Open call for funding applications for investigator-initiated research projects and health promotion projects under HMRF begins

     The Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF) administered by the Food and Health Bureau invites funding applications for investigator-initiated research projects and health promotion projects from today (December 30) onwards. Applications from locally based tertiary institutions, hospitals, medical schools, non-governmental organisations and other appropriate centres, units and services are invited.
     The HMRF aims to build research capacity and to encourage, facilitate and support health and medical research to inform health policies, improve population health, strengthen the health system, enhance healthcare practices, advance standard and quality of care, and promote clinical excellence through the generation and application of evidence-based scientific knowledge derived from local research in health and medicine. It also provides funding support to evidence-based health promotion projects that help people adopt healthier lifestyles by enhancing awareness, changing adverse health behaviours or creating a conducive environment that supports good health practices.
     Applications in the following areas will be accepted for consideration by the HMRF:

  1. public health, human health and health services (e.g. primary care, non-communicable diseases, Chinese medicine, etc);
  2. prevention, treatment and control of infectious diseases, in particular emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases;
  3. advanced medical research which applies advanced technologies including but not limited to biotechnology in medicine, use of drugs and treatments, clinical trials, virtual health such as telemedicine, etc, to facilitate the translation of knowledge generated from health and health services or infectious diseases studies into clinical practice and to inform health policy; and
  4. health promotion that facilitates mobilisation of local resources to promote good health and prevention of illness in the community.

     Collaboration with local or non-local organisations is encouraged. Higher priority for funding will be given to proposals addressing this year's thematic priorities, which are infectious diseases, primary healthcare and non-communicable diseases, mental health, cancer and implementation science.

     As the HMRF emphasises the importance of the translational potential of research findings, starting from this application round, applicants are required to provide a clear explanation in simple language on how the research findings will benefit patients and/or the healthcare system, such as improving patient care and/or population health, influencing clinical practice and/or health services management, or informing health policy in Hong Kong. Moreover, advanced medical research shall focus on clinical studies.

     The grant ceiling is $1.5 million per project with a grant duration not exceeding three years. The mini-grant was renamed as a seed grant and the relevant grant ceiling has been raised from $100,000 to $500,000, with a view to facilitate larger-scale pilot studies, such as those evaluating trialability and scalability for future implementation, and small-scale research with achievable objectives.

     Only one application from each principal applicant is allowed, either a new or a resubmission of an application. The principal applicant should be based in a Hong Kong organisation throughout the project period and be employed by the administering institution at the time of submission.

     Applications will be subject to two-tier peer review. The vetting will take into account scientific merit, local relevance and translational potential/value of the proposals, capacity of the administering institutions, sustainability of health promotion projects, the track record of applicants, value for money of the proposals and research ethics, where applicable.

     Completed electronic application forms should be submitted via the electronic Grant Management System (eGMS) ( on or before 6pm on March 31, 2022 (Hong Kong time). Briefing sessions, grant skills training workshops and eGMS training sessions, to be held in January and February 2022, are now open for registration.
     Details of the updated thematic priorities, application-related materials and the workshops are now available on the website of the Research Fund Secretariat ( Enquiries can be made by e-mail to

Temporary service centres set up to assist JoyYou Card applicants and application opens for eligible persons reaching 60

     The Government today (December 30) announced that four temporary service centres will be set up from next Monday (January 3, 2022), to assist eligible persons aged 60 to 64 under the Government Public Transport Fare Concession Scheme for the Elderly and Eligible Persons with Disabilities ($2 Scheme) to apply for the JoyYou Card, a Personalised Octopus Card tailor-made for the Scheme. Application for the JoyYou Card will also open for eligible persons reaching the age of 60 in three months.

Four temporary service centres

     Eligible persons aged 60 to 64 must use a JoyYou Card to enjoy the $2 concessionary fare from February 27, 2022. Octopus Cards Limited (OCL) has so far received a total of about 516 600 applications, representing about 85 per cent of the estimated population born from 1957 to 1961. Eligible persons yet to apply are reminded to submit their applications via the Octopus App mobile application before January 31. Otherwise, they will not be able to enjoy the concessionary fare as scheduled.

     To assist eligible persons aged 60 to 64 to submit their applications or supplementary information as soon as possible, from next Monday, OCL will set up the following four temporary JoyYou Card Application Service Centres (see Annex for locations):

  • Room 3030, 30/F, Revenue Tower, 5 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai;
  • Unit 1917-1918, 19/F, Pioneer Centre, 750 Nathan Road, Mong Kok;
  • Conference Room, 2/F, Hin Keng Neighbourhood Community Centre, 5 Hin Wo Lane, Tai Wai, Sha Tin; and
  • Unit 401B, 4/F, Tin Ching Amenity and Community Building, Tin Ching Estate, Tin Shui Wai.

     Their service hours will be 9am to 8pm from Monday to Friday and 9am to 1pm on Saturdays, and they will be closed on Sundays and public holidays. Members of the public who need assistance on applications may visit the service centres during service hours.

     OCL has requested supplementary information regarding applications with incomplete information. Applicants who received an SMS should call the service hotline (2266 2222) (press 6, 2, 3 and 0 after choosing the language to contact operators directly) as soon as possible. Applicants who received letters should submit the supplementary information within 14 days by using the standard form and return envelope attached to the letter. Otherwise, their applications will not be processed further. OCL has started sending out JoyYou Cards by post and notified applicants via SMS. If they are not received 10 days after receiving the SMS or four weeks after completing an application, applicants should call the service hotline.

Application for JoyYou Card continues

     OCL will continue to accept applications by post or via the Octopus App, but eligible persons submitting their applications after January 31, 2022, may not receive their JoyYou Cards before February 27. In addition, those reaching 60 in three months may apply for the JoyYou Card via the Octopus App or by posting the application form to enjoy the concessionary fare when they reach 60 or from February 27 (whichever is later).

     The links to download the Octopus App, the online version of the application form (without a postage-free return envelope) and details of distribution points for paper application forms (with a postage-free return envelope) have been uploaded to the JoyYou Card webpage (, which also features short videos illustrating detailed steps for filling in and submitting the application form via the Octopus App or by post. For enquiries, please call the service hotline.

     The JoyYou Card carries the photo and the name of the eligible person, who will be issued with one card only. The Government will subsidise the $20 application fee for the first application and applicants do not need to pay any fee separately. Beneficiaries aged 65 or above may continue to enjoy the concessionary fare and the Government will further announce their application arrangements, while eligible persons with disabilities may continue to enjoy the concessionary fare and do not need to apply.

New phase of Arts Corner adds appeal to Hong Kong Park (with photos)

     Members of the public are invited to visit the new phase of the Arts Corner at Hong Kong Park, to be launched on January 1, 2022, under the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. Visitors can stroll around and look at a wide array of traditional and trendy handicrafts and arts services stalls while enjoying their leisure in the park. The Arts Corner comprises 10 stalls displaying and selling various kinds of handicrafts and artistic works such as fabric crafts, floral artworks and ornaments, as well as providing cultural and arts services including painting, portrait sketching and calligraphy.

     With the aim of enhancing public interest in the arts and enriching the artistic atmosphere in Hong Kong, the Arts Corner makes the park an even more appealing and enjoyable place for visitors.

     The 22nd phase of Hong Kong Park's Arts Corner will be open between noon and 6pm on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays from January 1 to December 31 next year. The corner is situated in the outdoor area next to the Flagstaff House Museum of Tea Ware inside the park. Admission is free.

     "The Arts Corner has been well received in past years. Apart from stopping at the Arts Corner, park-goers can also visit other facilities in the parks and spend some pleasant time there," a spokesman for the department said.

     For enquiries on Hong Kong Park's Arts Corner, please call venue staff at 2521 5041.

Photo  Photo  

Appointments to Business Facilitation Advisory Committee

     The Government today (December 30) announced that the Financial Secretary has appointed two new non-official members under the Member Self-recommendation Scheme for Youth (MSSY) and a further six new non-official members to the Business Facilitation Advisory Committee (BFAC) for a term from January 1 to December 31, 2022.

     The eight new non-official members are:

Two new non-official members appointed under the MSSY:
* Ms Peggy Tse Pui-kei (Upstream Officer, International Finance Corporation, World Bank Group)
* Mr Wong Wai-leung (Chief Executive Officer, Hang Heung Cake Shop Company Limited)

Six other new non-official members:
* Ms Clara Chan Yuen-shan (Chief Executive Officer, Lee Kee Holdings Limited)
* Ms Chow Yuen-mei (Director and CEO, Sea Horse (HK) Limited)
* Ms Miranda Kwan Ching-yi (Director of Knowledge Solutions, SGS Hong Kong Limited)
* Ms Iris Leung Wai-yan (Founder and CEO, Evvoke Catering Limited/Evvoke (Hong Kong) Limited)
* Ms Jacqueline Ng Wai-kwan (Director, Yuen Shing Textiles Limited)
* Miss Frankie Tam Wing-see (Technology Lawyer, Eversheds Sutherland)

     A Government spokesman said, "Since its inception, the BFAC has helped improve the competitiveness of the local business environment by tendering advice on streamlining procedures, removing unnecessary regulatory barriers, improving regulatory efficiency and reducing business compliance costs. It has also served as an effective platform for the Government to seek views from or consult various business sectors on new or proposed business regulations."

     The terms of reference of the committee are in the Annex.

LCSD to present Multi-arts Lecture Series “Everyday Dialogues: Beyond Classics and Multi-arts”

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) will present the Multi-arts Lecture Series "Everyday Dialogues: Beyond Classics and Multi-arts" from January to March next year. The lectures will be delivered by cultural researcher Dr Ian Fong.
     In this series of five lectures, Dr Fong will re-read the classics with a contemporary approach, covering various genres of multi-arts, ranging from cultural theories, paintings, music and literary works to films as well as performative and visual arts, so as to discuss currently trending topics such as aesthetics, technology, futurism and gender. By exploring the subtle correlation between classics and multi-arts, the lectures will also look into how the classics respond to the everyday in an intimate way.

     Details of each lecture are as follows:
Topic: Aesthetics, Being and Adaptation
Date: January 26 (Wednesday)
Content: As an introduction to this lecture series, to explore the topic of "existence" in different art forms.
Topic: Re-reading Classics through Futurism
Date: February 8 (Tuesday)
Content: To discuss how the classics can be re-read through futurism in science fiction works.
Topic: Shakespeare and Beyond
Date: February 15 (Tuesday)
Content: To re-read "The Tempest" by Shakespeare through the works of different art forms.
Topic: Gender in Classics and Others
Date: February 23 (Wednesday)
Content: Selected paintings on Venus are cited as an introduction to discuss how gender is projected in art pieces.
Topic: Madness and Everyday
Date: March 1 (Tuesday)
Content: Using a number of paintings on insanity as an introduction to discuss the expression of related mental status in different artworks.
     Dr Fong received his PhD degree in Comparative Literature at the University of Hong Kong. He is currently teaching literary and cultural studies in various tertiary institutions and focuses on research topics including film and literary studies, psychoanalysis, deconstruction and more.
     All the lectures, to be conducted in Cantonese, will take place at 7.30pm at AC2, Level 4, Administration Building, Hong Kong Cultural Centre. Tickets priced at $50 (for each lecture, with free seating) are now available at URBTIX ( For telephone credit card bookings, please call 2111 5999. For programme enquiries, please call 2268 7323 or visit
     All persons are required to use the "LeaveHomeSafe" mobile application to scan the venue QR code before they are allowed to enter LCSD offices and venues, except for exempted persons who are aged below 12 or aged 65 or above and those with disabilities that render use of the app difficult. Exemptions will also be granted to individual persons depending on the actual circumstances. All exempted persons are required to complete a record form to register their personal particulars and the date and time of their visit. As it will take time to verify personal particulars of exempted persons under the arrangement, their waiting time for using public services or entering the relevant venues may be lengthened. The LCSD suggests that members of the public arrive early and appeals for their understanding. The department also encourages exempted persons to use the app as far as possible to save time.