
Author Archives: hksar gov

Social Workers Registration (Amendment) Bill 2024 to be gazetted Friday

     A spokesman for the Labour and Welfare Bureau said today (May 14) that the Social Workers Registration (Amendment) Bill 2024 will be gazetted on Friday (May 17) and introduced into the Legislative Council (LegCo) on May 22.

     The spokesman said, “Registered social workers (RSWs) shoulder great responsibilities and have far-reaching impacts. As social workers have the trust of their clients and exert on them significant influence, they are more obliged to honour the rule of law, and consciously safeguard national security, social order and public interest, while performing their duties in a fair and impartial manner. Therefore, it is imperative for the Social Workers Registration Board to perform its statutory functions in a fair and impartial manner with due regard to public interest to safeguard the interest of their clients and the community as a whole. The Bill will improve the governance of the Board so that it would more effectively serve the interests of the wider community and safeguard national security.”

     Subject to its passage, the Bill will expand membership of the Board for broader and more balanced participation, enable prompt removal of RSWs convicted of serious offences, lend clarity to the effective date of the Code of Practice for Registered Social Workers and Disciplinary Committee Panel appointment, set continuing professional development requirements for the social work profession and require all members of the Board to take an oath.

     The Bill will be introduced into the LegCo for first and second readings on May 22. The spokesman stressed that the Government would fully complement the work of the LegCo in scrutinising the Bill, with a view to seeking the LegCo’s support and passage of the Bill. read more