
Author Archives: hksar gov

Effective Exchange Rate Index

     The effective exchange rate index for the Hong Kong dollar on Monday, May 27, 2024 is 106.2 (same as last Saturday’s index).

     The effective exchange rate index for the Hong Kong dollar on Saturday, May 25, 2024 was 106.2 (down 0.1 against last Friday’s index). read more

EMSD releases latest lift maintenance cost information of private residential and commercial premises

     The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) today (May 27) released the latest maintenance cost information on lifts in private residential and commercial premises in Hong Kong for public reference in choosing registered lift contractors.

     The EMSD had earlier engaged an independent consultant to conduct a sampling survey on the maintenance costs of lifts in private residential and commercial buildings in Hong Kong. The consultant analysed the data collected from about 9 430 lifts at about 2 420 locations, and calculated the average monthly maintenance costs of the lifts as follows:

Private residential buildings

Lift travel level Rated speed of lift Average monthly lift maintenance cost Changes as compared with last survey (Note)
1 to 15 ≤ 1.0m/s
> 1.0m/s
16 to 25 ≤ 1.5m/s
> 1.5m/s
26 to 35 ≤ 1.75m/s 
> 1.75m/s
More than 35 ≤ 2.5m/s
> 2.5m/s 

Private commercial buildings
Lift travel level  Rated speed of lift Average monthly lift maintenance cost Changes as compared with last survey (Note)
1 to 15  ≤ 1.5m/s
> 1.5m/s 
16 to 25 ≤ 2.0m/s
> 2.0m/s 
26 to 35 ≤ 3.0m/s
> 3.0m/s 
More than 35 ≤ 3.5m/s
> 3.5m/s

     The cost information is available in the Responsible Persons’ Corner on the EMSD website ( The EMSD will update it on a half-yearly basis.

     In choosing registered lift contractors, the responsible persons for lifts are advised to make reference to the materials published in the Responsible Persons’ Corner in addition to the price factor. The materials include:
* performance ratings of registered contractors;
* sample contracts for procurement of lift maintenance services;
* a guidebook for persons responsible for lifts;
* guidelines for selection of registered contractors for provision of maintenance services;
* guidelines for modernisation of existing lifts;
* guidelines for management of lift maintenance works;
* a checklist for building management staff to conduct daily safety inspection of lifts; and
* common questions and answers on lift management.

Note: The above price figures were updated on March 31, 2024, whereas the previous price figures were updated on September 30, 2023. read more

Hong Kong Monetary Authority delegation visited Malaysia to strengthen bilateral financial collaboration (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:

     The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) delegation concluded a three-day visit to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on May 24 to strengthen financial collaboration between Malaysia and Hong Kong.
     Led by the Chief Executive of the HKMA, Mr Eddie Yue, the delegation held bilateral meeting with the Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), focusing on strategic areas including digital finance and fintech, green and sustainable finance, payment systems, use of local currencies for cross-border trade and Islamic finance.
     Representatives from the HKMA and the BNM also joined the Malaysia Business Forum, organised by the Hong Kong Association of Banks. Attended by over 160 senior representatives from leading local and international banks operating in the two places, the Forum provided a platform to discuss and exchange views on financial co-operation and topics of mutual interests between Malaysia and Hong Kong.
     The delegation also met with key business and financial leaders in Malaysia to discuss new opportunities arising from the strengthening economic and financial ties between Malaysia and Hong Kong.
     Mr Yue remarked, “Hong Kong and Malaysia share a vision of promoting regional economic co-operation, fintech innovation and climate transition. As the gateway to the Mainland and a leading economy in ASEAN respectively, Hong Kong and Malaysia are well positioned to work together to drive closer partnership and sustainable growth across the entire Asia region.”
     This visit is part of the HKMA’s ongoing efforts to expand its global network. Following successful visits to Thailand, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates earlier, the HKMA plans to continue its engagement with the Middle East and other Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries to maintain and further strengthen Hong Kong’s status as an international financial centre.

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