Labour Department to hold webinar on Employment Ordinance

     â€‹The Labour Department has called for registration for a webinar on the Employment Ordinance to be held between 3pm and 5pm on June 12 (Wednesday).

     The main provisions of the Employment Ordinance will be introduced.

     The real-time webinar will be conducted in Cantonese via Zoom and participation is free of charge.

     Interested participants should complete the registration form, which can be downloaded from the Labour Department's website (, and return it by email by May 28 (Tuesday). The quota will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. For enquiries, please call 3575 8671.

Coin Collection Programme

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:
     The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) today (May 14) announced a new service schedule of the two "Coin Carts" under the Coin Collection Programme, for the period of June 3, 2024 up to August 18, 2024. The schedule and other details of the Programme are shown on the HKMA webpage (
     Since the launch of the Programme in October 2014 up to April 30, 2024, the two Coin Carts had carried out 1 212 000 transactions, collecting 946 million coins with a total face value of HK$1,496 million during the period. The collected coins are re-circulated to meet demand.
     The Coin Carts provide service at locations that are convenient to the public without affecting the normal flow of traffic and pedestrians. Locations that have suitable power supply facilities, such as the Leisure and Cultural Services Department mobile library service locations, are preferred so as to reduce the need for using the Coin Carts' own stand-by generators. This makes the Programme more environmentally friendly. In selecting the service locations, the HKMA has taken into consideration comments and suggestions given by district councils and members of public; and has consulted the Transport Department and the Hong Kong Police Force as necessary.
     The two Coin Carts collect coins from members of public in the 18 districts of Hong Kong on a rotating basis. Under normal circumstances each Coin Cart will stay at a location for a week, subject to availability of the parking space and the maintenance schedule of the Cart. Service hours are from 10am to 7pm Each vehicle is equipped with two coin counting machines and operational staff will be present to provide assistance. An electrical wheelchair lift is available for use. Users can choose to exchange coins for banknotes or adding value to their stored value facilities, such as Octopus Cards or e-wallets (including AlipayHK, Octopus Wallet, Tap&Go, TNG Wallet and WeChat Pay). There is also a Community Chest donation box inside each vehicle. The coin collection service is free of charge.
     The HKMA will review the Programme from time to time; and will regularly update the service schedule to give advance notice to the public.

Red flags hoisted at some beaches

Attention TV/radio announcers:

Please broadcast the following as soon as possible:

     Here is an item of interest to swimmers.

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced today (May 14) that due to big waves, red flags have been hoisted at Stanley Main Beach, Shek O Beach and Big Wave Bay Beach in Southern District, Hong Kong Island, and Silverstrand Beach in Sai Kung District. Beachgoers are advised not to swim at these beaches.

Open auctions for public market stalls to be held in May

     The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) announced today (May 14) that open auctions for a total of 192 stalls in 29 public markets will be held in May.

     To increase the occupancy rate and put long-standing vacant market stalls to better use, the FEHD will restore the past arrangement of putting up long-standing vacant stalls that could not be let out in public markets for open auction at reduced upset prices in future open auctions starting from May. Under this arrangement, the upset prices for the stalls in an open auction will be initially fixed at 80 per cent of the open market rent (OMR) if the stalls have been vacant for over six months, and at 60 per cent of the OMR if the vacant period has been over eight months.

     The retail commodities allowed for sale in these stalls cover frozen meat, fresh meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, ready-to-eat food, food-related dry goods and wet goods, non-food related dry goods and wet goods, service trades (including manicures, beauty and Chinese medicine practitioners), siu mei and lo mei, light refreshment, etc. The tenancy agreement is a three-year fixed term from July 1, with no right of renewal upon expiry of the tenancy agreement. The upset prices of the monthly rent of the stalls vary depending on the sizes and locations of the individual stalls. Relevant information is available on the FEHD website.

     A spokesman for the FEHD said, "Bidders for the market stalls must be at least 18 years old and ordinarily reside in Hong Kong. To allow more people to bid for the stalls and increase customer choices by enhancing the diversity in terms of the variety of stalls, there will be a restriction on the number of stalls to be rented in the same market by a single tenant. Any person who is currently a stall tenant is not allowed to bid in the first round of auction for any stall in the same market, and will only be allowed to bid for one stall in the second round of auction. The existing tenants under the new three-year fixed term tenancy scheme (i.e. those persons who became stall tenants through the market open auctions after August 2022) are allowed to bid for a stall in the same market in the auction, but shall deliver vacant possession of the current stall to the FEHD before the effective date of commencement of the tenancy agreement. The terms and conditions of the auctions have been uploaded to the FEHD website, with details of qualifications of the bidders listed."

     The date of the auctions and the number of stalls are as follows:

New Territories
Auction date: May 21 (Tuesday)
Number of stalls: 73

Hong Kong Island (except Aberdeen Market)
Auction date: May 28 (Tuesday) (am)
Number of stalls: 57

Aberdeen Market
Auction date: May 28 (Tuesday) (pm)
Number of stalls: 20

Kowloon (except Lai Wan Market)
Auction date: May 29 (Wednesday) (am)
Number of stalls: 40

Lai Wan Market
Auction date: May 29 (Wednesday) (pm)
Number of stalls: two

     The New Territories auction will be held at Tung Cheong Street Community Hall, 1/F, Tai Po Tung Cheong Street Leisure Building, 25 Tung Cheong Street, Tai Po, New Territories. The remaining auctions will be held at the Assembly Hall, 2/F, Lai Chi Kok Government Offices, 19 Lai Wan Road, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon. Limited seats are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The admission tickets will be issued 30 minutes prior to the commencement of each auction. Persons who want to attend the auctions must wait at the waiting area of the auction venue and produce their Hong Kong identity card or passport for registration. The registered person will then be provided with an admission ticket for the auctions. In addition, eligible bidders after verification will be issued with a bidding paddle for the auction. The FEHD has also invited representatives of the Police, the Independent Commission Against Corruption and the Competition Commission to monitor the auctions at the auction venue in order to ensure that the open auctions are conducted in an orderly and fair manner.

     Details of the open auctions and the public market stalls concerned (including stalls for open auction at reduced upset prices) have been uploaded to the FEHD website ( Bidders interested in the auctions may visit the department website or contact the respective District Environmental Hygiene Office.

SCST to visit Cannes

  The Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr Kevin Yeung, will depart for Cannes, France, in the early hours of May 15 (Wednesday). He will take part in various activities at the 77th Cannes Film Festival to promote the development of Hong Kong cinema in the international market, including officiating at the opening ceremony of Hong Kong Pavilion at the Cannes Film Market and the Hong Kong Night reception, as well as attending the Midnight Screening of a Hong Kong film and the China's New Talents Going Global Night.
  Mr Yeung will depart from Cannes and return to Hong Kong on May 18 (Saturday). During his absence, the Under Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr Raistlin Lau, will be the Acting Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism.