
Author Archives: hksar gov

S for S leads Security Bureau Youth Uniformed Group Leaders Forum to visit Greater Bay Area (with photos)

     The Secretary for Security, Mr Tang Ping-keung, today (June 10) led 31 members of the Security Bureau (SB) Youth Uniformed Group Leaders Forum (Leaders Forum) and students of Shenzhen University to visit Zhuhai to learn about the innovative technology used in Mainland construction works. This concluded a three-day visit by the Leaders Forum to the Greater Bay Area to study various aspects, including the rural revitalisation of the country and the ecology of the main source of Hong Kong’s water supply.

     Mr Tang and Leaders Forum members visited the production base of China State Construction International Holdings Limited in Zhuhai to learn about the advanced, innovative and green technology adopted in the construction of glass curtain walls for large-scale projects, the Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) method and Multi-trade Integrated Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing modules, as well as their application in Hong Kong.

     Mr Tang expressed gratitude to China State Construction International Holdings Limited for its support to the Leaders Forum and its thoughtful arrangements for the tour, which let youth members experience the country’s development direction of “new quality productive forces” through understanding high-end construction technology. The group also selected a member of the Leaders Forum to participate in its summer internship programme this year, sparing no effort in nurturing youths.

     During the past two days, members of the Leaders Forum, led by the Under Secretary for Security, Mr Michael Cheuk, visited a primary school in Liyuan, Heyuan, to explore the local relief work through education to help understand the country’s achievements in targeting and eliminating poverty. The members also worked with the Leaders Forum’s partner, students of Shenzhen University, to lead local primary school students to participate in activities planned by them. 

     Mr Cheuk and the members of the Leaders Forum also toured the ancient village of Linzhai. They later visited a scenic location of Wanlv Lake, one of the water supply sources to Hong Kong, to understand the strict water-quality protective measures and the rigorous water-quality testing system implemented by the city to provide Dongjiang water. This helped to solidify their learnings of cherishing water resources, for which they are grateful.

     The SB established the Leaders Forum in October 2022, to deepen the participation of government departments and civil services in youth work. When launching the second term of the Leaders Forum at the end of last year, the SB signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Shenzhen University to jointly promote Hong Kong-Shenzhen youth development and co-operation through cultural exchanges.

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CAS expresses sympathy to member feeling unwell

     Yesterday (June 9) afternoon, a member of the Civil Aid Service (CAS) felt unwell and fainted during training at Shing Mun Reservoir. The member was conveyed to the Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital by a helicopter of the Government Flying Service for treatment. After examination, it was found that the member suffered from heat exhaustion. The member is currently in critical condition and receiving treatment in the Intensive Care Unit. The medical team is providing the most appropriate treatment.

     The member, aged 32, joined the CAS in 2022 and is currently serving as a Grade 1 member. The CAS has been in contact with the member’s family and expressed sympathy, while providing all necessary assistance. read more

LCSD expresses gratitude for successful conclusion of Art@Harbour 2024 (with photos)

     The large-scale outdoor art project “Art@Harbour2024” (AAH) presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) closed on June 8. The five projects under the AAH were well received by the local public and tourists since its opening in late March. The art projects “teamLab: Continuous” and “Science in Art” being held in Tamar Park and the Central and Western District Promenade (Central Section) have recorded a total attendance of over 1.3 million, among which around 20 per cent of them were tourists. According to the statistics provided by the project partners, the three projects in Tsim Sha Tsui, namely Alicja Kwade’s sculpture “l’ordre des mondes (Totem)” by K11 Group in collaboration with Pace Gallery, the “Chromaflux” by Sino Group in collaboration with the local art organisation HKWALLS and the “Voyage with Van Gogh” by the First Initiative Foundation in collaboration with the Van Gogh Heritage Foundation and with the funding support of the Mega Arts and Cultural Events Fund of the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau, had received more the 2 million visitors respectively.

     The AAH 2024 project has attracted over 2 million visitors, which exceeded the original estimate. In addition to the general public who can visit for free, the project also received leaders in the art field from all over the world including representatives joining Art Basel and Art Central, as well as officials responsible for cultural affairs and representatives of relevant associations from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. Moreover, the LCSD has organised guided tours for over 2 000 students with special educational needs (SEN) students, people with visual impairment and beneficiaries of non-government organisations to ensure that people with diverse abilities and needs could fully enjoy and experience the exhibition.

     The AAH was first launched in 2022 as an innovative integration of art, science and technology. Art pieces by local and international artists created a sensational visual feast for the public along the waterfronts of the Victoria Harbour.

     The immense “teamLab: Continuous” exhibition took a year of preparatory work to come to fruition. It was the first time for teamLab to exhibit the artwork both on land and sea in this scale. To overcome the challenges posed by the geographical environment, the LCSD worked closely with the design and engineering teams from teamLab during the preparation phase. With the support and assistance from various government departments and through repeated trials, teamLab’s exhibits merged perfectly with the venue and created a unique landscape in Hong Kong. During the more than two-month exhibition period, the curating team endeavoured to create the best visiting experience for members of the public. By improving crowd management and overcoming the challenges brought about by inclement weather, they ensured that everyone could enjoy this unprecedented outdoor art project.

     Through the collaboration between the Government and the private and art organisations, the AAH 2024 aims to offer the local public and tourists a rich experience through art creation, while highlighting the vibrancy and energy of Hong Kong. The LCSD thanked project partners for their enthusiastic engagement and active participation, and hopes that different sectors of the community will continue to give their support to showcase the charm of the Victoria Harbour, promote cultural development and transform Hong Kong into an East-meets-West centre for international cultural exchange.

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