
Author Archives: hksar gov

Extension of statutory no-smoking areas in bus interchanges and public transport facilities to commence tomorrow

     The Department of Health (DH) today (December 30) reminded the public that under the Smoking (Public Health) Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule 2) Order 2021 and the Smoking (Public Health) (Designation of No Smoking Areas) (Amendment) Notice 2021 effective from tomorrow (December 31), no smoking areas (NSAs) will be extended to cover three additional bus interchanges (BIs) leading to expressways or tunnels and two more public transport facilities (PTFs), whereas the NSAs of a further two BIs and four other PTFs will be revised.
     “To protect public health, it is the established policy of the Government to discourage smoking, contain the proliferation of tobacco use and protect the public from second-hand smoke. The extension of NSAs aims at further protecting the public from the harm of second-hand smoke,” a spokesman for the DH said.
     When the latest Order and the Notice come into effect tomorrow, the smoking ban will cover all 14 BIs leading to expressways or tunnels and 255 PTFs throughout the territory.

     No-smoking signs and layout plans will be put up, and demarcation lines will be displayed to indicate clearly the boundaries with regard to the respective physical settings at the new NSAs to remind the public of the smoke-free requirements. Plans showing the boundaries of the NSAs are available in the Land Registry, and will be uploaded to the Tobacco and Alcohol Control Office’s website ( for public inspection.
     Any person who smokes or carries a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe in a designated NSA or in public transport carriers will be liable for a fixed penalty of $1,500. Tobacco and Alcohol Control Inspectors will prosecute smoking offenders without prior warning.
     “We appeal to smokers to quit smoking as early as possible for their own health and that of others. They are encouraged to call the DH’s Integrated Smoking Cessation Hotline on 1833 183. The hotline is operated by registered nurses, providing professional counselling services on smoking cessation,” the spokesman said.
The three BIs newly designated as NSAs are:

1. Fanling Highway Bus Interchange;
2. Tseung Kwan O Tunnel Bus Interchange; and
3. Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok Tunnel Bus Interchange.
The two PTFs newly designated as NSAs are:

1. Chun Yeung Estate Public Transport Interchange, Fo Tan; and
2. Sau Mau Ping (Central) Bus Terminus.
The two BIs with revised NSAs are:

1. Cross-Harbour Tunnel Bus Interchange; and
2. Eastern Harbour Crossing Bus Interchange.
The four PTFs with revised NSAs are:

1. Tai Po Market Station Public Transport Interchange;
2. Siu Hong Court Bus Terminus, Tuen Mun;
3. Kwun Tong Station Public Transport Interchange; and
4. Wong Chuk Hang Temporary Bus Terminus. read more

Combined DoJ Chinese-English Glossary of Legal Terms launched

     The Department of Justice (DoJ) today (December 30) launched the Combined DoJ Chinese-English Glossary of Legal Terms (Combined C-E Glossary), following the launch of the Combined DoJ English-Chinese Glossary of Legal Terms (Combined E-C Glossary) in September, to continue to promote the development of legal bilingualism in Hong Kong.

     Each of the combined glossaries ( consists of six glossaries prepared by the Civil Division, the Constitutional and Policy Affairs Division, the International Law Division, the Law Drafting Division, the Law Reform Commission Secretariat and the Prosecutions Division, with more than 60 000 entries which are legal terms commonly used in Hong Kong sourced from Hong Kong legislation, judicial authorities and other legal publications.

     For users’ convenience, both combined glossaries are hosted on the same website and share the same search engine. The webpage will automatically switch between the Combined E-C Glossary and the Combined C-E Glossary depending on whether the user searches an English or Chinese keyword.

     “It is hoped that the combined glossaries can facilitate legal translation work and also promote the broader use of Chinese in the legal field in Hong Kong,” a DoJ spokesperson said.

     The existing “English-Chinese Glossary” and “Chinese-English Glossary” on the Hong Kong e-Legislation website will discontinue service in due course. read more