STL welcomes International Chamber of Shipping to organise high-level global summit during Hong Kong Maritime Week 2024 (with photos)

     The Secretary for Transport and Logistics, Mr Lam Sai-hung, and the Secretary General of the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), Mr Guy Platten, met today (May 28) to exchange views about the latest developments in the global maritime industry. 

     At the meeting, Mr Lam shared about the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government (HKSARG)'s continuous efforts to reinforce Hong Kong's position as the world's leading international maritime centre, in particular the promulgation of the Action Plan on Maritime and Port Development Strategy in December 2023, which sets out key strategies and action measures to support the maritime and port industry.

     Given the rapidly evolving maritime trends, from sustainability goals to technological advancements, Mr Lam and Mr Platten agreed that there is a need to enhance collaboration among different stakeholders within the industry. In this regard, Mr Lam welcomed the ICS's plan to organise a high-level Global Maritime Trade Summit in November in Hong Kong this year, which aims to facilitate dialogues and co-operation among industry leaders and policymakers worldwide on topical issues concerning global trade and shipping. Mr Lam highlighted that it is also opportune for the Summit to be staged as one of the pivotal events in the Hong Kong Maritime Week (HKMW) 2024. 

     "As an international maritime centre, Hong Kong is well positioned to serve as a global platform that fosters cross-border exchange and synergy. We express our gratitude for the ICS's continuous support for the Hong Kong maritime industry, as revealed by its active participation in the annual flagship event HKMW over the past several years. Hong Kong looks forward to welcoming the Summit later this year," said Mr Lam.

     The Summit is scheduled to be held during the HKMW 2024 and will gather industry leaders, policymakers, business executives, and experts from different maritime sub-sectors across the globe. The Summit will explore innovative solutions to address the most pressing challenges facing the maritime industry, including promoting efficiency, sustainability, and resilience in global trade and shipping. 

     â€‹The HKMW is in its eighth edition this year. Organised by the Hong Kong Maritime Port Board with the sponsorship of the HKSARG, the HKMW is a major annual event in Hong Kong during which maritime leaders from home and abroad take part in a week of activities that showcase Hong Kong as an international maritime centre. Co-organisers of the event are the Hong Kong Shipowners Association and the Hong Kong Maritime Museum, together with the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and Invest Hong Kong as partners. The HKMW 2024 will be staged from November 17 to 23, 2024, and will feature a diverse range of maritime-themed conferences, events and activities.

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FEHD releases ballot results of applications for rental of market stalls in Sunlight Market

     The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) today (May 28) conducted open balloting for the applications for rental of market stalls in the Sunlight Market in Tung Chung, and the ballot results have been released.

     A spokesman for the FEHD said, "The rental of six market stalls in the Sunlight Market was open for application. A total of 93 eligible applications were received. Ballots were drawn today to determine the order of priority of eligible applicants in selecting a market stall for rental."

     The ballot results have been uploaded to the FEHD website ( for viewing by applicants. Applicants can also visit the Islands District Environmental Hygiene Office from tomorrow (May 29) or call the hotline 2852 3606 to check the results. The FEHD will also notify all eligible applicants by SMS and mail of their priority number and later issue letters to invite successful applicants for stall selections and signing of the Licence Agreement according to their priority.

EDB introduces Curriculum Framework on Parent Education (Secondary School)

     The Education Bureau (EDB) today (May 28) launched the Curriculum Framework on Parent Education (Secondary School). All secondary schools (including special schools) and organisations or groups organising parent education programmes/activities are encouraged to make reference to the content of the Curriculum Framework when designing relevant programmes or activities, so that parents can learn the necessary knowledge and skills for nurturing their children in a more systematic manner.
     In accordance with the recommendations of the Task Force on Home-school Co-operation and Parent Education, the EDB has commissioned the School of Continuing Education of Hong Kong Baptist University to develop the curriculum frameworks on parent education in phases for parents of kindergartens, primary and secondary school students. The Curriculum Framework on Parent Education (Secondary School) comprises four core strands, namely "Understanding of Adolescent Development", "Promotion of Healthy, Happy and Balanced Development of Adolescents", "Promotion of Parents' Physical and Psychological Well-being" and "Fostering Home-school Co-operation and Communication" (see Annex), with a focus on supporting the development needs of adolescents.
     An EDB spokesman said, "We encourage all secondary schools to make reference to the Curriculum Framework, and select, arrange and design parent education activities according to school-based context. For other organisations or groups, such as Parent-Teacher Associations, Federations of Parent-Teacher Associations, post-secondary institutions and non-governmental organisations, they can refer to the Curriculum Framework to design and provide parent education programmes or activities that meet the needs of parents of students at the secondary level. Parents can also study the Curriculum Framework to understand children's development and learning needs in a systematic manner." 
     The EDB will conduct briefing sessions on the afternoon of June 6, 7 and 13 to introduce the Curriculum Framework to stakeholders. Details about the Curriculum Framework are available on the EDB's Smart Parent Net website (

Appointments to Statistics Advisory Board

     The Government announced today (May 28) that the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury has appointed members to the Statistics Advisory Board (SAB) for a new term of two years from June 1, 2024, to May 31, 2026.

     The SAB of the new term includes 13 non-official members, eight of whom are serving members and five newly appointed members. The new members are Ms Suki Cheung Shuk-ming, Professor Fong Yuk-fai, Miss Rosalind Lee, Mr Jaymond Tang Sheung-ho and Ms Zhao Jiayin.

     The Commissioner for Census and Statistics, Mr Leo Yu, said, "Members of the SAB are professionals from different disciplines. Their diverse background and expertise will provide the Census and Statistics Department with invaluable insights and help ensure that its statistical work will continue to meet the evolving needs of our community."

     Mr Yu added, "We are grateful to the four outgoing members, Mr Samuel Lau Kin-pui, Ms Michelle Leung Oi-pui, Professor Vivian Lou Wei-qun and Professor Shen Haipeng for their unfailing support and wise counsel to the SAB that has helped foster the development of the Government’s statistical work."

     The SAB is an advisory body established in 1972 to advise the Commissioner for Census and Statistics on matters pertaining to official statistical work. Its membership consists of professionals from the business sector, the academia and the community, providing a wide representation to assist the Commissioner in integrating views of data users, data suppliers and statisticians.

     Following is the membership of the SAB for the new term from June 1, 2024, to May 31, 2026:

Chairperson (Ex officio)
Commissioner for Census and Statistics

Official members
Director of Planning (or representative)
Government Economist (or representative)
Representative from the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau

Non-official members
Ms Suki Cheung Shuk-ming
Professor Fong Yuk-fai
Ms Alice Lau Oi-sze 
Miss Rosalind Lee*
Mr Patrick Leung Chin-pak
Ms Janet Li Tze-yan
Mr Michael Ngai To-nam
Professor Isabella Poon Wai-yin
Mr Jaymond Tang Sheung-ho*
Mr Stan Tang Yiu-sing
Mr Ivan Ting Tien-li
Mr Daniel Wong Wai-hung
Ms Zhao Jiayin

* Appointed under the Member Self-recommendation Scheme for Youth

Film Archive to present screening programme “Hairpin, Butterfly and Tong Tik-sang Revisited” in July (with photos)

     The Hong Kong Film Archive (HKFA) of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) will present a programme entitled "Hairpin, Butterfly and Tong Tik-sang Revisited" to screen "The Legend of Purple Hairpin" (1959) and "Butterfly and Red Pear Blossom" (1959) (Restored Version), both adapted by master playwright of Cantonese opera Tong Tik-sang from his own works, on July 1 and 7 respectively at the HKFA Cinema. Through the programme, audiences will be able to revisit the pieces of Chinese cultural treasure created by Tong. This screening programme is one of the programmes of the Chinese Culture Festival (CCF).
      Tong penned a series of four Cantonese operas, "The Legend of Purple Hairpin", "Butterfly and Red Pear Blossom", "The Reincarnation of Lady Plum Blossom", and "Princess Chang Ping", known as the "Dynastic Tetralogy", for the Sin Fung Ming Opera Troupe in the 1950s. They provided materials for the general public to reinforce their sense of identification with traditional Chinese culture while criticising the ills of autocratic monarchy. Both films, "The Legend of Purple Hairpin" and "Butterfly and Red Pear Blossom", tell a story of free love in which a couple, despite obstacles and tribulations, eventually triumph in their devotion to each other. They are not only two of Tong's most timeless and touching love stories, but also enduring classics under the directorship of Lee Tit.

     The popular Cantonese opera "The Legend of Purple Hairpin" was adapted from the play of the same name created by Tang Xianzu of the Ming dynasty, with references to the novel "The Tale of Huo Xiaoyu" by Jiang Fang of the Tang dynasty. Huo, a courtesan played by Pak Suet-sin, falls in love with scholar Li Yi played by Yam Kim-fai on the night of the Lantern Festival but they are threatened by a powerful official, Marshal Lu, because of their sprouting romance. With the help of a royalty, the Fourth Lord played by Leung Sing-por, the lovers eventually find a happy life together. With the deft and smooth mise-en-scene of Lee, the film retains the essence of Cantonese opera that articulates the romance and sorrow between lovers, alongside the satisfying mockery of the rich and powerful, all under the precision of Tong as a playwright and librettist.
  "Butterfly and Red Pear Blossom", adapted from the classical drama "The Tale of Read Pear Flower" from the Ming dynasty, is also with Yam and Pak portraying the protagonists, who share mutual admiration for each other but they are always kept apart by twists of fate and the interference by a corrupt official played by Lan Chi Pak. By bringing together Tong's subtle and elegant libretto and a touching storyline based on a classical story, the stellar performance of the Sin Fung Ming Opera Troupe and Lee's directing that is in harmony with the rhythm of the original Cantonese opera, this film is a masterpiece blending the art forms of Cantonese opera and cinema.
  Both films are in Cantonese. "The Legend of Purple Hairpin" is with Chinese subtitles for lyrics while "Butterfly and Red Pear Blossom" is with Chinese and English subtitles. The screenings will be accompanied by post-screening talks, hosted by Cantonese opera expert Professor Chan Sau-yan. For programme details, please visit the website of the HKFA ( or call 2739 2139.
  Tickets priced at $45 will be available at URBTIX ( from June 2. For telephone bookings, please call 3166 1288.
     The CCF, presented by the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau and organised by the LCSD's Chinese Culture Promotion Office, aims to enhance the public's appreciation of Chinese culture and cultivate citizens' national identity and cultural confidence. The inaugural CCF will be held from June to September. Through different performing arts programmes in various forms and related extension activities, including selected programmes of the Chinese Opera Festival, exemplary local arts projects recognised by the China National Arts Fund, performing arts programmes from arts and cultural organisations, film screenings, exhibitions, talks and more, the festival allows members of the public and visitors to experience the broad and profound Chinese culture with a view to promoting Chinese culture and patriotic education as well as enhancing national identity among the people of Hong Kong, making contributions to the steadfast and successful implementation of "one country, two systems". For details, please visit the CCF website
     The LCSD has long been promoting Chinese history and culture through organising an array of programmes and activities to enable the public to learn more about the broad and profound Chinese culture. For more information, please visit

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