
Author Archives: hksar gov

Phishing emails related to Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:

     The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) wishes to alert members of the public to a press release issued by Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited relating to phishing emails, which have been reported to the HKMA. A hyperlink to the press release is available on the HKMA website.
     The HKMA wishes to remind the public that banks will not send SMS or emails with embedded hyperlinks which direct them to the banks’ websites to carry out transactions. They will not ask customers for sensitive personal information, such as login passwords or one-time password, by phone, email or SMS (including via embedded hyperlinks).
     Anyone who has provided his or her personal information, or who has conducted any financial transactions, through or in response to the emails concerned, should contact the bank using the contact information provided in the press release, and report the matter to the Police by contacting the Crime Wing Information Centre of the Hong Kong Police Force at 2860 5012. read more

CE meets Executive Director of United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (with photo)

     â€‹The Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, met with the visiting Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and Director-General of the United Nations Office at Vienna, Ms Ghada Fathi Waly, today (May 22). The Commissioner of the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), Mr Woo Ying-ming, also attended the meeting.
     Mr Lee welcomed Ms Waly’s visit to Hong Kong with her delegation to attend the 8th ICAC Symposium commencing today, and sign a Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of the UNODC with the ICAC to further strengthen collaboration on promoting international anti-corruption. Mr Lee said that the dedication of the UNODC to leading its member countries to combat drugs, organised crime and terrorism has been highly valued.
     Noting that Hong Kong is one of the cleanest cities in the world, Mr Lee attributed the achievement to the determination of the Government, a robust legal system and public support. The ICAC has strived to strengthen liaison with its overseas counterparts to push forward the effective implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption, promoting Hong Kong’s anti-corruption achievements to the global community and the international graft-fighting collaborations. As part of these efforts, the ICAC has joined the UNODC’s Global Operational Network of Anti-Corruption Law Enforcement Authorities to share its anti-corruption experiences with other representatives from various places. The Hong Kong International Academy Against Corruption, which was established early this year, co-organised an international anti-corruption training programme with the network to provide a learning platform for graft fighters from all over the world. In addition, with the support of the Central Government, the ICAC Commissioner has been the President of the International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (IAACA) since 2022. The ICAC co-hosted the Symposium with the IAACA to gather representatives of anti-corruption agencies and experts around the world to exchange views on global challenges and strategies in anti-graft work, he added.
     Mr Lee said that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government will continue to work closely with the UNODC to promote experience-sharing among their anti-graft counterparts and advance the international anti-corruption cause together.

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LCQ1: Road safety of cyclists

     Following is a question by the Hon Lee Chun-keung and a reply by the Secretary for Transport and Logistics, Mr Lam Sai-hung, in the Legislative Council today (May 22):
     It is learnt that public demand for food delivery services has been keen in recent years and most takeaway food couriers deliver takeaway food by bicycles, leading to a significant increase in the number of bicycles on roads. Many motorists have relayed that some cyclists have a weak awareness of obeying traffic regulations, including not wearing helmets and riding fast on roads, which affects the safety of other road users. In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:
(1) of the number of summonses issued as well as the numbers of traffic accidents and casualties involving cyclists contravening traffic regulations in each of the past five years and, among such accidents, the numbers of those involving takeaway food couriers;
(2) whether it will step up training, education and publicity on cycling among takeaway food couriers, so as to enhance their road safety awareness and reduce traffic accidents involving them; and
(3) whether it will consider requiring cyclists to obtain specific licences by taking tests and wear reflective clothing when cycling, and stipulating that bicycles must be fitted with reflective markings before they can be used on roads; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that?
     The Government attaches great importance to cycling safety and, where road safety considerations and circumstances permit, foster a “bicycle-friendly environment” by constructing or improving cycle tracks and related facilities in new development areas and new towns, with a view to facilitating the public to use bicycles for short-distance commuting or recreational purposes and thereby reducing the use of mechanised transport. In urban areas, the traffic is generally very heavy while the roads are narrow and crowded, and there are frequent on-street loading and unloading activities with many vehicles passing and stopping by the roadside for a brief period of time. Due to road safety considerations, the Government does not encourage the public to use bicycles as a mode of transport in urban areas. The Transport Department (TD) and the Hong Kong Police Force (the Police) have been monitoring and analysing the statistics and situation of cycling accidents, implementing appropriate enhancement measures, and rolling out publicity and public education activities.
     In consultation with the TD and the Police, I would like to reply to the question raised by the Hon Lee Chun-keung as follows:
(1) The numbers of prosecutions against cycling offences and the numbers of accidents and casualties involving bicycles (including cyclists and other road users killed/injured in the accidents) in each of the past five years are tabulated below:

Year Number of
Number of
Number of
Fatal# Serious# Slight# Total Killed Seriously
2019 2 350 8 183 1 547 1 738 8 186 1 605 1 799
2020 4 018 17 457 2 263 2 737 17 460 2 345 2 822
2021 6 768 8 507 2 479 2 994 8 508 2 601 3 117
2022 5 832 10 143 2 071 2 224 10 144 2 156 2 310
2023 4 094 6* 104* 1 866* 1 976* 6* 106* 1 935* 2 047*
^ The numbers of prosecutions cover traffic offences involving the use of bicycles, including reckless or careless cycling, cycling without switching on the lights during hours of darkness, not following traffic signals or signs, carrying passengers when cycling and cycling on pavements.
# A “fatal accident” is an accident in which one or more persons die within 30 days of the accident; a “serious accident” is an accident in which one or more persons are injured and stayed in hospital for more than 12 hours; and a “slight accident” is an accident in which one or more persons are injured or stayed in hospital for not more than 12 hours if necessary.
* Provisional figures
     Both the TD and the Police have not maintained a breakdown of the number of traffic accidents and related casualties involving couriers of food delivery. The Police conducted a one-off thematic study in respect of traffic accidents involving bicycles (including fatal and seriously injured cases) occurred in the first six months of 2021, and collated the number of traffic accidents and casualties related to food delivery. The findings indicated that the number of cycling accidents involving food delivery with fatal and seriously injured cases accounted for about 0.1 per cent (i.e. about one of a thousand) of the total number of traffic accidents across the city during the same period, with eight people seriously injured and no fatalities. Overall speaking, the number of traffic accidents and casualties involving bicycles has shown a downward trend since 2021.
(2) The Government will continue enhancing the safety awareness of road users through publicity, education and enforcement work. The TD has been collaborating with the Road Safety Council and the Police in launching various publicity and educational activities with a view to promoting road safety to all road users (including cyclists). Examples include publishing and distributing the Road Safety Bulletins and publicity publications, organising road safety seminars for food delivery platforms, affixing full-height publicity posters to traffic signal controllers, making and telecasting publicity video clips on the Internet, disseminating cycling safety information through social media platforms and so forth, so that cyclists understand road safety matters that require their attention, including following the traffic rules at all times and wearing personal protective gear (such as safety helmets). The Police will also visit various community centres, bicycle rental shops, cycling clubs, automobile associations and food delivery operators, etc, to promote cycling safety information and remind road users to pay attention to cycling safety.
(3) Same as the common practice in other regions, there is currently no requirement in Hong Kong for cyclists to obtain the relevant driving licenses. However, as bicycles are regarded as vehicles, cyclists have the same obligation to follow the laws and regulations applicable to drivers when cycling on the road. These include the relevant provisions of the Road Traffic Ordinance (Cap. 374) and its subsidiary legislation, as well as the Road Users’ Code (RUC). Among the ten chapters in the RUC, one of them is “For Cyclists”. Failing to observe the RUC may be taken into account by the court when deciding the liability of a road user and whether he/she was in contravention of the laws, and to what extent it was his/her fault. Therefore, cyclists should observe the RUC to safeguard the safety of themselves and other road users.
     On the requirements of reflectors, the Road Traffic (Construction and Maintenance of Vehicles) Regulations (Cap. 374A) already contain the relevant mandatory requirements, specifying the standards of installation of reflectors on bicycles. Moreover, according to the RUC, cyclists are required to wear bright, light-coloured, fluorescent or reflective clothing or wear reflective belts to make themselves more visible (including in the dark and in poor light) to other road users.
     The Government will closely monitor the issue of cycling safety and continue its efforts on publicity and education to encourage cyclists to pay attention to and comply with the relevant laws and regulations, thereby promoting public awareness of cycling safety and reducing traffic accidents. In addition, cycling safety is one of the “selected traffic enforcement priorities”, and the Police will take enforcement actions against cycling violations.
     Thank you, President. read more

LCQ13: Maintenance of trees and flowers

     Following is a question by the Hon Luk Chung-hung and a written reply by the Secretary for Development, Ms Bernadette Linn, in the Legislative Council today (May 22):
     It has been learnt that in recent years, popular plants such as sweet gums, tabebuia chrysantha and cherry blossoms have respectively been planted at Tai Tong Sweet Gum Woods in Tai Lam Country Park, Nam Cheong Park and on the airport island, among other locations, attracting viewing and “checking-in” by members of the public and tourists. On the other hand, there are views that Hong Kong’s climate is suitable for the planting of various tree and flower species, and that spectacular scenery of colourful blooms is not only pleasing to the eyes, but can also promote the development of the tourism industry and drive the economy. However, it is learnt that at present, the tree and flower species planted in most districts of Hong Kong are relatively homogeneous and without proper maintenance. In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:
(1) of (i) the number of tree management personnel in various government departments, and (ii) the top 10 major tree or flower species under their management and their numbers;
(2) whether the Tree Management Office of the Development Bureau and/or various tree management departments have formulated new criteria for determining the tree or flower species to be planted;
(3) whether it will consider planting more trees or flowers of different species in more places to create scenic spots with district characteristics; if so, of the locations and species; if not, the reasons for that;
(4) whether it will introduce more new techniques to ensure that trees or flowers stay aesthetically pleasing and healthy; if so, of the details, and how the authorities ensure that the staff of the government departments and/or the contractors concerned can master such techniques; if not, the reasons for that; and
(5) whether it has implemented human resources plans for the arboriculture profession and provided more professional training for tree management personnel in both the public and private sectors, so as to ensure that there will be sufficient arboriculture professionals to cope with the future demand and even facilitate the development of the arboriculture industry?
     The Development Bureau (DEVB) advocates the principle of “Right Plant, Right Place” and seeks to enhance the landscape and tree management arrangements, with a view to developing a sustainable urban landscape and making Hong Kong a more liveable city. In recent years, when choosing plants for landscape design, various government departments have attached much importance to enhancing biodiversity, improving local ecological environments and preparing for climate change. They are also choosing more species with conspicuous flowers to enrich the landscape. My reply to the various parts of the question is as follows:
(1) The number of trees maintained by core tree management departments and the number of their tree management personnel, inclusive of staff of departments and contractors (as at the end of 2023), are tabulated below:

Core tree management department Number of trees (rounded to the nearest 100) Number of tree management personnel (Note 1)
Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department 28 400 (Note 2) 87
Architectural Services Department 143 700 209
Civil Engineering and Development Department 40 500 (Note 3) 128 (Note 3)
Drainage Services Department 16 900 95
Highways Department 580 300 215
Housing Department 87 500 255
Lands Department Not applicable (Note 4) 215
Leisure and Cultural Services Department 542 600 313
Water Supplies Department 149 100 42

Note 1: The figures represent the number of staff involved in day-to-day tree management only. Those temporarily deployed on a need basis and management personnel at the strategic level are not included.
Note 2: The figure represents the number of trees in frequently used areas and facilities in country parks only.
Note 3: The numbers of trees and tree management personnel in infrastructural projects will vary at different project stages.

Note 4: The unallocated and unleased government land (UUGL) is under the jurisdiction of the Lands Department, which is responsible for providing non-routine tree maintenance on UUGL that is not maintained by any designated government departments. The exact number of trees on UUGL is not available due to the large number of trees.

     According to the data collated from the core tree management departments, the ten most common tree species (in descending order) are Taiwan Acacia (Acacia confusa), Paper-bark Tree (Melaleuca cajuputi), Chinese Banyan (Ficus microcarpa), Elephant’s Ear (Macaranga tanarius), Chinese Fan-palm (Livistona chinensis), Queen Crape Myrtle (Lagerstroemia speciosa), Chinese Hackberry (Celtis sinensis), Horsetail Tree (Casuarina equisetifolia), Candlenut Tree (Aleurites moluccana) and Camphor Tree (Cinnamomum camphora), with about 270 000 trees in total. Government departments have been planting more plants with special features in recent years, such as Yellow Pui (Tabebuia chrysantha), Rosy Trumpet Tree (Tabebuia rosea), Sweet Viburnum (Viburnum odoratissimum), Golden Penda (Xanthostemon chrysanthus) and Scarlet Sterculia (Sterculia lanceolata) planted in urban areas, as well as Sweet Gum (Liquidambar formosana), Schima (Schima superba) and Hong Kong Gordonia (Polyspora axillaris) planted in rural areas.
(2) and (3) The “Right Plant, Right Place” principle advocated by the DEVB encompasses considerations such as availability of planting space; adaptability, characteristics and matching of species; as well as compatibility with landscape designs and the environs. The DEVB encourages the tree management departments and the industry to plant the right plants which can suit the environment and attain the designed functions while allowing them to grow healthily in a sustainable manner. To this end, the DEVB published in 2018 the “Street Tree Selection Guide”, which was subsequently updated in 2023, to provide information on 80 tree species for reference by various departments and the industry, thereby encouraging higher diversity of urban tree species.
     With reference to district characteristics, we have formulated Greening Master Plans for every district, which provide recommendations on thematic planting, including the planting of trees with conspicuous flowers. In addition, we encourage tree management departments and works departments to consider planting more plants with conspicuous flowers at suitable locations in new projects and within existing green spaces.
     At present, more plants with conspicuous flowers have been planted in various districts, such as the cherry blossoms in On King Street Park near Shek Mun in Sha Tin, Tai Po Waterfront Park and Hong Kong Velodrome Park in Tseung Kwan O; the Tabebuia trees of different colours in Nam Cheong Park and Tin Shui Wai Park; the Flame of the Forest (Delonix regia) in Tuen Mun Park and along the riverside of the Kwong Fuk Bridge in Tai Po; as well as the Hong Kong Orchid Tree (Bauhinia blakeana) in Kowloon Tsai Park. In 2023, the Government announced the launching of the “Shining City Project” to carry out urban beautification work along the Shing Mun River and the Yuen Long Nullah. Such work includes the planting of trees with conspicuous flowers, such as Camel’s Foot Tree (Bauhinia variegata), Yellow Pui (Tabebuia chrysantha) and cherry blossoms along both sides of the Shing Mun River, and the planting of Beautiful Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea spectabilis) and other shrubs with conspicuous flowers along both sides of the Yuen Long Nullah.
(4) To promote healthy growth of plants, the DEVB promulgated a technical circular that requires new at-grade road projects to reserve sufficient growing space for roadside greening. In addition, the DEVB formulated the “Guidelines on Soil Improvement” and the “Guidelines on Soil Volume for Urban Trees”, which provide strategies and methods for soil improvement and set out design standards for soil volume and soil depth for newly planted trees.
     The adoption of applicable technology in tree management provides useful aids in monitoring the health and structure of trees and tracking their changes and anomalies. In view of this, the DEVB has been proactively identifying emerging know-how to enhance tree management, co-operating with local institutions in trying out potential technology through research and pilot projects, and sharing the relevant progress and experience with tree management departments. Major technologies currently in use or on trial include tree tilt sensors, root detection systems with tomographic scanning, remote sensing multispectral imaging and 3D LiDAR sketching. The outcomes of the relevant research and pilot projects will be disseminated through guidelines or sharing sessions as appropriate, thereby enabling staff of relevant government departments and contractors to master the technologies.
(5) The Government has long been concerned about the manpower situation of the industry, and has been allocating resources to the training of tree management personnel. In mid-2020, the DEVB launched the $200 million Urban Forestry Support Fund to attract more entrants to the arboriculture and horticulture industry, so as to meet the demand for manpower and uplift the professional standards of practitioners. With support of the Fund, various new initiatives have been rolled out, including the Study Sponsorship Scheme which provides sponsorships and scholarships to encourage more people to undertake arboriculture, tree management and arboriculture-related programmes. Training allowances are also provided for arboriculture and tree management graduates through the Trainee Programme to help them receive structured on-the-job training to acquire actual work experience, with training periods lasting from 18 months to three years. The Government also launched the Registration Scheme for Tree Management Personnel in December 2020, which encourages all eligible in-service arboriculture practitioners to register on a voluntary basis in order to uplift the standard of arboriculture practitioners. As at end-2023, over 870 practitioners have registered under the scheme. Moreover, the DEVB provides staff of government departments with over 5 000 training places annually, covering various areas of tree management which include professional training. read more