
Author Archives: hksar gov

Process Review Panel for Insurance Authority publishes annual report

     The Process Review Panel for the Insurance Authority (PRP) published its 2023 Annual Report today (June 7).

     The PRP Chairman, Mr Eugene Fung, SC, said, “In this report, the PRP set out observations and recommendations based on a review of the internal procedures of the Insurance Authority (IA) in a selection of 22 cases completed or discontinued by the IA in the period between January 1 and December 31, 2022. The cases reviewed covered various regulatory functions performed by the IA including complaints handling and authorisation of insurers and licensing of intermediaries, and placed more focus on relatively complex cases of exercising statutory powers such as investigation against misconduct. We believe that the findings of the report would assist the IA in exercising its regulatory powers in a fair and consistent manner.”

     He added, “We appreciate the IA for its co-operation in the PRP’s review and are pleased to note the positive follow-up actions taken by the IA to address recommendations made in the 2022 Annual Report of the PRP.”

     The 2023 Annual Report has been uploaded to the website of the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau at The PRP welcomes views of the public and market participants on the PRP’s work. The comments can be referred to the PRP via email at read more

EMSD announces test results of LPG quality in May 2024

     The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) today (June 7) announced that the department collected eight liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) samples from auto-LPG filling stations and LPG terminals on a random basis in May 2024 for laboratory tests. The results show that the LPG quality of all these samples complied with auto-LPG specifications.
     The detailed test results are available on the EMSD’s website ( Enquiries can also be made to the EMSD’s hotline on 2333 3762.
     In addition, the EMSD has been vetting independent third-party test reports submitted by LPG supply companies for each shipment to ensure that the quality of imported LPG complies with the specified requirements. read more

Civil Service Bureau promulgates updated Civil Service Code

     The Civil Service Bureau issued a circular to all civil servants today (June 7) promulgating the updated Civil Service Code. The updated Code clearly spells out the constitutional order of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the constitutional roles and responsibilities of civil servants as members of the executive authorities, and the core values and standards of conduct that civil servants should uphold.

     The Secretary for the Civil Service, Mrs Ingrid Yeung, said, “We have completed the consultation on updating the Code in January this year. Most of the views received supported updating the Code. Having considered the views of various stakeholders, including civil service central consultative councils, staff unions and individual civil servants, we have finalised and promulgated the updated Code. As the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance took effect in March this year, we have also set out the relevant parts in the updated Code.”

     The updated Code spells out the 12 core values that civil servants should uphold, including upholding the constitutional order and national security; people-oriented; passion for public service; dedication to duty; commitment to the rule of law; integrity; political neutrality; professionalism; team spirit; outcome-focused; accountability for performance; and confidentiality. In addition, civil servants must follow the standards of conduct that conform to the updated Code and meet the expectations of society.

     The updated Code takes effect immediately. All civil servants and other government employees (including Non-Civil Service Contract staff, Post-retirement Service Contract staff and staff appointed on other non-civil service terms) must observe the Code.

     Mrs Yeung said, “The Government is committed to enhancing civil servants’ awareness of national security and establishing a set of shared values and standards of conduct for the civil service. Following the promulgation of the updated Code, we will commence promotion, explanatory and training works by phases, including inviting Heads of Departments to conduct sharing sessions, holding roving exhibitions at various government offices, and including the content of the updated Code in the training for civil servants at various levels, in order to enhance civil servants’ understanding of the updated Code.”

     The updated Code is available on the Civil Service Bureau’s website ( read more