing after-school care services have progressively commenced their services since last September. As at the end of this February, 59 primary schools have participated in the School-based After School Care Service Pilot Scheme, providing approximately 2 900 service places in total.
(2) Caring for the elderly and enhancing community support
     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) has added elderly-friendly fitness equipment to 18 leisure venues, and will hold around 5 700 recreation and sports activities for the elderly for free this year. The LCSD has also launched the Umbrellas for Loan by Elderly Park Visitors Scheme this February.
     The Social Welfare Department (SWD) has launched a pilot scheme this March, with Tsuen Wan and Southern Districts as pilot points, to identify hidden elders, carers of the elderly, and caregivers of persons with disabilities in need of assistance during home visits by District Services and Community Care Teams for referral to the SWD and social welfare units for follow-up support.
(3) Fostering clean markets and mobilising the community to participate in anti-rodent work
     The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) is continuing to enhance the cleanliness and hygiene of public markets and cooked food markets, including progressively increasing the frequency of cleansing work in markets, and commencing stall improvements at the Queen Street Cooked Food Market on a trial basis starting this February.
     The FEHD is also continuing to strengthen rodent control, including increasing the number of overnight rodent control roving teams, and extending the trial scheme of allowing food premises to place large-size waste containers in rear lanes for temporary storage of waste.
(4) Enhancing public order and combating crimes on all fronts
     Police plan to install closed-circuit television in 615 locations with higher crime figures across districts to serve as a deterrent against and an aid in the investigation of street crimes. Fifteen installations have been completed for technical tests in Mong Kok this April.
(5) Improving pedestrian facilities and ensuring road safety
     The Highways Department (HyD) is expanding the repaving of footpaths, with works on 18 sections already completed. The Transport Department is installing auxiliary pedestrian crossing devices with red light-beam projections at pedestrian crossing black spots in various districts, with devices at the first 17 locations installed and commissioned.
(6) Enhancing the walking experience for citizens and creating a pedestrian-friendly environment
     The HyD has selected 36 footbridges and pedestrian subways in 18 districts, and will design and carry out renovation and beautification works. The HyD has also selected 10 suitable locations and completed preliminary designs for installing bench railings for citizens to sit and rest on a trial basis. The above works are targeted to commence in mid-2024.
(7) Improving the environment of public housing estates and creating comfortable homes
     The Housing Department has rolled out estate improvement works for 10 public rental housing estates starting from the first quarter of 2024, and will commence improvement works based on various themes in another five in the second quarter.
     Mr Cheuk received reports from the relevant Heads of Departments on their work. He urged departments and District Councils to make good use of the refined district governance structure and discharge good governance with various district initiatives of community interests to continuously enhance governance efficacy at the district level and duly address the needs of the people.

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Two persons and company convicted of operating, managing or assisting in managing unlicensed employment agency

     The Labour Department (LD) today (April 29) reminded members of the public to obtain a licence before operating an employment agency (EA), or they may face prosecution.
     The reminder was made following the convictions of a company for operating an unlicensed EA and a man for managing the unlicensed EA at Eastern Magistrates’ Courts today, who were fined $14,000 each; as well as the conviction of a woman for assisting in managing an unlicensed EA at Kowloon City Magistrates’ Courts today, who was fined $10,000.

     In January 2022, the LD received intelligence regarding the company concerned and a man in arranging job referrals for foreign domestic helpers (FDHs) in Wan Chai. During the course of the investigation, the LD received complaints from a number of FDHs against the company concerned and the man between July and October 2022. With the complainants’ co-operation, the investigation revealed sufficient evidence that the company was operating an EA without a licence and the man was managing the unlicensed EA. As a result, the LD decided to take out prosecution.
     In addition, the LD received a complaint from an FDH in November 2022. As the investigation revealed sufficient evidence that the said woman was assisting in managing an unlicensed EA, the LD decided to take out prosecution.
     All establishments or persons operating a business in Hong Kong for the purpose of obtaining employment for another person or supplying personnel to an employer are governed by Part XII of the Employment Ordinance and the Employment Agency Regulations. Irrespective of the modus operandi or the types of jobs referred, all EAs must obtain a licence issued by the LD before undertaking any EA activities. Except for the EA licence holder or his or her associates, no one shall operate, manage or assist in the management of an EA. Offenders may face prosecution.
     The LD reminds EAs to operate in full compliance with the law as well as the Code of Practice for EAs at all times. Failure to do so may lead to prosecution and/or revocation of licence. The maximum penalties for the offences of unlicensed operation of an EA or overcharging commission from job-seekers are a fine of $350,000 and imprisonment for three years.
     Should there be enquiries about matters related to EAs or complaints about malpractices of EAs, please contact the Employment Agencies Administration of the LD by calling 2115 3667, sending e-mails to, or visiting its office at Unit 906, 9/F, One Mong Kok Road Commercial Centre, 1 Mong Kok Road, Kowloon. read more