Red flags hoisted at some beaches

Attention TV/radio announcers:

Please broadcast the following as soon as possible:

     Here is an item of interest to swimmers.

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced today (June 8) that due to big waves, red flags have been hoisted at Stanley Main Beach, Shek O Beach and Big Wave Bay Beach in Southern District, Hong Kong Island. Beachgoers are advised not to swim at these beaches.

Flag-raising ceremony cancelled

     Owing to the thunderstorm warning, the flag-raising ceremony to be conducted at Golden Bauhinia Square, Wan Chai at 8am today (June 8) will be cancelled.

     If the thunderstorm warning is cancelled and weather conditions permit by then, the flag-raising ceremony may be resumed without further notice.

Regional flag day today

     Three charities have been issued Public Subscription Permits to hold flag sales from 7am to 12.30pm today (June 8). They are, on Hong Kong Island, Xu Shan Charitable Foundation Limited; in Kowloon, Giving Love Elderly Charitable Limited; and in the New Territories, Kwai Tsing Safe Community and Healthy City Association, a spokesman for the Social Welfare Department (SWD) said.
     Arrangements have been made with the charities to help people to distinguish among the three flag-selling activities.    
     Information on the three flag-selling organisations on June 8 is as follows:

Region Name of organisation Colour of collection bag Colour of flag
Hong Kong Island Xu Shan Charitable Foundation Limited White White
Kowloon Giving Love Elderly Charitable Limited Yellow Yellow
New Territories Kwai Tsing Safe Community and Healthy City Association Blue Green

     Details of the charitable fund-raising activities, including any updated information, covered by the issued Public Subscription Permits have been published on the GovHK website ( Permits for flag days containing information on contact methods of the flag-selling organisations and the approved flag-selling activities have also been uploaded to the SWD's website ( for reference. For enquiries, please call the SWD's hotline at 2343 2255, or the designated hotline of the 1823 Call Centre at 3142 2678.
     In the case of suspected fraudulent flag day activities, people should not make any donation and should immediately report the matter to the Police, the spokesman added.

HKSAR Government strongly condemns wanted former board members and their closely related Zheng Sheng Association for ignoring welfare of teachers and students, and distorting facts

     In response to media enquiries about the suspension of the Christian Zheng Sheng College (the College), a spokesman for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government responds today (June 7) as follows:

     The HKSAR Government is aware that the Christian Zheng Sheng Association (the Association) has informed teachers of the College that it will suspend its operation from July 7, 2024. As at now, relevant departments have not yet been formally notified by the College. Wanted former board members, including Lam Hay-sing and Alman Chan Siu-cheuk as well as the Association which is closely related to these persons would need to bear full responsibility in case the College ceases its operation.

     The Government strongly condemns Lam Hay-sing, Alman Chan Siu-cheuk and the Association, for maliciously creating this so-called suspension. They irresponsibly made up excuses, distorted the facts, and blamed others for their unwillingness to resolve the problem of operating fund. These acts are deplorable.

     Until now, the Association has not yet addressed its own issues and fulfil its responsibility of payment of salaries to its staff. In fact, the Beat Drugs Fund exceptionally allocated on an emergency relief with over $1.8 million on an one-off basis to meet the College's imminent needs to help students who would sit for public examinations to graduate smoothly, with a view to preventing its operation from being affected by the behaviours of certain wanted individuals. Unfortunately, they remained unmoved since then, and have been using different excuses to prevent the funds in the bank account from being transferred to the College for maintaining its daily operation. Both the Association and the College are private institutions, and some students of the College have just graduated. Settling the bills arising from the malicious acts of certain individuals by the Beat Drugs Fund in the long term would not be in the best interest of the society but would encourage the irresponsible behaviour of the wanted persons. 

     The HKSAR Government has all along placed the welfare of the teachers and students of the College as a top priority. The Narcotics Division (ND), together with the Education Bureau and the Social Welfare Department, have already contacted all parents and guardians of the College's students in the past months to understand their needs and have been maintaining contact with them. Suitable plans for the students have been drawn up, such as counselling, options for further education, and other arrangements appropriate for individual students. The ND will continue to co-ordinate relevant departments in providing the most appropriate assistance and arrangement for the students. The Government attaches great importance to treatment and rehabilitation services, and those services would not be affected by the suspension of the College's operation.

     The HKSAR Government strongly condemns the disreputable and selfish acts of Lam Hay-sing, Alman Chan Siu-cheuk and the Association again. They disregarded the welfare of the teachers and students of the College. We urge them to make amends and resolve the relevant issues as soon as possible.

Inaugural Chinese Culture Festival opens today (with photos)

     The inaugural Chinese Culture Festival (CCF), presented by the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau and organised by the Chinese Culture Promotion Office of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD), opened today (June 7) at the Auditorium of Sha Tin Town Hall, kicking off nearly 100 events to be held from June to September.

     In a video speech addressing the opening ceremony, the Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, said that culture is the source of national cohesion and creativity. The Government will continue to promote and foster the inheritance of fine traditional Chinese culture, while enhancing citizens' sense of national identity and recognition of Chinese culture. It will also continue to nurture young people's sense of belonging to the motherland and global visions to contribute to Hong Kong's prosperity and stability as well as the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. At the same time, the Government will leverage the opportunities brought about by Hong Kong's role as a "super connector" and "super value-adder", and capitalise on its role as an important bridge for cultural exchanges between the East and the West, thereby continuously strengthening the global impact and influence of Chinese culture.

     Officiating guests at the opening ceremony included the Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government (LOCPG) in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), Mr Zheng Yanxiong; the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Chan Kwok-ki; the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China in the HKSAR, Mr Cui Jianchun; Deputy Director of the LOCPG in the HKSAR Ms Lu Xinning; Deputy Commissioner of the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China in the HKSAR Mr Fang Jianming; the Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr Kevin Yeung; the Permanent Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr Joe Wong; the Director of Leisure and Cultural Services, Mr Vincent Liu; and the Chairman of the Legislative Council Panel on Home Affairs, Culture and Sports, Mr Ma Fung-kwok.

     The inaugural CCF staged the dance drama "Five Stars Rising in the East" by the Beijing Dance Drama and Opera as the opening programme. Centred on a cultural relic, the dance drama ingeniously merged Chinese aesthetics and the flavour of Western regions through innovative dance languages. It took to the stage the profound cultural connotation of the precious relic (a piece of Han dynasty brocade armguard) and 2 000 years of exchanges and integration of Chinese culture, demonstrating a deeper sense of cultural confidence. After watching the splendid performance by the performers of the Beijing Dance Drama and Opera, the audience gave a round of thunderous applause. The dance drama also featured a session under the "Chinese Culture for All: A Special Performance Series", which was held this afternoon at the Auditorium of Sha Tin Town Hall with free admission for primary and secondary school students, enabling them to appreciate in person and learn the essence of Chinese culture.

     "Glowing Beauties – A Photo Exhibition on Ethnic Costumes" was staged from today (June 7) until June 9 (Sunday) at the Foyer and Exhibition Gallery of Sha Tin Town Hall. The exhibition features photos of the brocade armguard behind the dance drama "Five Stars Rising in the East" and costume photos of China's 56 ethnic groups. Members of the public can learn more about the distinctive cultural practices, costumes and traditional ways of life of each ethnic group. In addition, performers from the Beijing Dance Drama and Opera will perform excerpts "Lantern Dance" and "Embroidery" from dance drama "Five Stars Rising in the East" at the free event "Encountering Chinese Culture" carnival to be held on the afternoon of June 9 at the Plaza of Sha Tin Town Hall, so that more audiences will be able to enjoy the dance pieces infused with the flavour of the Western regions and Chinese classical styles. For more information, please visit

     The CCF aims to enhance the public's appreciation of Chinese culture and cultivate citizens' national identity and cultural confidence. The inaugural CCF features different performing arts programmes in various forms and related extension activities, including selected programmes of the Chinese Opera Festival, exemplary local arts projects recognised by the China National Arts Fund, performing arts programmes from arts and cultural organisations, film screenings, exhibitions, talks and more. It also designates Shanghai as this year's focal city, showcasing the cultural charm of Shanghai styles through spectacular events. The inaugural CCF allows members of the public and visitors to experience the broad and profound Chinese culture with a view to promoting Chinese culture and patriotic education as well as enhancing national identity among the people of Hong Kong, making contributions to the steadfast and successful implementation of "one country, two systems".

     For more information about the inaugural CCF, please visit

     The LCSD has long been promoting Chinese history and culture through organising an array of programmes and activities to enable the public to learn more about the broad and profound Chinese culture. For more information, please visit

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