Government tightens boarding and quarantine requirements for places with Omicron cases detected

     The Government announced today (December 29) that in view of the latest global developments of the COVID-19 pandemic situation, Kazakhstan and Myanmar will be specified as Group A specified places from 0.00am on January 1, 2022 to tighten the boarding and quarantine requirements for relevant inbound travellers. In view of the earlier detection of imported Omicron cases in Hong Kong from Kazakhstan, the Government will implement the most stringent quarantine and testing requirements for inbound travellers from that place.
     To manage and prevent the importation risks posed by Omicron cases, the Government will continue to employ the most stringent measures to guard against importation of cases. Overseas places where Omicron cases have been detected that may lead to local transmission and exportation of cases will be specified as Group A specified places. The Government will also closely monitor whether there are prevalent transmission of Omicron cases in overseas places, including imposing the more stringent enhanced surveillance measures on places (Group A places with enhanced surveillance) from which imported Omicron cases have been detected in Hong Kong.
     In view of the earlier detection of five imported Omicron cases in Hong Kong from Kazakhstan, the Government will impose the quarantine and testing arrangements applicable to Group A places with enhanced surveillance on the relevant inbound travellers from Kazakhstan who arrive at Hong Kong on or after 0.00 am on January 1, 2022. Hong Kong residents who have stayed in Group A places with enhanced surveillance within 21 days are required to undergo compulsory quarantine at Penny’s Bay Quarantine Centre for the first four days upon their arrival at Hong Kong, during which they have to undergo daily tests and their health conditions will be monitored by healthcare professionals. On the fifth day of arrival at Hong Kong, they will be transferred by designated transport to finish the remaining 17 days of compulsory quarantine at the designated quarantine hotels (DQHs) which they have reserved before coming to Hong Kong.  They also have to undergo a compulsory test at a community testing centre on the 26th day of arrival at Hong Kong,
     Meanwhile, noting the detection of Omicron cases in Myanmar, the Government will specify them as Group A specified places from 0.00am on January 1, 2022. Non-Hong Kong residents who have stayed there within 21 days will not be allowed to enter Hong Kong. Hong Kong residents can only board a flight for Hong Kong if they have been fully vaccinated and hold a recognised vaccination record. They will have to undergo compulsory quarantine in a DQH for 21 days upon returning to Hong Kong, with six tests to be conducted during quarantine, followed by compulsory testing in a community testing centre on the 26th day of arrival in Hong Kong.
     Details on the relevant boarding and compulsory quarantine requirements for respective specified places can be found at
     The Government will gazette the relevant updated specifications under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Regulation of Cross-boundary Conveyances and Travellers) Regulation (Cap. 599H) to effect the above measures.

Temporary closure of Hong Kong Squash Centre

     A spokesman for the Leisure and Cultural Services Department said today (December 29) that since a person with a confirmed case of coronavirus disease 2019 had visited the Hong Kong Squash Centre in Central and Western District, the Squash Centre will be temporarily closed at 8pm today until further notice for thorough cleaning and disinfection of the facilities. Relevant staff of the Squash Centre will also need to undergo compulsory testing and are required to obtain a negative test result before resuming duties.

Transcript of remarks by CS at media session (with video)

     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr John Lee, at a media session with the Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Caspar Tsui; the Permanent Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Joe Wong; and the Director of the Project Planning Office, Mr Eddie Mak, after attending this afternoon (December 29) the launch of celebrations for the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region:

Reporter: So just now you have said that today's arrestees and Stand News are people who have damaged the press freedom. So what do you mean by that? And also, do you mean the arrests today are actually defending press freedom? Thank you.

Chief Secretary for Administration: Anybody who attempts to make use of media work as a tool to pursue their political purpose or other interests (and) contravenes the law, particularly offences that endanger national security, they are the evil elements that damage press freedom. Professional media workers should recognise that these are the bad apples who are abusing their position simply by wearing a false coat of media worker and then, using that position, abuse news as a tool, to pursue their own purposes. They will pollute press freedom. They are the people who damage press freedom. Professional media workers should recognise this, say no to these people and stand far from them.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)

Police National Security Department continues arrest operation

     Following the arrest operation this morning (December 29), Police National Security Department arrested a 51-year-old woman in Castle Peak for conspiracy to publish seditious publication, contravening section 9 and 10 of the Crimes Ordinance. A total of three men and four women, aged 34 to 73, were arrested in the operation so far.

     All arrestees are being detained for further enquiries. Investigation is underway and further arrests may be made.

Tender awarded for site in Tai Po

     The Lands Department announced today (December 29) that the tender for a site, Tai Po Town Lot No. 234 at Tai Po Road – Tai Po Kau, Tai Po, New Territories, has been awarded to the highest tenderer, Castle Great Limited (parent company: Chime Corporation Limited), on a 50-year land grant at a premium of $1,368,000,000.

     The tenderers, other than the successful tenderer, in alphabetical order, with the name of the parent company where provided by the tenderer in brackets, were:

(1) Bestford Group Limited (K. Wah International Holdings Limited);
(2) Boundless Investments Limited (K&K Property Holdings Limited);
(3) Colour Crown Limited (Far East Consortium International Limited);
(4) Grand Build Development Limited (Grand Ming Group Holdings Limited);
(5) Rainbow Legend Limited (New Explorer Investments Limited);
(6) Star World Property Limited (Hon Kwok Land Investment Company, Limited); and
(7) Top Infinity Limited (Sino Land Company Limited).

     Tai Po Town Lot No. 234 has a site area of about 14,002 square metres and is designated for private residential purposes. The minimum gross floor area and the maximum gross floor area are 12,601.8 sq m and 21,003 sq m respectively.