
Author Archives: hksar gov

Urgent removal of Old and Valuable Tree between Bonham Road and Hospital Road, Pok Fu Lam infected with brown root rot disease

     A spokesman for the Highways Department (HyD) said today (May 8) that the department, if weather and site conditions permit, will commence urgent removal works early next week for an Old and Valuable Tree (OVT), which is also a stone wall tree, on a slope between Bonham Road and Hospital Road in Pok Fu Lam infected with brown root rot disease (BRRD) in order to ensure public safety.
     The OVT concerned is a 17-metre-tall Ficus microcarpa, which is listed on the Register of OVTs with registration number HYD CW/1. Part of the tree crown spans across Hospital Road. The tree was confirmed with BRRD infection in early 2019. Since then, the HyD has been, in accordance with the guidelines of the Tree Management Office (TMO) of the Development Bureau, strengthening maintenance works and conducting regular inspections to closely monitor the tree’s health and structural conditions. A series of measures have been taken to improve the tree’s health, including quarterly tree risk assessments, regular pruning to reduce the weight of the tree crown and the overall loading, spraying of fungicide, and application of soil conditioner. Regularly surveying has been conducted to monitor the displacement of the tree. In addition, the HyD has been supporting and stabilising the tree using large concrete blocks and cables since 2021.
     However, a large crack was identified at one of the main prop roots during a regular maintenance inspection by the HyD in 2023. After Typhoon Saola and the Black Rainstorm Warning Signal in early September 2023, the HyD observed significant degrees of outward tilting or displacement at various positions of the main trunk and branches, indicating a threat to the tree’s stability. The HyD subsequently carried out tree pruning works in September 2023 and March 2024 in order to reduce the loading of the tree crown. Nevertheless, the HyD observed rapid deterioration of roots with severe decay and breakage in early April 2024, indicating that BRRD had further degraded the woody tissue of roots and caused irreversible structural damage to the tree. As the tree gradually loses main support from its roots, there is a risk of tree failure during inclement weather or typhoon seasons, posing a serious threat to public safety. After consulting the Urban Forestry Advisory Panel with the assistance of the TMO, and notifying the Central and Western District Council of the proposed tree removal, if weather and site conditions permit, the HyD will launch the urgent tree removal works early next week, which is expected to complete in two days, and will make appropriate adjustments based on weather and on-site conditions.
     The spokesman emphasised that the department will continue to adopt a prudent approach in inspecting and maintaining trees under its care, and will only consider removing problematic trees in the absence of other viable risk mitigation measures. read more

LCQ19: Developing Kowloon East

     Following is a question by the Hon Tang Ka-piu and a written reply by the Secretary for Development, Ms Bernadette Linn, in the Legislative Council today (May 8):
     The 2011-2012 Policy Address put forward the Energizing Kowloon East initiative, which aims to transform Kowloon East (KE) into the second core business district (CBD2) through the development of the office belt and tourism and leisure facilities at Kai Tak as well as the revitalisation of industrial buildings. In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:
(1) of the numbers and gross floor areas (GFAs) of (i) industrial buildings, (ii) commercial buildings (broken down into (a) Grade A offices, (b) Grade B offices and (c) other office sub-sectors), and (iii)‍ business buildings providing accommodation for a mix of industrial and commercial uses in CBD2, and set out in Table 1 a breakdown by age of the building (i.e. (I) 0 to 10 years, (II) 11 to 20 ‍years, (III)‍ 21 to 30 years, (IV) 31 to 40 years, (V) 41 to 50 years and (VI) 51 years or above);
Table 1

Use of building Age of building Number of building GFA
(i) (I)    
(ii) (a) (I)    
(b) (I)    
(c) (I)    
(iii) (I)    
(2) among the applications received by the Government for the new round of the revitalisation scheme for industrial buildings launched in 2018, of the respective numbers of applications involving industrial buildings in CBD2 that were approved and rejected, and the reasons for the rejection of the applications;
(3) whether it has compiled statistics on the numbers and areas of sites in CBD2 which are currently (i) idle sites for which no development plan has been finalised and (ii) sites for temporary use only with no long-term development plan, and set out in Table 2 a breakdown by landowner (i.e. (a) the Government and (b) the private sector);
Table 2
Type of site Landowner Number of sites Site area
(i) (a)    
(ii) (a)    
(4) of the respective numbers and floor areas of the properties (i) owned and (ii) rented by the Government in CBD2, and set out in Table 3 a breakdown by use of the property (i.e. (a) district service centres of government departments, (b) headquarters of government departments, and (c) others);
Table 3
Property owned/rented by the Government Use Number of properties Floor area
(i) (a)    
(ii) (a)    
(5) whether it has compiled statistics on the numbers of companies in (i) ‍innovation and technology (I&T), (ii) culture, (iii) sports, (iv) ‍tourism and (v) other industries (a) operating business and (b) ‍headquartered in CBD2, and the numbers of jobs provided by such companies and their gross output, with a breakdown as set out in Table 4; and
Table 4
Industry of company Operating business/setting up headquarters Number of companies Number of jobs provided Gross output
(i) (a)      
…… (a)      
(v) (a)      
(6) given that in reply to my question on July 5 last year, the Government indicated that KE has the potential to promote I&T and arts, culture and creative industries given its historical background in industrial development and the ambience of cultural workers moving in one after another in recent years, whether the authorities have plans to further promote the development of the industries of I&T, culture, sports and tourism in KE, and to develop KE into a “city of entrepreneurship” for the aforesaid industries; if so, of the specific measures; if not, the reasons for that?
     The Government promulgated the Energizing Kowloon East initiatives in 2011, with the objectives to transform Kowloon East comprising the Kai Tak Development Area, the Kwun Tong Business Area and the Kowloon Bay Business Area into Hong Kong’s second core business district (CBD2) and to ensure a steady supply of quality office space in support of the economic growth of Hong Kong and strengthening Hong Kong’s global competitiveness. In 2017, relevant initiatives including enhancing connectivity and improving the environment, etc, have been extended to the San Po Kong Business Area. Since 2011, the commercial gross floor area (GFA) in Kowloon East has increased by a double to currently about 3.4 million square metre. 
     After consultation with the relevant policy bureaux and departments, the replies to the various parts of the question raised by the Member are as follows:
(1) The statistics on the commercial, industrial and industrial/office developments in Kowloon East (i.e. the Kai Tak Development Area, Kwun Tong Business Area and Kowloon Bay Business Area) by building age are as follows:
Uses Building age Numbers* GFA
Commercial# 0-10 years 56 About 1 500 000 sq m
11-20 years 35 About 1 300 000 sq m
21-30 years 8 About 400 000 sq m
31-40 years 6 About 200 000 sq m
Industrial 0-10 years 7 About 60 000 sq m
11-20 years 2 About 20 000 sq m
21-30 years 17 About 300 000 sq m
31-40 years 68 About 1 700 000 sq m
41-50 years 67 About 1 000 000 sq m
51 years or above 77 About 700 000 sq m
Industrial/Office 11-20 years 1 About 10 000 sq m
21-30 years 10 About 200 000 sq m
* as at December 2023.
# including new developments, redevelopments and converted commercial buildings in Kowloon East (i.e. Kai Tak Development Area, Kwun Tong Business Area and Kowloon Bay Business Area), but excluding the commercial portions of residential/commercial developments in the Kai Tak Development. We do not have relevant information by grading of commercial developments.
(2) Another round of revitalisation scheme for industrial buildings was promulgated in 2018. It includes to allow relaxation of the maximum permissible plot ratio by up to 20 per cent for industrial redevelopment sites located outside “Residential” zones in main urban areas and new towns, for which the modified lease should be executed after the town planning approval to put the relaxed plot ratio into effect (redevelopment of industrial buildings); and to exempt the waiver fees incurred for wholesale conversion of industrial buildings aged 15 years or above in “Commercial”, “Other Specified Uses” annotated “Business” and “Industrial” zones into permissible planning uses on the condition that the applicants should designate 10 per cent of the floor area for specific uses prescribed by the Government upon completion of such conversion works (wholesale conversion of industrial buildings).
     As at the end of March 2024, the Town Planning Board has received and approved 23 applications for redevelopment of industrial buildings within the CBD2 with relaxation of the maximum permissible plot ratio (excluding applications withdrawn by the applicant and applications involving the same site). For those industrial redevelopment projects requiring lease modification, the Lands Department has received eight applications for lease modification (excluding applications withdrawn by the applicant), of which seven cases have been approved with the lease modifications completed while the remaining one case is still under processing. Regarding wholesale conversion of industrial buildings, as at the end of March 2024, the Lands Department has received one application (excluding applications withdrawn by the applicant) for special waiver for industrial buildings within CBD2 and the application has been approved.
(3) Relevant details of government sites which have been formed and pending the implementation of planned commercial uses in Kowloon East are as follows:
Location Number of sites Site area
Kai Tak Development Area 3 About 7.8 ha
Kowloon Bay Action Area To be determined About 3.4 ha
All the above mentioned sites are being put to temporary use at present. We do not have information on the construction timetable of the private lands.
(4) According to the information provided by the Government Property Agency (Agency), the number and the floor area of government-owned properties located within private developments under the management of the Agency and private properties leased via the Agency in Kowloon East (Kai Tak Development Area, Kwun Tong Business Area and Kowloon Bay Business Area) are as follows.
Type of property Number Internal floor area
Government-owned properties Involving individual premises in one building About 6 600 sq m
Leased properties Involving 141 leases About 104 000 sq m
(Note: The Agency has no statistics on the usage of the properties for district service centre or headquarters by government departments.)
     Apart from the above properties within private developments, the Government possesses various kinds of facilities and specialised buildings, some of which are used as Government offices, such as Electrical and Mechanical Services Department Headquarters Building, Inland Revenue Centre and Trade and Industry Tower in Kai Tak; Water Supplies Department Kowloon East Regional Building and Central Mail Centre in Kowloon Bay; and Kowloon East Government Offices and Energizing Kowloon East Office in Kwun Tong etc.
(5) According to the Survey on Business Establishments in Kowloon East 2018, the distribution of the establishments by industry within the scope of survey (i.e. the Kwun Tong Business Area and the Kowloon Bay Business Area) is shown in the following table:
Industry No. of establishments Percentage of total establishments in Kowloon East (%)
Head office Non-head office
Manufacturing 3 481 314 14.0
Construction 1 933 98 7.5
Import/export, wholesale and retail trades 9 342 1 282 39.2
Restaurants and hotels 177 29 0.8
Transportation, storage and logistics 890 206 4.0
Telecommunications services and information technology services 1 234 128 5.0
Banking and financial services and insurance 1 950 267 8.2
Real estate and professional and business services 2 682 182 10.6
Publishing, media and multi-media and creative and performing arts activities and specialised design activities 1 363 85 5.3
Healthcare services, and research and development on natural sciences 204 42 0.9
Social and personal services 1 063 117 4.3
Waste management 67 1 0.3
(Note: The above categorisation of industries is in accordance with the Hong Kong Standard Industrial Classification promulgated by the Census and Statistics Department. The survey does not cover the number of jobs created by the respective companies and their gross output. The Energizing Kowloon East Office is conducting another round of survey on business establishments in Kowloon East.)
(6) The Government has been introducing related policies in Kowloon East in a timely manner to meet the need of Hong Kong in the time of economic transition. Kowloon East used to be an important industrial base in the heyday of manufacturing industry in Hong Kong. In view of the relocation of Hong Kong’s manufacturing industry to the mainland, industrial land in Kowloon Bay and Kwun Tong have been rezoned to “Business” use which allowed conversion of industrial buildings to office use and redevelopment into commercial/office buildings under the planning regime. Subsequently, the Government introduced two rounds of revitalisation scheme for industrial buildings to facilitate the redevelopment and wholesale conversion of industrial buildings, followed by the introduction of the scheme to charge land premium at standard rates for lease modifications of redevelopment of industrial buildings to encourage revitalisation of industrial building. A number of industrial buildings in Kowloon East have been or will be redeveloped or converted into office, shop and services and hotel uses. Besides, to ensure a steady and adequate supply of quality office space in Kowloon East, the Government has disposed eight pieces of government land in Kowloon East for commercial development since the promulgation of the Energizing Kowloon East initiatives. Flexibility has been allowed in the planning of these commercial sites for the establishment of innovation and technology uses.
     Against this context and driven by a series of policy measures, Kowloon East has been transformed into CBD2 with a diversity of industries. In terms of the supply of commercial properties, apart from Grade A office, there are different types of affordable properties of good quality which provide space for developing business by different types of companies. Notwithstanding that the Government has no plan to designate particular site in Kowloon East for innovation and technology use, or to deploy specific measures to promote innovation and technology in Kowloon East, with the unique history of the area, diversified supply of properties especially that manufacturing activities are still active in the area, innovation and technology companies would be convenient in pairing up with the research, academic and industry sectors or other businesses supporting services, while the converted industrial buildings in the area with relatively lower rent would be attractive to startups. These would attract innovation and technology companies to move into Kowloon East. In fact, a number of innovation and technology startups have gradually been stationed in Kowloon East in recent years.
     Besides, the Energizing Kowloon East Office (the Office) has been collaborating with private and public sectors to utilise Kowloon East as a Smart City Lab. For example, an indoor-outdoor navigation with voice guidance for the visually impaired/people in needs at MTR stations and some large shopping malls in Kowloon East has recently been introduced under the facilitation of the Office. Others include a proof of-concept trial at the Kwun Tong Typhoon Shelter on Real-time Water Quality Monitoring System completed earlier on and an ongoing trial of Smart Recycling Systems. At the same time, the Office would assist and facilitate different groups in organising promotional activities on smart city development and STEM as means to facilitate the development of innovation and technology.
     Regarding culture, sports and tourism development aspects, the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau will fully utilise the opportunities brought by the Kai Tak Sports Park (KTSP), East Kowloon Cultural Centre and Kai Tak Cruise Terminal, and their collaboration with other facilities in the district, to develop culture, sports and tourism as well as bring new experiences to visiting tourists. As an incubator for the development of arts and technology, the East Kowloon Cultural Centre which is adjacent to Kowloon East CBD2 will bring new cultural experience to the community. Whereas for KTSP, it will provide venues for hosting mega sports and entertainment events, thereby giving impetus to the development of relevant sectors. read more

Tender of one-year HONIA-indexed Floating Rate Notes under Institutional Bond Issuance Programme to be held on May 14

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:

     The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA), as representative of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government (HKSAR Government), announced today (May 8) that a tender of one-year HONIA-indexed Floating Rate Notes (Notes) under the Institutional Bond Issuance Programme will be held on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, for settlement on Thursday, May 16, 2024.

     A total of HK$1.5 billion one-year Notes will be tendered. The Notes will mature on May 16, 2025 and will carry interest indexed to the Hong Kong Dollar Overnight Index Average (HONIA), payable quarterly in arrears.

     Under the Institutional Bond Issuance Programme, tender is open only to Recognized Dealers which are appointed as Primary Dealers. Anyone wishing to apply for the Notes on offer can do so through any of the Primary Dealers on the current published list, which can be obtained from the Hong Kong Government Bonds website at Each tender must be for an amount of HK$50,000 or integral multiples thereof.

     Tender results will be published on the HKMA’s website, the Hong Kong Government Bonds website, the Refinitiv screen (HKGBINDEX), and Bloomberg (GBHK <GO>) not later than 3pm on the tender day.

HKSAR Government Institutional Bond Issuance Programme tender information
     Tender information of one-year HONIA-indexed Floating Rate Notes under the Institutional Bond Issuance Programme:

Issue Number : 01GH2505
Stock Code : 4279 (HKGB FRN 2505) 
Tender Date and Time : Tuesday, May 14, 2024
9.30 am to 10.30 am 
Issue and Settlement Date for Tender Amount  : Thursday, May 16, 2024
Amount on Offer  : HK$1.5 billion
Issue Price : At par 
Maturity  : 1 year
Maturity Date : May 16, 2025 
Interest Rate : Indexed to the sum of the annualised compounded average of daily HONIA in each interest period and the highest accepted spread at tender, subject to a minimum of 0 per cent per interest period. Details on calculation of interest rate are available at the Information Memorandum on the Hong Kong Government Bonds website at
Interest Period End Dates : August 16, 2024
November 18, 2024
February 17, 2025
May 16, 2025
Interest Payment Dates : August 20, 2024
November 20, 2024
February 19, 2025
May 20, 2025
Method of Tender : Competitive tender 
Tender Amount : Each competitive tender must be for an amount of HK$50,000 or integral multiples thereof. Any tender applications for the Notes must be submitted through a Primary Dealer on the current published list. 
Other Details  : Please see Information Memorandum available on the Hong Kong Government Bonds website at or approach Primary Dealers. 
Expected Listing Date : May 17, 2024
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Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area High-quality Talent Development Conference strengthens regional co-operation for talent hub (with photos/videos)

     The Second Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) High-quality Talent Development Conference jointly organised by Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao was held in Hong Kong today (May 8), with an aim to promote the building of a talent hub in the GBA, and strengthen talent development and tripartite co-operation.

     The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Chan Kwok-ki, officiated at the conference and delivered welcome remarks. He said, “Hong Kong is a highly open international city and is also one of the core cities in the GBA. Under the ‘one country, two systems’ principle, Hong Kong gives full play to the advantages of enjoying the strong support of the motherland and being closely connected to the world, serving as a talent hub and gateway of both the GBA and the country.”

     In addition, Mr Chan shared Hong Kong’s underlying roles to play. Hong Kong has relaunched the recruitment of talent from around the world with innovative breakthroughs, and consolidated and further developed the quality higher education system to nurture local talent. As an important bridge linking the Mainland and the rest of the world, Hong Kong is steadfastly promoting a “southbound and northbound” two-way flow of talent. Hong Kong is also promoting co-operation on the nurturing, recruitment and exchange of talent in the GBA.

     Mr Chan concluded that he had full confidence in Hong Kong jointly with the sister cities of the GBA going from strength to strength to enhance the GBA’s strategic planning on the admission, nurturing and mobility of talent, with a view to expediting the development of a talent hub in the GBA and making new contributions to the country’s high-quality development.

     Mr Chan; the Director General of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Guangdong Province, Ms Chen Liwen; the Director-General of the Human Resources and Social Security Department of Guangdong Province, Mr Du Minqi; the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Chris Sun; and the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR), Ms Ao Ieong U, jointly witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on promoting talent services co-operation in the GBA by the Directors of the Human Resources and Social Security Bureaux of the nine municipalities in Guangdong Province; the Director of Hong Kong Talent Engage (HKTE), Mr Anthony Lau; and the Secretary-General of the Talent Development Committee of the Macao SAR Government, Mr Chao Chong Hang.

     The MOU aimed to implement the national strategic policy of building a talent hub in the GBA through enhancing talent exchanges and co-operation, joint promotions, talent recruitment and campaigns as well as developing a GBA talent services platform together, thereby creating an optimal environment for talent development and bringing mutual benefits by talent co-operation in the GBA.

     Mr Du, Mr Sun and Ms Ao Ieong then delivered their remarks. Mr Sun said that as Hong Kong is facing a manpower shortage in various sectors, it is necessary to implement a more proactive, open and effective talent admission policy to make good use of global innovative resources and bring in talent urgently needed amid the shortage in a targeted approach. This will form an attractive and internationally competitive talent recruitment system, providing solid talent backing for the prosperity of society.

     Since end-2002, the Hong Kong SAR Government has implemented a series of bold and innovative measures, including launching the Top Talent Pass Scheme (TTPS) which targets talent with high income and graduates of high academic qualifications, updating the Talent List to reflect the latest shortage of professional and technical talent spanning different fields, and enhancing various prevailing talent admission schemes. The list of universities under the TTPS was also expanded in 2023. HKTE has also been established to provide services for incoming talent to proactively create a community that respects and is determined to attract more talent, Mr Sun added.

     Mr Sun pointed out that the Hong Kong SAR Government will leverage on the advantages of enjoying the strong support of the motherland and being closely connected to the world with its foothold in the GBA to reinforce Hong Kong’s position as an international talent hub. Hong Kong will continue to unite and lead talent with achievements, and bring together talent in the GBA for exchanges, with a view to injecting new impetus into the country’s high-quality development.

     Following was a panel discussion jointly hosted by the Head of Talents and Human Resources of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, Ms Fanny Wong; the University of Macau Development Foundation Chair Professor of Smart Tourism and Deputy Director of the Asia-Pacific Academy of Economics and Management of the University of Macau, Professor Rob Law; and the Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Tongdao Liepin Group, Mr Dai Kebin. They delved into ways to converge and nurture a more in-depth and sustainable talent pool to unleash the strengths of human resources in the GBA to develop into a talent hub.

     In the afternoon, one seminar was held by three emerging entrepreneurs, namely the Founder and CEO of MatrixSense Technology Group Limited, Mr Wiva Wei; the Co-Founder of GOGOX, Mr Reeve Kwan; and the Founder and CEO of NakedLab, Ms Joyce Lau, on exploring opportunities in the GBA and expanding their businesses to the world. The other seminar was hosted by the President of the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management, Mr Lawrence Hung, and the CEO of TechJobAsia, Mr Terrance Lok, looking into how artificial intelligence changes the workforce development and response strategies of enterprises.

     Concluding the achievements of the two-day Global Talent Summit · Hong Kong, a spokesman for HKTE said that initial statistics showed that some 4 900 attendees in total participated in the International Talent Forum yesterday (May 7) and the Second Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao GBA High-quality Talent Development Conference today, together with over 130 000 views on the live webcast. The CareerConnect Expo held on both days concurrently attracted over 8 600 attendees, which were beyond expectations.

     “The Summit brought together international and Mainland leaders from political, business and academic sectors to participate and share their insights, coupled with the strong support from our partners in the Expo, and concluded smoothly. We are delighted to note that participants bring the necessary information home and find the Summit rewarding and fruitful,” the spokesman added.

     HKTE will continue to step up promotion around the world on Hong Kong’s dual role and advantages as an international talent hub and the country’s gateway for talent after the Summit, striving to highlight Hong Kong’s distinctive advantages of enjoying the strong support of the motherland and being closely connected to the world as well as robust talent policies and comprehensive support to international markets, including those in Southeast Asia and Europe to attract more international talent to Hong Kong.

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