Fraudulent website purporting to be HKMA’s official website, platform claimed to be regulated by HKMA and bogus documents and emails

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:
     The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) would like to alert members of the public to a fraudulent website purporting to be HKMA's official website, a platform claimed to be regulated by HKMA, and bogus documents and emails:

  1. A fraudulent website with the domain name 353049[.]cc;
  2. A digital currency platform named "Kucoin", claiming that it is regulated by the HKMA. It issued documents purportedly from the HKMA, demanding payment of fees in order to recover money from frozen accounts; and
  3. A reminder purportedly issued by the HKMA via email, claiming that users of a website supervised by a "government department" can withdraw funds by replying the email.

     The HKMA wishes to clarify that it has no connection with the above fraudulent website and platform, and reiterate that we will not contact individual members of the public regarding personal financial matters.

     The HKMA's official website is: The list of Authorized Institutions and the register of Stored Value Facilities licensees  ( and the list of approved money brokers regulated by the HKMA ( can be found on the HKMA website.

     The HKMA has reported the cases to the Hong Kong Police Force. Members of the public who suspect that they have become victims of fraudulent acts should contact the Commercial and Technology Crime Hotline of the Hong Kong Police Force at 2860 5012 or make a report via the e-Report Centre for further action and investigation by the police.

Speech by CE at Opening Ceremony of Chinese Culture Festival 2024 (with video)

     â€‹Following is the speech by the Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, at the Opening Ceremony of the Chinese Culture Festival 2024 today (June 7):
     I would now like to turn to our English-speaking friends in the audience.
     Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the grand opening of the Chinese Culture Festival 2024.
     Arts and culture showcase the spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of society. The medium of arts can form dialogues among different peoples, and establish a mutual appreciation of the beauty of humanity.
     The Hong Kong SAR (Special Administrative Region) Government is committed to promoting Chinese culture and developing Hong Kong into an East-meets-West centre for international cultural exchanges. With that in mind, our newly established Chinese Culture Promotion Office, under the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, is launching this inaugural Chinese Culture Festival.
     The Festival enables the public and visitors to gain a better insight into Chinese culture. Running from June to September, the Festival presents some 100 programmes and activities to audiences from home and abroad.
     I am thrilled to note that the Festival's programme is well received by the community. Opening tonight, we have the award-winning dance drama: "Five Stars Rising in the East".
     Upcoming programmes range from Chinese opera performances, local arts projects recognised by the China National Arts Fund, as well as performing arts programmes from local arts and cultural organisations.
     Hong Kong plays a crucial role of "super connector" and "super value-adder", providing the best hardware and software for cultural exchanges between the East and the West. Hong Kong will continue to contribute towards strengthening the global impact and influence of Chinese culture.
     On that note, I hope you enjoy tonight's dance drama and the opportunity to learn more about the fascinating Chinese culture. Thank you.

Speech by CE at Australian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong 36th Anniversary Dinner and Community Awards (English only)

     Following is the speech by the Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, at the Australian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong 36th Anniversary Dinner and Community Awards today (June 7):
Josephine (Chair of the Australian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, Ms Josephine Orgill), Mr Gareth Williams Consul-General (Consul-General of Australia to Hong Kong and Macao), Chamber members, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,
     Good evening. It gives me great pleasure to join you, tonight, for the Australian Chamber of Commerce's annual dinner. 

     And congratulations on turning 36 years old. It is, I can assure you, a very good year as I have earlier explained to Josephine. 

     The Australian Chamber of Commerce, over the years, has played a vital role in strengthening the deep and multifaceted ties, between Hong Kong and Australia.

     Through thick and thin, it has championed the interests of its 900 members and 240 companies, fostered invaluable commercial and cultural ties, and cemented Australia's reputation as a trusted partner in the region.

     Your annual awards, to be presented later this evening, is clear testimony to that. The awards honour excellency among Australian and Hong Kong businesses and individuals with ties to Australia – and in a diverse range of leadership areas.

     The Australian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, if I may add, is the largest Australian chamber outside of Australia. And, of course, the Chamber is an essential element, in one of the largest Australian communities abroad, with some 100,000 Australians living, studying and doing business here in Hong Kong.

     Each and every one of you, has been here alongside us, contributing to the success of Hong Kong's economy and community.

     With the free trade and investment agreements signed back in 2019 and came into effect, our services trade has ever been soaring, I'm pleased to tell you.

     In 2022, Australia was Hong Kong's 8th largest services partner, which saw a growth of nearly nine per cent in 2021, year on year, and an additional 10 per cent in 2022. 

     Under the unique "one country, two systems" principle, Hong Kong maintains unparalleled connectivity with both Mainland China and the rest of the world.

     We are bestowed with a free flow of information, capital, goods and people, and a low and simple tax regime. Our workforce is well-versed with both Chinese and English, as well as the practice of both Chinese and international businesses.

     We make it easier for Australian companies to do business in the Mainland, and we are blessed with opportunities right here in Hong Kong.

     We take a pivotal role in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA). With some 87 million consumers, the GBA is an integrating, cluster-city development that contributed to one-ninth of the GDP of China last year. It has become an important engine of growth of our country, the second-largest economy in the world, and offers boundless prospects for us all.

     We look forward to connecting Australian enterprises with the immense opportunities in the GBA . After all, connecting East and West through business, finance, trade and, increasingly, innovation and technology, is a long-standing Hong Kong strength, as you well know.

     In this regard, Hong Kong's early accession to RCEP, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, can only enrich opportunities between Hong Kong and Australia. 
     I am encouraged by the positive response to our accession bid from RCEP members and their respective business communities, including the Australian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong. Thank you very much.

     And I count on the continuing support of prominent business leaders, such as your good selves, in enabling Hong Kong's early accession to RCEP.

     Ladies and gentlemen, many hands make light work. We will continue to join hands with Australian Chamber of Commerce, to forge an even stronger, more dynamic partnership in the years to come.

     My congratulations again to the Australian Chamber on its 36th anniversary, and to the winners and finalists of the Chamber's 2024 Community Awards.

     I wish you all a very enjoyable evening and the best of business and health, in a year of far-reaching promise for us all.

     Thank you.

Rating (Amendment) Bill 2024 to be introduced into LegCo for First Reading and Second Reading

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     The Legislative Council (LegCo) will hold a meeting on next Wednesday (June 12) at 11am in the Chamber of the LegCo Complex. During the meeting, Rating (Amendment) Bill 2024 will be introduced into the Council for the First Reading and the Second Reading. The Second Reading debate on the Bill will be adjourned.
     On Government motion, the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury will move a proposed resolution under the Banking Ordinance. The proposed resolution is set out in Appendix 1.
     On Members' motions, Mr Benson Luk will move a motion on pursuing the concept of "Tourism is everywhere in Hong Kong" and developing Hong Kong's mega event economy. The motion is set out in Appendix 2. Mr Yang Wing-kit, Mr Kenneth Lau, Mr Yiu Pak-leung, Mr Vincent Cheng, Mr Shiu Ka-fai and Mr Luk Chung-hung will move separate amendments to Mr Benson Luk's motion.
     Ms Lam So-wai will move a motion on reviewing Hong Kong's mental health policy. The motion is set out in Appendix 3. Ms Lillian Kwok, Mr Chan Pui-leung and Dr Hoey Simon Lee will move separate amendments to Ms Lam So-wai's motion.
     Mr Chan Han-pan will move a proposed resolution under section 34(4) of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance to extend the period for amending subsidiary legislation. The proposed resolution is set out in Appendix 4.
     Members will also ask the Government 21 questions on various policy areas, six of which require oral replies.
     The agenda of the above meeting can be obtained via the LegCo Website ( Members of the public can watch or listen to the meeting via the "Webcast" system on the LegCo Website. To observe the proceedings of the meeting at the LegCo Complex, members of the public may call 3919 3399 during office hours to reserve seats.

Immigration Department launches Consular Protection Month (with photos)

     The launching ceremony of the Consular Protection Month co-hosted by the Immigration Department (ImmD) and the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (OCMFA) was held today (June 7) at Hong Kong International Airport. As guests of honour, Deputy Commissioner of the OCMFA Mr Pan Yundong; ​the Secretary for Security, Mr Tang Ping-keung; and the Director of Immigration, Mr Benson Kwok, jointly officiated at the launching ceremony, marking the start of a series of publicity activities on consular protection.
     Speaking at the ceremony, Mr Pan said that over the past 27 years or so since Hong Kong's return to the motherland, the Central Government has always upheld the notion of "the safety of Hong Kong people is no small matter; the interests of compatriots are extremely important" and has proactively protected the legitimate rights and interests of Hong Kong people overseas, benefitting them with the country's diplomatic achievements. During the Consular Protection Month, the OCMFA will work closely with the ImmD in organising a series of activities for Hong Kong people to better understand consular protection policies and work involving Hong Kong, and to enhance their awareness and capabilities regarding safety precautions.
     Mr Tang pointed out that consular protection has always been the strongest safeguard for Hong Kong people travelling abroad. With the full support of the OCMFA and the Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Missions, the Assistance to Hong Kong Residents Unit of the ImmD strives to provide practicable assistance to Hong Kong residents in distress outside Hong Kong. He thanked the OCMFA and the Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Missions for sparing no effort in providing Hong Kong people with various support services, which fully demonstrates the country's care and concern for Hong Kong people.
     The Consular Protection Month starts in June, during which a series of publicity activities will be held to enhance public awareness of the consular protection provided by the country and outbound travel safety. The activities include the arrangements for roving exhibitions on consular protection; the launch of an online virtual exhibition as well as the release of a new edition of an animated video on consular protection and outbound travel safety; the participation in the travel expo, and the conduct of seminars on consular protection.
     For more information about the Consular Protection Month, please stay tuned to updates on the ImmD's Instagram account ( and Weibo account ( For information on consular protection and outbound travel safety, please browse the online virtual exhibition on consular protection and outbound travel safety at, or scan the QR code in the Annex, or watch the animated video jointly produced by the ImmD and the OCMFA on the ImmD's official YouTube channel.

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