
Author Archives: hksar gov

Hong Kong resident jailed for conspiracy to obtain airline services by deception

     A Hong Kong resident was arrested and prosecuted by the Immigration Department (ImmD) for conspiracy to obtain airline services by deception and was sentenced to 32 months’ imprisonment at the District Court today (June 4).
     The ImmD launched a series of anti-illegal migration operations in 2020 and successfully detected a case involving a Hong Kong resident (defendant) conspiring with others to assist a Mainlander to seek illegal migration to Canada. Investigators discovered that in 2019, the defendant approached a middleman, who arranged for him to obtain a boarding pass for a Toronto-bound flight at an airline check-in counter of an airport on the Mainland using his Hong Kong Special Administrative Region passport. He then passed the boarding pass to the middleman inside the airport’s restricted area, who on the same day transferred it to another Mainlander inside the airport’s restricted area. The Mainlander later boarded the flight to Toronto, Canada, using the defendant’s boarding pass.
     During the investigation, the defendant admitted to have conspired with others to assist the Mainlander to seek illegal migration. He was later charged with one count of conspiracy to obtain airline services by deception. The defendant pleaded guilty to the charge at the District Court and was sentenced to 32 months’ imprisonment today.

     The ImmD spokesman warned that under the laws of Hong Kong, people who, by any deception, dishonestly obtain services from another shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable, upon conviction, to imprisonment for 10 years.
     “Under the laws of Hong Kong, it is an offence to make a false representation to Immigration Officers. Offenders are liable to prosecution and, upon conviction, the maximum penalty of a fine of $150,000 and imprisonment for 14 years,” the spokesman reiterated. read more

Transcript of remarks by SCS on civil service pay offers at media session (with video)

     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Secretary for the Civil Service, Mrs Ingrid Yeung, at a media session on offers of the 2024-25 civil service pay adjustment at the Central Government Offices this afternoon (June 4):
Reporter: So can you recap in English why the salary increase is just three per cent, which is lower than the pay trend survey, and why the increase rates are the same for every rank of civil servants?
Secretary for the Civil Service: The Executive Council has, in accordance with the mechanism governing the adjustment of civil service pay, considered six factors, namely the state of Hong Kong’s economy, changes in the cost of living, the net pay trend indicators, the Government’s fiscal position, the pay claims of the staff side, as well as the morale of the civil servants. We believe that this is a balanced decision taking into account all those six factors and the specific circumstances of this year. We note that the pay offers are some way behind the net pay trend indicators, but given all the six factors taking into consideration as a whole, we believe that this is an appropriate decision for this year.
(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.) read more