Excessive cadmium and methylmercury found in crab sample and escolar sample respectively

     The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department today (May 14) announced that a crab sample and a escolar sample were detected with cadmium and methylmercury respectively, which are metallic contaminants, at levels exceeding the legal limit. The CFS is following up on the incidents.

     "The CFS collected the above-mentioned crab sample and escolar sample at the import levels for testing under its routine Food Surveillance Programme. The test results showed that the crab sample contained cadmium at a level of 10.4 parts per million (ppm), exceeding the legal limit of 2 ppm; while the escolar sample contained methylmercury at a level of 2.57 ppm, exceeding the legal limit of 0.5 ppm," a spokesman for the CFS said.

     The spokesman said that the CFS had informed the vendors concerned of the irregularities and instructed them to stop sales and remove from shelves the affected products. The CFS is also tracing the sources and distribution of the products concerned.

     "Long-term excessive intake of cadmium may affect the kidney functions. Methylmercury is the major form of mercury in fish. At high levels, mercury can affect foetal brain development, and affect vision, hearing, muscle co-ordination and memory in adults. Furthermore, as some international organisations such as the World Health Organization have pointed out, consuming predatory fish species is the main source of mercury intake for human beings. The report of the CFS's Total Diet Study has also pointed out that large fish or predatory fish species may contain high mercury levels (for example, tuna, alfonsino, shark, swordfish, marlin, orange roughy and king mackerel). Hence, groups particularly susceptible to the adverse effects of mercury, such as pregnant women, women planning a pregnancy and young children should opt for fish that are smaller in size for consumption and avoid consumption of the above-mentioned types of fish to minimise excessive exposure to metal contaminants in food," the spokesman added.

     According to the Food Adulteration (Metallic Contamination) Regulations (Cap. 132V), any person who sells food with metallic contamination above the legal limit is liable upon conviction to a fine of $50,000 and imprisonment for six months.

     â€‹The CFS will alert the trade, continue to follow up on the incidents and take appropriate action. Investigations are ongoing.

Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism meets with trade on development of Hong Kong tourism industry (with photos)

     The Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr Kevin Yeung, met with representatives from the sectors of tourism, hotel, aviation, catering, retail, etc. today (May 14) to exchange views on how to enhance the speed and quality of the development of Hong Kong's tourism industry and discuss the marketing strategies and tourism promotional directions following the expansion of the Individual Visit Scheme (IVS) to cover eight more cities.

     At the meeting, Mr Yeung conveyed the care of the Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, Mr Xia Baolong, towards Hong Kong's tourism industry. He also had in-depth discussion with the representatives on issues as to how to encourage the trade to actively understand the changes, respond to the changes and embrace the changes; how to frequently adopt new ideas and methods to overcome the challenges encountered so as to pursue quality development, realising substantial enhancement in the midst of transformation. It was agreed that Hong Kong's rich tourism resources must be fully explored, and at the same time keep enhancing the quality of services; promote further collaboration between the tourism and related sectors in developing new tourism products and promotion as well as improve service quality, with a view to reinforcing and strengthening Hong Kong's position as "the best tourism destination".

     Mr Yeung also expressed his sincere gratitude to the Central Government on the expansion of the IVS to cover eight more cities, as well as the staunch support to Hong Kong. He also discussed with the trade on how to enhance the tourism service and generate more economic benefits following the coverage of the eight cities under the IVS. At the meeting, he expressed his thanks for the trade's efforts over the years and encouraged all sectors to continue to render strategic advice on the further development of Hong Kong's tourism industry.

     Mr Yeung said, "The Government attaches great importance to the development of the tourism industry and its contribution to the economy. Promoting Hong Kong's tourism development requires the contribution and support of all sectors. We will work hand in hand with the trade to enhance the competitiveness of Hong Kong's tourism industry, making the best use of Hong Kong's ample tourism resources and drawing reference from the successful experience of other cities in order to promote innovation and improve policies. In the face of changing visitors' patterns and competition from neighbouring cities, Hong Kong's tourism and related sectors need to be flexible and innovative to uncover more attractions with local characteristics, step up promotion of those attractions to create more diversified, enriching and unique travel experience for visitors so as to pursue the concept of 'Tourism is everywhere in Hong Kong'. We will also actively promote continuous enhancement of the quality of services rendered by the trade, and encourage members of the public to join us in extending warm hospitality to our visitors."

     At the meeting, Mr Yeung also foreshadowed that the Government would shortly announce the list of mega events for the second half of the year. He encouraged the trade to capitalise on the business opportunities brought by the mega events and make timely preparation and deployment.

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Refined arrangements for renewal applications of Northbound Travel for Hong Kong Vehicles and increased number of applications to be processed

     The Transport Department (TD) said today (May 14) that, from now on, arrangements for renewal applications for Northbound Travel for Hong Kong Vehicles will be refined. Eligible applicants may submit their renewal applications online during the application period allotted by the TD without having to participate in a computer ballot.

     The refined arrangements are only applicable to Northbound Travel for Hong Kong Vehicles renewal applicants who meet all of the following criteria:
(i) the applicant remains unchanged;
(ii) the vehicle remains unchanged (including vehicle registration mark, colour and chassis number/vehicle identification number); and
(iii) the designated drivers remain unchanged (including the number of designated drivers and their Hong Kong identity card numbers).

     If the applicants for the renewal of Northbound Travel for Hong Kong Vehicles fail to meet any of the above criteria, they are required to participate again in the computer ballot and submit applications for Northbound Travel for Hong Kong Vehicles in the form of a new application within the allotted designated period. To enable applicants who submit new applications to register for the computer ballot, the TD will relax the computer ballot registration period at the same time, from 30 days before the expiry of their Closed Road Permit to 60 days before.

     The refined arrangements for renewal applications for Northbound Travel for Hong Kong Vehicles introduced by the TD are as follows:

(a) starting from May 14, the TD will issue emails in phases to holders of Northbound Travel for Hong Kong Vehicles Closed Road Permit that expires in or after July this year to invite permit holders to submit Northbound Travel for Hong Kong Vehicles renewal applications;

(b) after receiving invitation emails from the TD, eligible applicants for renewal of the Northbound Travel for Hong Kong Vehicles may use the passcode provided in the emails and their personal information to submit renewal applications on the designated website within the allotted designated application period specified in the invitation email;

(c) the designated application period allotted by the TD covers six calendar days, allowing sufficient time for applicants submitting renewal applications for Northbound Travel for Hong Kong Vehicles to prepare the necessary application documents. If eligible applicants for the renewal of Northbound Travel for Hong Kong Vehicles do not submit the renewal applications within the designated period allotted, the applicants will be required to participate again in the computer ballot to obtain an application quota, and submit the application as a new application within the allotted designated period; and

(d) To further enable holders of valid licences for Northbound Travel for Hong Kong Vehicles to enquire whether they are invited to submit renewal applications, to learn when their allotted application periods are and what their passcodes are, etc, the TD will launch a new function, "Enquire Renewal Application Invitation Details", on the designated website on May 20 for applicants to check by themselves.

     In addition, according to the "Guangdong Province Administrative Measures for Hong Kong Private Cars Travelling to the Mainland via the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge", Mainland authorities will accept and vet applications submitted by holders of valid licences for Northbound Travel for Hong Kong Vehicles 30 days prior to the expiry of electronic vehicle licences from the Mainland authorities at the earliest. Hence, after completion of the preliminary vetting of the applications, the TD will pass the applications for Mainland authorities' processing within 30 days prior to the expiry of electronic vehicle licences from the Mainland authorities. Applicants will be notified by email of the updated application status by then, and they may also check the status of their applications online on the designated website. Applicants are advised to wait patiently after submission of their applications for renewal of Northbound Travel for Hong Kong Vehicles.

     Details of the refined arrangements for renewal applications of Northbound Travel for Hong Kong Vehicles are available at the Renewal Application page on the designated website (www.hzmbqfs.gov.hk/en/RenewalApplication).

     Furthermore, the number of applications of Northbound Travel for Hong Kong Vehicles to be processed will be increased from 300 to 400 applications per working day starting from June, to better cope with the needs of new applications and renewal applications.

     The governments of Guangdong and Hong Kong will continue to monitor the operation of the Northbound Travel for Hong Kong Vehicles and will keep close liaison with relevant departments to review and enhance the arrangements of Northbound Travel for Hong Kong Vehicles in a timely manner.

LegCo delegation conducts third day of duty visit in Malaysia (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     The Legislative Council (LegCo) delegation, led by the President of the LegCo, Mr Andrew Leung, continued its duty visit in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia today (May 14).

     In the morning, the delegation met with the President of the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia, Mr Low Kian Chuan. Both sides exchanged views on various topics including promoting new industrialisation and supporting young entrepreneurs. They looked forward to businesses in Hong Kong and Malaysia continuing to promote exchanges and knowledge sharing in various industries, with a view to strengthening the economic development of both places.

     Members then attended a luncheon with representatives of the National Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia to share information on the latest development of Hong Kong's commerce, trade and investment. The delegation emphasised that Hong Kong's early accession to the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership will contribute to strengthening regional co-operation. The delegation also exchanged views with the chambers of commerce on the Belt and Road Initiative and developments of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, aiming to further promote bilateral relations and achieve mutual benefits in areas such as investment, trade, maritime services and logistics.

     In the afternoon, the delegation visited the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) to learn about the latest development of innovation and technology in Malaysia and explore opportunities for deeper co-operation. MDEC is a government agency responsible for leading the transformation of Malaysia's digital economy. Members also share experiences with representatives of MDEC on areas such as e-commerce, electronic payment, fintech, digital infrastructure, as well as cyber and data security. Last year, MDEC collaborated with post-secondary institutions in Hong Kong to foster the development of innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems in Hong Kong and Malaysia.

     The delegation departed for Jakarta, Indonesia in the evening and will begin its duty visit in Jakarta tomorrow (May 15). 

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Update on clusters of Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae cases in Kwong Wah Hospital

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority.

     Regarding an earlier announcement on a cluster of patients confirmed as having Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) in a surgical ward, the spokesperson for Kwong Wah Hospital gave the following update today (May 14):
     The hospital has conducted a screening and confirmed two more male patients (aged 90 and 92) as carriers of CPE. Two patients were transferred to Hong Kong Buddhist Hospital for further medical care in isolation on May 9 and May 11. They are currently in stable condition.
     The ward concerned will continue to adopt the following enhanced infection control measures:

1. Enhanced patient and environmental screening procedures;
2. Continuing to apply stringent contact precautions and enhanced hand hygiene for staff and patients; and
3. Enhanced cleaning and disinfection for the environment and facilities of the ward.
     The hospital will continue to closely monitor the situation in the ward concerned. The case has been reported to the Hospital Authority Head Office and the Centre for Health Protection for necessary follow-up.