DH signs Co-operation Agreement on Research of Chinese Medicines Standards and on Chinese Medicines Herbarium with National Institutes for Food and Drug Control of National Medical Products Administration (with photos)

     The Department of Health (DH) and National Institutes for Food and Drug Control (NIFDC) today (May 9) signed the Co-operation Agreement on Research of Chinese Medicines Standards and on Chinese Medicines Herbarium (Co-operation Agreement) to strengthen technical, talent and academic exchanges, and further promote the modernisation and innovation of Chinese medicines. NIFDC is a subsidiary of the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA).
     Witnessed by the Commissioner of the NMPA, Mr Li Li, the Co-operation Agreement was signed by the Director of Health, Dr Ronald Lam, and the Director General of the NIFDC, Mr An Fudong. The areas of collaboration include technical exchanges in the area of developing standards for Chinese Materia Medica (CMM), establishment of collaborative mechanisms in field of Chinese medicines specimens, as well as talent and academic exchanges. The Co-operation Agreement also further facilitates the modernisation and innovation of Chinese medicines, enhances the quality and safety of Chinese medicines with a view to safeguarding public health.
     Following the signing of the Co-operation Agreement, Mr Li, on behalf of the NMPA, presented to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government a collection of 21 CMM specimens. Among them was a set of cordyceps showcasing different growth stages and specimens from various production regions of the Mainland. This will play a significant role in strengthening the identification of CMM.
    Speaking at the signing ceremony, Dr Lam said, "Thank you for the continuous support to the HKSAR Government for the development of Chinese medicine and enhancing the collaboration on regulatory strategies and measures with the DH by the NMPA and NIFDC. Today, I would like to express my gratitude to the NMPA and NIFDC for once again gifting precious CMM specimens to the HKSAR Government, which is very important for our work in Chinese medicine testing, research, education, as well as the inheritance and innovation of Chinese medicine culture."
     Mr Li, Mr An and their delegation, accompanied by Dr Lam, visited the Government Chinese Medicines Testing Institute (GCMTI) managed by the DH and located at the Hong Kong Science Park on the same day. They were briefed on the latest work on local Chinese medicines testing and research through touring the GCMTI's laboratories and the Chinese Medicines Herbarium. The Digital Herbarium for Chinese Medicines website developed by the GCMTI was also demonstrated to the delegation during their tour.
     The DH has been closely collaborating with the NMPA and the NIFDC, actively promoting exchanges in Chinese medicines testing, reference standard research, and the Chinese Medicines Herbarium. The NMPA and the NIFDC offered technical advice and valuable opinions to the Chinese Medicines Herbarium in the GCMTI when it was established in 2017. They also arranged to gift precious and representative specimens of commonly used CMM to the HKSAR Government to enhance the collection of the Chinese Medicines Herbarium. These physical specimens will serve as useful references for the Chinese medicines research and industry in Hong Kong, facilitating their advancement towards high-quality development. The first batch of the specimens has been on display at the GCMTI since 2019. Furthermore, since its establishment, the GCMTI has completed 12 research and thematic projects, the results of which have been uploaded to the website of the Chinese Medicine Regulatory Office under the DH.
     The permanent GCMTI building is expected to be commissioned in phases starting from the end of 2025. It will house a Chinese Medicines Herbarium Laboratory to collect CMM and the specimens of the animals and plants from which they derived. The herbarium will be open to the public, the trade and international research institutions. The GCMTI will continue to develop a set of internationally recognised reference standards for Chinese medicines and related products by employing state-of-the-art technology and through scientific research, and help empower the industry through transfers of technology to strengthen the quality control of products and promote high-quality development of Chinese medicines.

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Clusters of cases Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in Kwong Wah Hospital

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The spokesperson for Kwong Wah Hospital (KWH) made the following announcement today (May 9):
     Four male patients (aged 43 to 75) in a surgical ward in KWH have been confirmed to be carriers of Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae upon testing since May 4. Two patients are being treated in isolation at KWH and are in stable condition. A patient was transferred to TWGHs Wong Tai Sin Hospital for further medical care in isolation on May 8 and is in stable condition. The remaining patient has been discharged.
     The ward concerned has adopted the following enhanced infection control measures:

  1. Enhanced patient and environmental screening procedures;
  2. Continuing to apply stringent contact precautions and enhanced hand hygiene of staff and patients; and
  3. Enhanced cleaning and disinfection for the environment and facilities of the ward.

     The hospital will continue to closely monitor the situation in the ward concerned. The cases have been reported to the Hospital Authority Head Office and the Centre for Health Protection for necessary follow-up.

SITI visits Beijing (with photos)

     The Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, Professor Sun Dong, today (May 9) paid a visit to the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council and the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) in Beijing.

     In the morning, he called on the Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, Mr Xia Baolong, to brief him on the latest situation of Hong Kong's innovation and technology (I&T) and development of new industries, as well as the progress of key areas of work under the Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau (ITIB), which include enhancing Hong Kong's I&T ecosystem, promoting "new industrialisation", fostering the development of technology industries, developing digital economy, and attracting strategic I&T enterprises and talent. Director Xia highly commended the performance of the ITIB and fully recognised the work of the bureau.

     Director Xia said that the current-term Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has placed the promotion of I&T development at the forefront of its administration, while continuously enhancing the I&T ecosystem and actively attracting I&T enterprises and talent, noting that the efforts have achieved positive results that deserve full recognition. The Central Government will, as always, fully and faithfully uphold the principle of "one country, two systems", and fully support Hong Kong in consolidating its unique position and advantages and accelerating the development of an international I&T centre.

     Professor Sun expressed his gratitude for Director Xia's encouragement. The country staunchly supports the development of Hong Kong as an international I&T hub. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government will live up to the mission that the country has entrusted to it, support the high-quality development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and continue to strengthen I&T co-operation with different Mainland provinces and cities, thereby complementing each other's strengths. Hong Kong will better integrate itself into national development and contribute to the country's grand vision of realising self-reliance and self-improvement and building a strong nation in science and technology.

     Professor Sun visited the MOST in the afternoon for a work meeting with Vice Minister of Science and Technology Mr Chen Jiachang and relevant responsible officials. Professor Sun expressed his gratitude to the Central Government and the MOST for their staunch support for Hong Kong's I&T development over the years, with the introduction of numerous important technology measures benefitting Hong Kong, including the expansion of national science and technology programmes open to Hong Kong and promoting the cross-boundary flow of key elements of scientific research. Both sides exchanged views in the meeting on advancing the development of the Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Co-operation Zone, and explored the implementation of dedicated cross-boundary measures to promote the flow of I&T elements, such as people, materials and data, thereby allowing Hong Kong to further contribute to the science and technology development of the country. They also discussed the restructuring of the State Key Laboratories in Hong Kong and the arrangements for the 18th meeting of the Mainland/Hong Kong Science and Technology Co-operation Committee.

     Professor Sun will return to Hong Kong tomorrow (May 10). Before concluding his visit to Beijing, Professor Sun will meet with the leadership of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality.

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Update on cluster of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus cases in Tuen Mun Hospital

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     Regarding an earlier announcement on a cluster of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) carriers in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, the spokesperson for Tuen Mun Hospital made the following updates today (May 9):
     In accordance with the prevailing infection control guidelines, the hospital has performed enhanced surveillance, and one more patient, a 6-day-old baby girl, was confirmed as an MRSA carrier without any symptoms of infection. The patient is being treated in isolation with stable condition.
     The hospital has performed enhanced medical surveillance and screening of the patients in the ward concerned. The following infection control measures have been stepped up according to established guidelines:

  1. Thorough cleaning and disinfection of the ward concerned, including the environment, incubators, equipment and instruments;
  2. Enhanced medical surveillance of the patients and environmental screening procedures in the ward concerned; and
  3. Applied stringent contact precautions and enhanced hand hygiene of staff. Family members are reminded that infection control measures must be implemented before visiting their babies.

     The case has been reported to the Hospital Authority Head Office and the Centre for Health Protection for follow-up.

Interdepartmental pre-typhoon tabletop exercise concludes successfully

     The Security Bureau held an interdepartmental pre-typhoon tabletop exercise today (May 9) at the Emergency Monitoring and Support Centre in the Central Government Offices to enhance the collaboration of bureaux, departments and other parties concerned in handling possible emergency situations if Hong Kong is struck by a super typhoon.
     According to the Hong Kong Observatory's forecast, there will be five to eight tropical cyclones hitting Hong Kong this year and the tropical cyclone season will begin in or after June. To be well prepared in a comprehensive manner for coping with the possible emergency situations should a super typhoon batter Hong Kong, representatives from around 40 bureaux, departments and other parties concerned participated in this year's exercise. 
     The exercise simulated the scenario of a super typhoon and rainstorm battering Hong Kong and causing widespread property damage and serious blockage of main thoroughfares. Participants were required to set out what they would be doing in different scenarios. The exercise also served as an interdisciplinary platform for the participants to share their experience and expertise. Through the exercise, the participating parties have gained a better understanding of the operation of the Emergency Monitoring and Support Centre as well as their own roles and responsibilities, and those of others, which is conducive to better preparedness and enhanced interdepartmental collaboration in responding to threats arising from super typhoons. 

     The Government will continue to work on strengthening capabilities on all fronts in the face of the challenges of extreme weather, so as to safeguard the life and property of Hong Kong people.