Designated webpage for Secondary Six students with updated information for release of HKDSE exam results

     The results of the 2024 Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination will be released on July 17. To assist Secondary Six (S6) students to prepare for the release of the results, the Education Bureau (EDB) has specially updated the "Designated Webpage for S6 Students" ( to provide students, parents and schools with the latest information on multiple pathways and important information on various support and counselling services. 
     Students can input their predicted or actual HKDSE Examination results to the mobile application "e-Navigator" ( to search for programmes including degrees, sub-degrees and the Diploma of Applied Education from local institutions for which they meet the minimum entrance requirements. Thus, they can work out appropriate further studies plans. 
     The webpage also provides timely updates on "Reminders for 2024 HKDSE Exam and Exam Results Release" infographics ( and other related information, including the latest information and support measures from the EDB, Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA), the Joint University Programmes Admissions System Office and other non-governmental organisations. This can help S6 students plan their future studies and career pathways.
     Moreover, the EDB has launched "Cheer Up Videos – HKDSE Examination Preparation and Results Release" to instil positive energy in S6 students. The videos have been uploaded in batches to the Cheer Up Zone on the webpage (
     The EDB will continue to maintain close communication with schools and other stakeholders to help students plan for their future pathways. For the arrangements of the HKDSE Examination results release, please refer to the latest announcements on the website of the HKEAA (

Missing woman in Kwai Chung located

     A woman who went missing in Kwai Chung has been located.

     Lau Leung-ching, aged 56, went missing after she left a rehabilitation centre on Wo Tong Tsui Street on May 10 morning. Staff of the rehabilitation centre made a report to Police on the same day.

     The woman was located at a hospital on Gascoigne Road in Yau Ma Tei this morning (May 21). No suspicious circumstances were detected.

SCST to visit Xi’an

     The Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr Kevin Yeung, will depart for Xi'an in Shaanxi Province today (May 21) in the afternoon. He will attend a high-level meeting related to tourism.
     Mr Yeung will return to Hong Kong on May 22 (Wednesday) in the evening. During his absence, the Under Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr Raistlin Lau, will be the Acting Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism.

Transcript of remarks by CE at media session before ExCo (with video)

     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, at a media session before the Executive Council meeting today (May 21):
Reporter: Good morning. Some English questions. Over the weekend, the head of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority Henry Tang hoped that the Government can reply to the authority's financial proposals promptly. What is the progress at the moment? Secondly, several days ago, YouTube announced that it has taken off dozens of videos of the “2019 protest song” since the injunction order came into effect. Does the Government have any plans to request other online platforms to do the same? Thank you.
Chief Executive: The West Kowloon Cultural District is designed to self-finance after some big government endowments. It is supposed to be a self-financing and self-running institution. That is the KPI set by the Government for the West Kowloon Cultural District. We appreciate that it is facing some difficulties in financing its day-to-day operation in the long run. Yes, the Government is in communication with the governing body of the West Kowloon Cultural District. We will discuss possible options, but whatever is eventually decided, one important point, I think, for everybody to note, is that government money must be spent very carefully. Whatever option is eventually agreed, it is important that there will be KPIs set for some of the development and operation of the West Kowloon Cultural District. We have high expectations of the successful operation of the West Kowloon Cultural District, and it has been creating value for Hong Kong. In many areas, it has been doing a job which satisfies the expectations and wishes of the community and the Government, but we want to ensure that there will be a long-term viable financing plan with good KPIs, and we will be in communication with the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority to achieve that purpose. A decision will be made very soon.
     In regard to the song in question, which you have asked, the court order is an injunction against four specified acts in relation to the song in question. We have noted that there is no link (as specified in the injunction) shown on any local platform relating to the song, and also Google search (in Hong Kong) doesn't show any link to the song in question (as specified in the injunction) either. We will continue to monitor the situation to see whether there is any non-compliance with the court order. If we notice such instances, then we will notify the platform of the contents of the court order. I believe that operators in general operate within the law. We will continue to monitor the situation.
(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)

Japanese companies join innovation and technology mission to understand Hong Kong’s investment environment and explore business opportunities (with photos)

     â€‹Invest Hong Kong (InvestHK) and Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Tokyo) jointly organised an Innovation and Technology (Biotech) Mission, comprising 15 delegates from 10 Japanese biotechnology companies, two Japanese venture capital firms and a Japanese startup incubator to visit Hong Kong from May 15 to 18 to understand Hong Kong's innovation and technology (I&T) market and its investment environment.

     This is the second sectoral business mission from Japan in recent years, following a food and beverage mission successfully held in April 2023.

     The mission delegates joined the Asia Summit on Global Health organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council on May 16 and 17, and attended the deal-making session to conduct a number of business matching meetings with potential investors, investees and business partners.

     At the welcome dinner held on May 16, the Associate Director-General of Investment Promotion, Dr Jimmy Chiang, said, "Hong Kong's strengths in scientific research, policy support, intellectual property protection, financial markets, and talent make the city an ideal place for life and health sciences development. We look forward to assisting more Mainland and foreign I&T companies to set up their base in Hong Kong,"

     On May 17, the delegates visited the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) to attend a briefing session on the business environment and opportunities available in Hong Kong and a tour to the HKSTP's Japanese tenants’ lab and other facilities. The delegates then attended a networking dinner organised by InvestHK.

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