Exchange Fund Bills tender results

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:

     Exchange Fund Bills tender results

Tender date : December 28, 2021
Paper on offer : EF Bills
Issue number : Q2152
Issue date : December 29, 2021
Maturity date : March 30, 2022
Amount applied : HK$145,245 MN
Amount allotted : HK$62,417 MN
Average yield accepted : 0.19 PCT
Highest yield accepted : 0.21 PCT
Pro rata ratio* : About 39 PCT
Average tender yield : 0.22 PCT
Tender date : December 28, 2021
Paper on offer : EF Bills
Issue number : H2181
Issue date : December 29, 2021
Maturity date : June 29, 2022
Amount applied : HK$34,420 MN
Amount allotted : HK$18,200 MN
Average yield accepted : 0.22 PCT
Highest yield accepted : 0.27 PCT
Pro rata ratio* : About 26 PCT
Average tender yield : 0.27 PCT

*"Pro rata ratio" refers to the average percentage of allotment with respect to each tender participant's tendered amount at the "highest yield accepted" level.
     Hong Kong Monetary Authority tenders to be held in the week beginning January 3, 2022:

Tender date : January 4, 2022
Paper on offer : EF Bills
Issue number : Q2201
Issue date : January 5, 2022
Maturity date : April 6, 2022
Tenor : 91 Days
Amount on offer : HK$69,392 MN
Tender date : January 4, 2022
Paper on offer : EF Bills
Issue number : H2230
Issue date : January 5, 2022
Maturity date : July 6, 2022
Tenor : 182 Days
Amount on offer : HK$18,800 MN

Appointment of Hong Kong, China’s Representative to ABAC announced

     â€‹The Government today (December 28) announced that the Chief Executive has re-appointed Ms Marjorie Yang, Chairman of Esquel Group, as Hong Kong, China's Representative to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Business Advisory Council (ABAC), for a term of two years commencing January 1, 2022.
     "I am very grateful to Ms Yang for continuing to represent Hong Kong, China, in ABAC. I am sure that her wealth of business experience will inject further impetus into the work of ABAC," the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Edward Yau, said.
     ABAC was established in 1996 as a permanent business advisory body to provide advice to APEC on business sector priorities. Hong Kong, China, has appointed three Representatives and two Alternate Representatives to ABAC. Currently, Mr Nicholas Ho, Chairman of hpa (Ho & Partners Architects Engineers and Development Consultants Limited), and Ms Mary Huen, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer, Hong Kong, and Cluster Chief Executive Officer (Hong Kong, Taiwan & Macau) of Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited, are the other two Representatives. Mr Spencer Fung, Group Executive Chairman of Li & Fung, and Ms Nisa Leung, Managing Partner of Qiming Venture Partners, are the Alternate Representatives.

Measures to assist foreign domestic helpers and employers to cope with COVID-19 pandemic extended

     The Government today (December 28) announced that the measures to assist foreign domestic helpers (FDHs) and their employers to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic will be extended with immediate effect.
Extension of validity period of existing contracts
     The Government will continue to implement the previous measure to enable employers to extend the validity period of the existing contracts with their outgoing FDHs. For all FDH contracts that will expire on or before March 31, 2022, the Commissioner for Labour has given in-principle consent for extending the employment period stated in Clause 2 of the Standard Employment Contract for a maximum period of six months, on the basis that such variation is agreed upon by both the employer and the FDH. However, applications for further extension of those contracts which have already been extended under the previous flexibility arrangement, including that announced on September 28, 2021, will not be considered.

     If arrangements cannot be made for a newly hired FDH to come to Hong Kong within the above-mentioned six-month extended period and the employer needs to continue to employ his/her FDH beyond the six-month extended period, the employer should consider applying for contract renewal with the existing FDH.
Deferral of return to the place of origin
     Under the prevailing mechanism, an FDH on a renewed contract with the same employer, or due to start a new contract with a new employer upon the expiry of an existing contract, may apply to the Immigration Department (ImmD) for deferring return to the place of origin for not more than one year after the existing contract ends, subject to the agreement of his/her current employer or new employer.

     In view of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government will further extend the current flexibility arrangement. If an FDH is unable to return to his/her place of origin within the aforementioned one-year period, he/she may, upon agreement with his/her employer, apply to the ImmD for a further extension of the limit of stay until the end of his/her contract such that he/she may return to the place of origin within that period. Same as applications for contract renewal with the same employer, such applications are acceptable within eight weeks prior to the expiry of the existing contract.

     The Government reminds employers and FDHs that the above flexibility arrangement must be mutually agreed between the employer and the FDH, and that the requirement that FDHs should return to their place of origin continues to be in place. Employers should arrange for their FDHs to return to the place of origin within the extended limit of stay.
     The Government will continue to closely monitor the situation and review the above measures and flexibility arrangements as and when necessary.

     To tie in with the disease prevention measures and reduce the flow of people, the Government appeals to members of the public to submit visa applications for FDHs and further employment of FDHs through online means or the ImmD mobile application. Apart from setting up a dedicated "Online Services for Foreign Domestic Helpers" webpage at, the ImmD further enhanced the visa application service through better use of digital technology and launched electronic services for visa application and an "e-Visa" arrangement on December 28. Upon approval of their applications, the applicants may pay the visa fee through various means and download the "e-Visa" on their personal mobile devices or print the "e-Visa". Please refer to the relevant press release for details ( Members of the public may also enquire about application status and submit supplementary documents and notification of premature termination of employment contract via the above dedicated webpage. There is no need for them to attend an office of the ImmD in person to go through the formalities, which is both convenient and time-saving while reducing the need to travel and contributing to the efforts to fight the virus together.
     The Government also urges employers and their FDHs to be mindful of the limit of stay and the passport validity of the FDHs and arrange for application for visas and replacement of passports in advance.

     For enquiries on employment rights and benefits of FDHs, please contact the LD at the dedicated FDH hotline at 2157 9537 (manned by 1823) or by email to The dedicated FDH Portal ( set up by the LD also provides information and useful links relating to the employment of FDHs. For enquiries on FDH visa applications, please contact the ImmD by calling the enquiry hotline at 2824 6111 or by sending email to

Former municipal services time capsule displayed at Tsuen Wan Town Hall (with photos)

     â€‹The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) today (December 28) started to display at Tsuen Wan Town Hall the time capsule that was buried by the former Provisional Urban Council and the former Provisional Regional Council.

     As one of the millennium celebration activities, the time capsule was buried in Lai Chi Kok Park by the former Provisional Urban Council and the former Provisional Regional Council on December 26, 1999. The LCSD unearthed the time capsule on December 29 last year.

     The exhibition will be held at the Exhibition Gallery of Tsuen Wan Town Hall from today to January 5 next year. A selection of more than 200 items that were contained in the time capsule are on display, enabling visitors to learn more about the development of the cultural, recreational and environmental sanitation services. Exhibits include souvenirs of millennium celebrations and items related to the municipal services as well as publications and souvenirs produced by the two former provisional municipal councils. The exhibition venue is open from 10am to 6pm daily. Admission is free.

     All persons are required to use the "LeaveHomeSafe" mobile application to scan the venue QR code before they are allowed to enter offices and venues under the LCSD, except for exempted persons who are aged below 12 or aged 65 or above and those with disabilities that render use of the app difficult. Exemptions will also be granted to individual persons depending on the actual circumstances. All exempted persons are required to complete a record form to register their personal particulars and the date and time of their visit. The LCSD encourages the exempted persons to use the app as far as possible to save time.

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Missing woman in Kowloon City located

     Police located a woman who went missing in Kowloon City.

     Yeung Ming-ho, aged 76, went missing after she was last seen at a caring centre on Boundary Street on December 23. Staff of the caring centre made a report to Police on the same day.

     Police located the woman at MTR Whampoa Station on December 25 afternoon.