
Author Archives: hksar gov

Speech by SCST at Hong Kong Night reception in 77th Cannes Film Festival (English only) (with photo)

     Following are the welcome remarks by the Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr Kevin Yeung, at the Hong Kong Night reception in the 77th Cannes Film Festival yesterday (May 16, Cannes time):
     Hello, everyone! Welcome to our Hong Kong Night reception. It’s my great pleasure to meet all of you here in Cannes.
     The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has been actively promoting arts and culture. Since 2005, the Government has been injecting about HK$3 billion into our Film Development Fund, a fund designated to support our film industry.
     We treasure our overseas partners and have strengthened our participation in international film festivals to extend our market coverage and enhance exchanges. By leading delegations of some of the most exceptional and emerging directors, producers and actors from Hong Kong, like those attending here tonight, we hope to increase the exposure of Hong Kong cinema in a proactive approach, fostering more cultural exchanges among film talents across national borders and various cultures.
     To reinforce Hong Kong as an East-meets-West centre for international cultural exchange, we launched the Hong Kong-Asian Film Collaboration Funding Scheme last year to support collaboration between the film industries of Hong Kong and Asian countries. The response was overwhelming. We hence extended the funding scheme to cover Europe as the Hong Kong-Europe-Asian Film Collaboration Funding Scheme, to welcome projects from Europe and Asia.
     Most important of all, we are thrilled to see many Chinese language films selected in Cannes this year. Hong Kong film, “Twilight of the Warriors: Walled In”, is chosen for the Midnight Screenings section, and will be screened right after this reception. We are honoured to have the director and cast joining us tonight. With the strong tradition of Hong Kong cinema, a 4K restoration of “Shanghai Blues”, directed by esteemed filmmaker Tsui Hark, is selected for Cannes Classics section. Renowned Hong Kong director Peter Chan’s mainland production “She’s Got No Name” will be presented under Out Of Competition section towards the end of the Festival. 
     Last but not least, tonight, we are not just celebrating Hong Kong cinema, but also aiming to forge new connections among all of us at this world’s most prestigious film event. So let us enjoy the party. Thank you.

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Hong Kong and Peru substantially conclude free trade agreement negotiations (with photos)

     The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Algernon Yau, today (May 16, Arequipa time) met with the Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru, Ms Elizabeth Galdo Marín, and jointly announced the substantial conclusion of negotiations of the free trade agreement (FTA) between Hong Kong and Peru on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Ministers Responsible for Trade Meeting in Arequipa, Peru.

     “The negotiations, which began in 2023, cover trade in goods, trade in services (including e-commerce), investment and other related areas. I am pleased to note that our shared objectives in achieving a high-quality and comprehensive bilateral FTA are met,” Mr Yau said.

     “Peru is Hong Kong’s important trading partner in Latin America. The FTA will enhance the trade and investment ties between the two sides, provide Hong Kong products, enterprises and investors with legal certainty and better access to the Peruvian market, and bring mutual benefits to our two economies,” he added.

     The two sides aim to finish the few remaining issues and the respective internal procedures with a view to signing the FTA within this year. Details of the agreement will then be announced.

     In 2023, Peru ranked fifth among Hong Kong’s merchandise trading partners in Latin America. The total merchandise trade between Hong Kong and Peru amounted to HK$5,231 million in 2023 and grew at an average annual rate of four per cent from 2019 to 2023.

     Hong Kong has so far signed eight FTAs with 20 economies, including the Mainland of China, New Zealand, the member states of the European Free Trade Association (i.e. Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland), Chile, Macao, the member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (i.e. Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam), Georgia and Australia. All FTAs have entered into force.

     In addition to the FTA with Peru, Hong Kong will continue to actively expand economic and trade network, such as seeking early accession to the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership and exploring FTAs or investment agreements with other potential partners in the Middle East and other regions along the Belt and Road.

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LegCo Subcommittee on Matters Relating to Development of Northern Metropolis conducts duty visit to Nanshan and Qianhai in Shenzhen (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     The Legislative Council Subcommittee on Matters Relating to the Development of the Northern Metropolis (the Subcommittee) conducted a duty visit to Shenzhen today (May 16) to understand its experience of applying the district-wide co-ordinated approach for development and operation of modern logistics there. The Subcommittee returned to Hong Kong in the evening.

     Joined by representatives of the Development Bureau, Members first visited Houhai Smart Operations Centre and learnt that it is a platform established by the Nanshan District Government to explore innovative models for smart city operation, and utilise technologies to improve management and quality of social services. Members noted that the Centre is piloting low-altitude drone delivery and low-altitude intelligent patrol in Houhai central area.

     Members then visited Shenzhen Bay Super Headquarters Base Exhibition Hall to gain an overview of the planning and design of the Base, which aimed to attract leading enterprises to set up headquarters there.

     In the afternoon, Members visited the exhibition hall of China Resources Land in Dachong to understand how Dachong village was redeveloped through the district-wide co-ordinated approach to enhance efficiency and coherence of development in the district. Under the project, Dachong has been transformed from an old district into a new development area integrating commercial activities and residential functions. During the visit, Members also exchanged views with representatives of the Government on adopting the “large-scale land disposal” approach in Northern Metropolis. Members opined that the development model of and experience of Dachong offer valuable references for the planning and development of the Northern Metropolis. They also learnt that a transportation hub being planned in Guiwan has reserved port spaces to cater for the future railway between Qianhai and Hung Shui Kiu.

     Members then went to Qianhai Development Exhibition Hall to receive a briefing on the planning and latest development of Qianhai. While in Qianhai, they visited MBE International’s Hong Kong air cargo clearance centre project located at Qianhai Bonded Zone to understand the aviation logistics services it offers.

     Before returning to Hong Kong, Members visited Mawan Smart Port to gain a better understanding of its latest technologies for improving the efficiency of customs clearance and supervision. Mawan Smart Port, which can handle up to three million containers a year, is the first automated port in the country that has been upgraded and transformed from a traditional port.

     Members who participated in the duty visit were the Chairman of the Subcommittee, Mr Lau Kwok-fan; Subcommittee members Mr Frankie Yick, Mr Chan Han-pan, Mr Dennis Leung, Mr Gary Zhang and Prof William Wong; as well as a non-Subcommittee member Ms Judy Chan.

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