Professional Services Advancement Support Scheme invites new round of applications

     The Main Programme under the Professional Services Advancement Support Scheme (PASS) is inviting a new round of applications for project proposals starting today (June 1) from non-profit-distributing organisations such as professional bodies, trade and industrial organisations and research institutes.
     PASS, with a total allocation of $200 million, aims at funding non-profit-making industry-led projects to increase exchanges and co-operation between Hong Kong's professional services and external counterparts, promote relevant publicity activities, and enhance the standards and external competitiveness of Hong Kong's professional services.
     The maximum grant for each approved project under the Main Programme of PASS is $3 million or 90 per cent of the total eligible project cost, whichever is lower. A wide range of professional services, such as accounting, legal and dispute resolution, architecture, engineering, healthcare, information and communications technology, design and technical testing and analysis, are eligible for the Main Programme. Sector-specific projects and cross-sectoral projects are both welcome. Expenses directly incurred for implementing a project, such as manpower costs, venue and set-up costs, production and promotion costs, and the project team and active participants' travel and accommodation costs outside Hong Kong are typically eligible for funding support under the Scheme. Funding support may also be provided for travel and accommodation costs incurred by participants of relatively longer professional internships or attachment programmes outside Hong Kong which are funded by the Main Programme.
     Up to early May 2024, over 100 projects had been funded under the Main Programme, including project deliverables in and outside Hong Kong. The deliverables include capacity-building programmes for enhancing the standards of local professionals, such as training programmes, workshops and study tours; outreach and promotional activities for showcasing the strengths of Hong Kong's professional services, such as roadshows, promotional seminars and participation in exhibitions outside Hong Kong; exchange activities for deepening interaction between Hong Kong professionals and their external counterparts, such as visits to other economies and international conferences and seminars held in Hong Kong; and research projects on potential external markets for Hong Kong professional services and development of best practice guidelines and manuals for professionals. Details about the Main Programme and its funded projects are available at
     Furthermore, with a view to stepping up the promotion of Hong Kong's competitive edges and professional services to Mainland cities (including those in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area) and overseas markets, $50 million has been set aside for the Professionals Participation Subsidy Programme (PSP) under PASS to subsidise Hong Kong major professional bodies to participate in relevant activities organised by the Government (such as Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices) and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council after the pandemic situation has stabilised. Details of the PSP and its latest list of eligible activities are available at Hong Kong professionals from the eligible professional sectors under PASS may make use of the PSP subsidy to join the relevant activities.
     The Main Programme and the PSP receive applications for project and activity proposals all year round and they are processed on a quarterly basis. The deadline for the new round of applications is August 31, 2024. A briefing session will be held this month for organisations interested in applying for PASS funding. For registration for the briefing session or other enquiries, please contact the PASS Secretariat at 3655 5418 or

Hong Kong Customs seizes suspected cannabis buds worth about $2 million at airport (with photo)

     Hong Kong Customs yesterday (May 31) detected a drug trafficking case involving baggage concealment at Hong Kong International Airport. About 10 kilograms of suspected cannabis buds with an estimated market value of about $2 million were seized.

     A 59-year-old female passenger arrived in Hong Kong from Bangkok, Thailand, yesterday. During Customs clearance, Customs officers found 20 bags of suspected cannabis buds, with a total weight of about 10 kg, in her check-in suitcase. The female passenger was subsequently arrested.

     The arrested woman has been charged with one count of trafficking in a dangerous drug. The case will be brought up at the West Kowloon Magistrates' Courts on June 3.

     Following the resumption of normal travel and exchanges with the Mainland and other parts of the world, the number of visitors to Hong Kong has also been increasing steadily. Customs will continue to apply a risk assessment approach and focus on selecting passengers from high-risk regions for clearance to combat transnational drug trafficking activities.

     Under the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, trafficking in a dangerous drug is a serious offence. The maximum penalty upon conviction is a fine of $5 million and life imprisonment.

     Members of the public may report any suspected drug trafficking activities to Customs' 24-hour hotline 2545 6182 or its dedicated crime-reporting email account ( or online form (


Red flags hoisted at several beaches

Attention TV/radio announcers:

Please broadcast the following as soon as possible:

     Here is an item of interest to swimmers.

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced today (June 1) that due to big waves, red flags have been hoisted at Deep Water Bay Beach, Repulse Bay Beach, Shek O Beach and Big Wave Bay Beach in Southern District, Hong Kong Island; and Hung Shing Yeh Beach and Pui O Beach in Islands District. Beachgoers are advised not to swim at these beaches.

Red flags hoisted at Silver Mine Bay Beach

Attention TV/radio announcers:
Please broadcast the following as soon as possible:
     Here is an item of interest to swimmers.
     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced today (June 1) that according to the Beach Water Quality Forecast System of the Environmental Protection Department, the Beach Water Quality Forecast Index of Silver Mine Bay Beach in Islands District is 4, which means the water quality is "Very Poor". The red flag has been hoisted and beachgoers are advised not to enter the water to safeguard their health.

Lifesaving services suspended at Hap Mun Bay Beach

Attention TV/Radio Announcers:

Please broadcast the following as soon as possible and repeat it at regular intervals:

     Here is an item of interest to swimmers.

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced today (June 1) that as lifeguards are unable to go to Hap Mun Bay Beach in Sai Kung District by ferries due to inclement weather, lifesaving services at the beach have been suspended until further notice. Beachgoers are advised not to swim at the beach until further notice.