LegCo delegation concludes duty visit to Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     The delegation, led by the President of the Legislative Council (LegCo), Mr Andrew Leung, and comprising seven members of the Parliamentary Liaison Subcommittee, concluded their duty visit to Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore today (May 18).
     On the last day of the visit, the delegation paid a call to the Institute of Technical Education (ITE), Singapore. ITE, the largest institute in Singapore that specialises in the provision of vocational and technical education, is a post-secondary education institution under the Ministry of Education. It is also the main administrative body responsible for developing national occupational skills certification and standards. The delegation toured various training facilities of ITE including the User Experience Hub, which utilises virtual reality technology to emulate workplace environment, as well as the IoT Experiential Centre and Aerospace Hub. During the tour, the delegation gained insight into the effectiveness of the training programmes provided by ITE for young people and working adults. Members also attended a luncheon and engaged in discussions with representatives of ITE to explore ways for strengthening collaboration with institutes in Hong Kong.
     The delegation departed for Hong Kong in the afternoon. The leader of the delegation, Mr Leung, concluded that the seven-day duty visit was fruitful and carried great significance, adding that Members gained valuable insights from it. He said, "The visit not only enabled the LegCo to establish closer ties with the three member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), but also kept them abreast of the latest development in Hong Kong. This will help facilitate more collaborations in areas such as finance, infrastructure, innovation and technology, tourism, education, arts and culture between Hong Kong and ASEAN, thereby achieving mutual benefits and also injecting new impetus into Hong Kong's economy."
     ASEAN is Hong Kong's second-largest trading partner. The Government has been promoting trade co-operation with ASEAN and striving for Hong Kong's early accession to the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), the world's largest free trade agreement. During the visit to Indonesia, the delegation invited 10 ASEAN member states, Observer State and Dialogue Partners to attend a networking reception.
     Mr Leung said, "The reception was the highlight of the duty visit. The direct interaction between the delegation and ASEAN member states has fostered greater mutual trust. Their reaffirmed support to Hong Kong's accession to RCEP has brought great meaning to the visit."
     During the visit, the delegation took the opportunity to pay a courtesy call on the Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN to exchange views on topics related to Hong Kong's accession to RCEP. The delegation also met with the Chinese Ambassador to ASEAN, during which Members expressed gratitude for her support and assistance in enabling the delegation to engage with representatives of the ASEAN community. In meetings with the Chinese Ambassadors to Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore, the delegation exchanged views with the Ambassadors on how to explore the ASEAN market and promote regional economic development and people-to-people exchanges. On behalf of the delegation, Mr Leung expressed heartfelt gratitude to the Central Government and the Ambassadors for supporting Hong Kong's accession to RCEP.
     While in Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore, the delegation visited local parliaments. Apart from sharing parliamentary experience and strengthening connections, Members observed how a Member of the Singapore Parliament engaged with the public. This provided the delegation with deeper insights into how other legislatures establish effective communication with the public in order to stay connected with the people.
     Members also exchanged views with various chambers of commerce, exploring how Hong Kong can more effectively play a bridging role to enable ASEAN countries to access to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area market and jointly promote the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative. Furthermore, the delegation highlighted to representatives of the chambers of commerce that the enactment of the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance has provided Hong Kong a stable and secure environment for business and investment.
     The duty visit covered a wide range of areas, including visits to local government departments, enterprises and key facilities relating to innovation and technology, industry, housing, education, culture and Halal certification. Members gained a deeper understanding of the respective strengths of Hong Kong and ASEAN member states in different fields, allowing mutual learning and driving co-development. Mr Leung added that the first-hand information obtained through the duty visit would enable Members to discuss with the Government on strengthening collaboration with ASEAN countries, and to jointly study more policies and measures that are beneficial to the people.
     The delegation is led by Mr Leung. Deputy delegation leader is the Chairman of the Parliamentary Liaison Subcommittee, Mr Tommy Cheung. Other participating members are Mr Jeffrey Lam, Ms Nixie Lam, Ms Joephy Chan, Mr Tang Fei, Ms Carmen Kan and Mr Yim Kong.
     Members of the delegation were excited about the successful completion of the duty visit and shared their experience. Mr Cheung said, "Every time I visited a parliament, and introduced myself as a representative of catering sector and strive to promote the development of Hong Kong's tourism industry, they all expressed envy. Coincidentally, the parliaments of the three ASEAN countries have engaged us in discussion about the economy, which showed everyone's keen focus on economic development. Therefore, we should engage with each other more often in the future, and enhance our parliamentary liaison efforts to deepen mutual trust and understanding."
     Mr Lam said, "In addition to learning about the latest developments of the three countries, we had in-depth engagement with the local parliaments and representatives of the political and business sectors, effectively telling the good and true stories of Hong Kong. We also seized the opportunity to introduce Hong Kong's post-pandemic landscape in terms of economics, trade, and tourism, welcoming enterprises and talents from the ASEAN countries to settle in Hong Kong. We looked forward to attracting more investors to establish regional headquarters and family offices in Hong Kong, taking our multilateral co-operation with ASEAN to new heights. I believe that Hong Kong and the three countries are both competitors and partners, and this relationship will enable mutual benefit and promote the development of the Belt and Road Initiative."
     Ms Lam said, "This duty visit provided an opportunity to deepen Hong Kong's relationships with the three ASEAN countries on multiple aspects. I will actively advocate for establishing platforms for deepening exchanges between Hong Kong's youth and ASEAN member states, enabling them to have a deeper understanding of the advancement in neighboring countries, broaden their horizon, so as to equip themselves to become talents who can contribute to the development of 'ASEAN+'."
     Ms Chan said, "This duty visit established objectives and directions for parliamentary liaison work. Under the leadership of the LegCo President, we established strong ties with three ASEAN member states and promoted Hong Kong's early accession to RCEP. We also took the opportunity to invite legislators, business representatives, and youth delegates from various regions to visit Hong Kong. Cross-border E-commerce was one of the major themes of this visit. China has a mature E-commerce market, while ASEAN countries are focusing on developing E-commerce and promoting digital transformation. Hong Kong, enjoying strong support of the Motherland and being closely connected to the world, can leverage its strength as a 'super-connector' to explore opportunities under the initiative of Digital Silk Road and achieve breakthrough in traditional trade."
     Mr Tang said, "This LegCo duty visit to the Southeast Asia was rewarding, establishing stronger ties with the parliaments, government departments, business sectors and various sectors of the community in the three countries. It truly demonstrated that communication and exchanges are the best way to promote the mutually beneficial co-operation and friendship between Hong Kong and countries in the Southeast Asia. Beneath the solemn parliamentary buildings of each country, we encountered parliament members and government officials who are down-to-earth and dedicated to development. Although we are from different countries, we share the common objective of serving the public and working towards their betterment."
     Ms Kan said, "The most impressive aspect of this visit was the exchange with the Chinese Ambassador to ASEAN and representatives from other ASEAN countries. I felt deeply the mutual enthusiasm and close partnership among each other, as well as the mutual benefits of Hong Kong's early accession to RCEP. I was also deeply impressed that the Ambassadors placed importance on ASEAN, as well as their concern and assistance for Hong Kong, local Hong Kong businesses and communities."
     Mr Yim said, "This duty visit was successfully completed. We had substantive exchanges with the parliaments, government departments, Chinese Embassies, business communities, overseas Chinese community leaders as well as scientific research and educational institutions of the three ASEAN countries we visited. We also highlighted the necessity of enacting legislation on Article 23 of the Basic Law, which has enhanced the business environment, and promoted Hong Kong's early accession to RCEP. With the deepening mutually beneficial co-operation between China and ASEAN, Hong Kong can better play its role as a 'super-connector' in going global and attracting foregin investment, vigorously pursuing our economic growth and striving for development."
     The delegation visited Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore from May 12 to 18. The delegation expressed its gratitude to the relevant government departments and reception units of Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore for the thoughtful arrangements, as well as the overseas Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices for the assistance provided. Their support contributed significantly to the success of the duty visit.

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Health Bureau holds World Family Doctor Day Symposium to confer with healthcare professionals on way forward for promoting primary healthcare services (with photos)

     The Health Bureau (HHB) and the Hong Kong College of Family Physicians (HKCFP) jointly held the World Family Doctor Day Symposium today (May 18) to share and discuss with healthcare professionals the ways of enlisting concerted effort to promote primary healthcare services with family doctors to support citizens in improving their well-being.  

     The Secretary for Health, Professor Lo Chung-mau, said, "Family doctors never work alone. As promulgated in the Primary Healthcare Blueprint released by the HHB, family doctors form a system that helps citizens improve their health through a cross-disciplinary network. The Government is constructing the eHealth+ platform, coupled with a community-level network in which family doctors are supported by cross-disciplinary healthcare professionals, enabling citizens to receive suitable primary healthcare services. Our ultimate goal is to shift the focus of the healthcare system from treatment to prevention. Along the way, family doctors undoubtedly play an important role. I am hopeful that more doctors will join the ranks of family doctors.

     "Taking the Chronic Disease Co-Care Pilot Scheme (CDCC Pilot Scheme) launched by the Government in last November as an example, the Scheme attracted nearly 38 000 citizens to date to undergo screening for diabetes mellitus (DM) and hypertension (HT) under government subsidy. At present, 500-plus doctors put the 'Family Doctor for All' concept into practice at over 600 service locations. As at May 15, some 21 000 participants have completed DM and HT screening. Among them, close to 40 per cent were found to have prediabetes, DM or HT and are now receiving prompt health management with doctors' assistance and under government subsidy."

     Professor Lo added, "In addition, the Primary Healthcare Office (PHO) will be transformed into the Primary Healthcare Commission (PHC Commission). The PHC Commission will oversee and manage the strategic planning and provision, standard setting and quality assurance of public and private primary healthcare services as well as training of primary healthcare professionals in a bid to enhance primary healthcare services. It will also plan services and allocate resources through strategic purchasing with the support of the Strategic Purchasing Office under the HHB to gradually implement the various recommendations put forward in the Blueprint."

     At the Symposium today, the HHB presented certificates of appreciation to the HKCFP and five family doctors who actively participate in the CDCC Pilot Scheme to acknowledge their efforts in promoting the prevention of chronic diseases as well as their contribution to and support for the primary healthcare of Hong Kong. The five doctors being commended are Dr Hung Hing-hoi, Dr Lam Wing-wo, Dr Sau Chung-ying, Dr Sin Ka-ling and Dr Arthur Wong.

     The Symposium brought together over a hundred representatives from different medical specialties. Speakers at the Symposium included the Dean of the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong, Professor Lau Chak-sing; the Director of the Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Professor Samuel Wong; and the President of the HKCFP, Dr David Chao. A representative of the PHO also gave the attendees a preview on the Government's new initiatives to be launched according to recommendations in the Blueprint, including the expansion of the number of drugs covered in the drug list of the CDCC Pilot Scheme, the ramping up of nurse clinic and allied healthcare services as well as the upgrading of functions of the electronic platform with a view to fine-tuning the CDCC Pilot Scheme.

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OFCA organises second 5G Campus Application Competition (with photos)

     In view of the overwhelming responses received from the inaugural 5G Campus Application Competition under the theme of "5G Campus for Smart Life" last year, the Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA) organises the Competition again this year under the theme of "5G x AI – Smart Living and Learning Anytime Anywhere" to enhance students' understanding of the enormous potentials of the fifth generation mobile (5G) technology and its extensive innovative applications, as well as to inspire them to apply both 5G and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in creating smart living experiences.
     Speaking at the Kick-off Ceremony cum Seminar of the Competition today (May 18), the Director-General of Communications, Mr Chaucer Leung, said, "The first 5G Campus Application Competition organised by OFCA last year was well received with active participation from dozens of schools. We are therefore motivated to organise the second Competition this year focusing on 5G technology and AI, with a view to keeping abreast with the latest technological development.
     "Innovative applications riding on 5G and AI technologies can provide faster response, richer content and higher quality user experience, which will bring profound impacts to the development of society. Taking the education sector as an example, AI can help students learn more effectively by developing personalised study plans based on their learning data and behaviour analysis. In addition, AI can transform a community into a smart and sustainable ecosystem with 5G connectivity, fostering a more environmental friendly living environment in the neighbourhood," Mr Leung added.
     Through the Competition, OFCA hopes to encourage participating students to further unleash their creativity by applying technologies in their learning environment, local community and daily life, so as to transform the community into a platform for learning, experimenting, and showcasing new ideas. The Competition is now open for registration and OFCA encourages all local secondary school students to actively participate to exhibit their talents.
     This year's 5G Campus Application Competition, co-organised by the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC), will be held in stages, comprising the 5G and AI Knowledge Inspiration Training Workshop, the first round assessment, the Mobile App Development Training Workshop, the final round assessment and an award presentation ceremony. Participating teams are required to design an innovative mobile application and/or relevant prototype incorporating 5G with AI technologies, in order to achieve the objectives of enriching campus life, improving learning experience, enhancing teaching resources, improving the environment or facilities of their schools' neighbourhood and/or realising smart living.
     The General Manager of the Smart City Division of the HKPC, Mr Samson Suen, also officiated at the event today. Senior practitioners of the innovative technology and education sectors were invited to share with students and other participants about 5G and AI applications and the future development trends. A representative from the HKPC also briefed the audience about the requirements and points to note of the Competition.
     The Competition is supported by the communications sector as well as various educational organisations, including the Communications Association of Hong Kong, the Association of I.T. Leaders in Education, the Hong Kong Association for Computer Education, the Hong Kong Competence Education Research Institute, the Association of Hong Kong Chinese Middle Schools, the Hong Kong Computer Society, the Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers and the Hong Kong STEM Education Alliance.
     Application for the Competition is open until May 31. Participants should take part as a school team consisting of three to five students and one teacher as team leader. To enrol in and learn more about the Competition, please visit OFCA's website (www.ofca.gov.hk/5gcompetition/en/home/index.html).

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Education Bureau launches Healthy Living, Happy Family Series – Thrive Party for Kids and Families (with photos)

     The Under Secretary for Education, Mr Sze Chun-fai, kicked off the Healthy Living, Happy Family Series – Thrive Party for Kids and Families today (May 18) together with the ambassadors of the Positive Parent Campaign, Mommy Light and Daddy Light.

     Under the Positive Parent Campaign, the Education Bureau (EDB) organised three events of the Thrive Party for Kids and Families in May and June. The events are aimed at encouraging parents and children to develop a healthy lifestyle together, which includes having adequate sleep, daily exercises, leisure activities and sufficient rest. Thus, both parents and children can relax properly and maintain their physical and psychological well-being to facilitate the happy and healthy development of children.

     Speaking at the ceremony, Mr Sze said that parents are inevitably under pressure when facing difficulties and challenges in their work and daily lives. To avoid the negative impacts from stress, parents should first learn to care for themselves, recognise and understand their own emotions and maintain well-being through developing a healthy lifestyle together with their children. Children can thus grow up in a safe and loving environment.

     A spokesperson for the EDB said that the Thrive Party for Kids and Families provides a wide range of interesting activities. There are five thematic zones, namely Parent-child Fun Day Camp, Stay Calm and Relax Zone, Kids Fit Workout Station, Warmie's Amazing Maze Playground, and Glowie's Favourite Books Corner. Parents and children are encouraged to try out the experiential activities in their daily lives to develop a healthy lifestyle, enhance their well-being and build a positive parent-child relationship.  

     In the Parent-child Fun Day Camp, there are a parent-child relay race, a parent-child yoga session and an expert sharing nutritious recipe tips. The race is divided into kindergarten group and primary group, testing how well parents and their children can co-operate. The winners will receive a certificate of commendation and fabulous prizes. 

     Activities in other zones include singing bowl sessions, a mini-maze for kids and floorball games, as well as various thematic workshops such as storytelling, origami and badge making. These activities allow parents and their children to unleash their creativity and strengthen their parent-child relationship.

     The first Thrive Party for Kids and Families event was launched at the Central Market today. The second and third events will be held at Tseung Kwan O Plaza on June 1 and Tsuen Wan Citywalk on June 8 respectively, from 11am to 8pm. All the activities are free of charge but some activities have limited quotas and require pre-registration. A number of quotas are available for walk-in people. Souvenirs will be given out on a first-come, first-served basis. Parents may visit the event website (www.parent.edu.hk/en/smart-parent-net/topics/article/orpa2024) for the registration procedures and other details.

     The EDB has been running the Positive Parent Campaign since 2020 and has organised various activities to promote the proper ways and attitudes of nurturing children to parents and the general public. For the latest information of the Positive Parenting Campaign, please visit the Smart Parent Net website (www.parent.edu.hk/en/smart-parent-net) or follow the Facebook (www.facebook.com/parents.edu.hk) and Instagram pages (www.instagram.com/parents.edu.hk) of the Smart Parent Net.

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Red flags hoisted at some beaches

Attention TV/radio announcers:

Please broadcast the following as soon as possible:

     Here is an item of interest to swimmers.

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced today (May 18) that due to big waves, red flags have been hoisted at Stanley Main Beach, Shek O Beach and Big Wave Bay Beach in Southern District, Hong Kong Island. Beachgoers are advised not to swim at these beaches.