Provisional statistics of retail sales for November 2021

     The Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) released the latest figures on retail sales today (January 3).

     The value of total retail sales in November 2021, provisionally estimated at $30.7 billion, increased by 7.1% compared with the same month in 2020. The revised estimate of the value of total retail sales in October 2021 increased by 12.1% compared with a year earlier. For the first 11 months of 2021 taken together, it was provisionally estimated that the value of total retail sales increased by 8.3% compared with the same period in 2020.

      Of the total retail sales value in November 2021, online sales accounted for 11.2%. The value of online retail sales in that month, provisionally estimated at $3.4 billion, increased by 27.6% compared with the same month in 2020. The revised estimate of online retail sales in October 2021 increased by 33.9% compared with a year earlier. For the first 11 months of 2021 taken together, it was provisionally estimated that the value of online retail sales increased by 40.1% compared with the same period in 2020.

     After netting out the effect of price changes over the same period, the provisional estimate of the volume of total retail sales in November 2021 increased by 4.2% compared with a year earlier. The revised estimate of the volume of total retail sales in October 2021 increased by 9.4% compared with a year earlier. For the first 11 months of 2021 taken together, the provisional estimate of the total retail sales increased by 6.8% in volume compared with the same period in 2020.

     Analysed by broad type of retail outlet in descending order of the provisional estimate of the value of sales and comparing November 2021 with November 2020, the value of sales of electrical goods and other consumer durable goods, not elsewhere classified increased by 0.5%. This was followed by sales of commodities in department stores (+9.3% in value); other consumer goods, not elsewhere classified (+25.2%); jewellery, watches and clocks, and valuable gifts (+14.4%); wearing apparel (+17.9%); medicines and cosmetics (+12.9%); motor vehicles and parts (+4.2%); fuels (+11.6%); footwear, allied products and other clothing accessories (+9.6%); books, newspapers, stationery and gifts (+2.0%); Chinese drugs and herbs (+11.4%); and optical shops (+9.1%).

     On the other hand, the value of sales of commodities in supermarkets decreased by 3.2% in November 2021 over a year earlier. This was followed by sales of food, alcoholic drinks and tobacco (-3.9% in value); and furniture and fixtures (-1.0%).

     Based on the seasonally adjusted series, the provisional estimate of the value of total retail sales increased by 5.9% in the three months ending November 2021 compared with the preceding three-month period, while the provisional estimate of the volume of total retail sales increased by 3.0%.

     These retail sales statistics measure the sales receipts in respect of goods sold by local retail establishments and are primarily intended for gauging the short-term business performance of the local retail sector. Data on retail sales are collected from local retail establishments through the Monthly Survey of Retail Sales (MRS). Local retail establishments with and without physical shops are covered in MRS and their sales, both through conventional shops and online channels, are included in the retail sales statistics. Starting from January 2020, data on online retail sales have been collected in MRS. The relevant results were first published in the January 2021 issue of the "Report on Monthly Survey of Retail Sales".

     The retail sales statistics cover consumer spending on goods but not on services (such as those on housing, catering, medical care and health services, transport and communication, financial services, education and entertainment) which account for over 50% of the overall consumer spending. Moreover, they include spending on goods in Hong Kong by visitors but exclude spending outside Hong Kong by Hong Kong residents. Hence they should not be regarded as indicators for measuring overall consumer spending.

     Users interested in the trend of overall consumer spending should refer to the data series of private consumption expenditure (PCE), which is a major component of the Gross Domestic Product published at quarterly intervals. Compiled from a wide range of data sources, PCE covers consumer spending on both goods (including goods purchased from all channels) and services by Hong Kong residents whether locally or abroad. Please refer to the C&SD publication "Gross Domestic Product (Quarterly)" for more details.


     A government spokesman said that the value of total retail sales stayed above $30 billion in November, yielding a further year-on-year increase of 7.1%, as consumption sentiment remained positive thanks to the entrenched economic recovery and the Consumption Voucher Scheme.

     Looking ahead, the spokesman pointed out that provided that the local epidemic situation remains under control, the improving economic and labour market conditions should continue to provide support to the retail sector. In order to strengthen the foundation for a faster and broader based economic recovery, it is essential for the community to strive towards more widespread vaccination and abide by the anti-epidemic measures.

Further information

     Table 1 presents the revised figures on value index and value of retail sales for all retail outlets and by broad type of retail outlet for October 2021 as well as the provisional figures for November 2021. The provisional figures on the value of retail sales for all retail outlets and by broad type of retail outlet as well as the corresponding year-on-year changes for the first 11 months of 2021 taken together are also shown.

     Table 2 presents the revised figures on value of online retail sales for October 2021 as well as the provisional figures for November 2021. The provisional figures on year-on-year changes for the first 11 months of 2021 taken together are also shown.

     Table 3 presents the revised figures on volume index of retail sales for all retail outlets and by broad type of retail outlet for October 2021 as well as the provisional figures for November 2021. The provisional figures on year-on-year changes for the first 11 months of 2021 taken together are also shown.

     Table 4 shows the movements of the value and volume of total retail sales in terms of the year-on-year rate of change for a month compared with the same month in the preceding year based on the original series, and in terms of the rate of change for a three-month period compared with the preceding three-month period based on the seasonally adjusted series.

     The classification of retail establishments follows the Hong Kong Standard Industrial Classification (HSIC) Version 2.0, which is used in various economic surveys for classifying economic units into different industry classes.

     More detailed statistics are given in the "Report on Monthly Survey of Retail Sales". Users can download this publication at the website of the C&SD ( Alternatively, the historical series of retail sales statistics can be downloaded in the form of a statistical table at the website of the C&SD (

     Users who have enquiries about the survey results may contact the Distribution Services Statistics Section of the C&SD (Tel: 3903 7400; email:

Government updates list of places of recognised vaccination records

     The Government announced today (January 3) that it has concluded discussions with the Governments of Belarus, Brunei Darussalam and Vietnam to accept vaccination records issued by these places as recognised vaccination records for Hong Kong residents who have stayed in Group A specified places under the mechanism. The Government will also accept the vaccination records issued by Montenegro, Tunisia and Uruguay for boarding flights for Hong Kong by Hong Kong residents who have stayed in Group A specified places. The relevant arrangements will take effect at 0.00am on January 5 (Wednesday).

     Belarus, Brunei Darussalam and Vietnam are currently Group A specified places. From 0.00am on January 5, Hong Kong residents who hold a vaccination record issued by the relevant authorities of these places in the prescribed format can board a flight for Hong Kong from Group A specified places. The vaccines administered for the relevant travellers have to be vaccines listed on the Government's List of COVID-19 Vaccines Recognised for Specified Purposes.

     Meanwhile, the Government announced earlier that it accepts vaccination records recognised under the EU Digital COVID Certificate mechanism as recognised vaccination records required for the purpose of boarding flights for Hong Kong from high-risk Group A specified places. As the European Union (EU) has recently announced the recognition of the vaccination records issued by Montenegro, Tunisia and Uruguay as being equivalent to vaccination records issued by EU member states under the mechanism, the Government will therefore also accept the vaccination records issued by these places as recognised vaccination records from 0.00am on January 5.

     The Government notes that the EU Digital COVID Certificate mechanism has also recognised the vaccination records issued by Thailand. Further to the recognition arrangement reached with Thailand earlier, the Government will update the List of Places of Issuance of Recognised Vaccination Records to include Thailand as a place issuing recognised vaccination records under the EU Digital COVID Certificate mechanism.

     The Government has implemented stringent inbound prevention and control measures for travellers arriving at Hong Kong from overseas places. Travellers who have stayed in Group A specified places on the day of boarding or in the 21 days before that day can only board a flight for Hong Kong if they are Hong Kong residents who are fully vaccinated and holding recognised vaccination records. Recognised vaccination records include those issued by Hong Kong, Mainland or Macao authorities or an institution recognised by Mainland or Macao authorities, an authority or recognised institution of a country where its national regulatory authority is designated by the World Health Organization as a stringent regulatory authority, or a relevant authority or recognised institution of a country with which Hong Kong has reached a recognition agreement arrangement with its government.

     The list of places that are accepted for issuing recognised vaccination records is set out in the Annex, and will be uploaded to the Government's COVID-19 thematic website.

     The Government will continue to discuss with other places on the arrangements for the recognition of vaccination records, and will update the list as recognition arrangements are agreed with these places.

Import of poultry meat and products from areas in Poland and Denmark suspended

     The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department announced today (January 3) that in view of notifications from the General Veterinary Inspectorate of Poland and the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration about outbreaks of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza in WolsztyÅ„ski District of Wielkopolskie Region and Bielski District of ÅšlÄ…skie Region in Poland, and Vordingborg Municipality and Lolland Municipality in Denmark, the CFS has instructed the trade to suspend the import of poultry meat and products (including poultry eggs) from the above-mentioned areas with immediate effect to protect public health in Hong Kong.

     A CFS spokesman said that according to the Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong imported about 4 070 tonnes of frozen poultry meat and about 24.82 million poultry eggs from Poland, and about 1 060 tonnes of frozen poultry meat and about 1.85 million poultry eggs from Denmark in the first nine months of last year.

     "The CFS has contacted the Polish and Danish authorities over the issues and will closely monitor information issued by the World Organisation for Animal Health and the relevant authorities on the avian influenza outbreak. Appropriate action will be taken in response to the development of the situation," the spokesman said.

Grant approved for typhoon victims in the Philippines

     The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has approved from the Disaster Relief Fund a grant of $0.54 million to Amity Foundation, Hong Kong for providing relief to typhoon victims in the Philippines.
     Announcing the grant today (January 3), a Government spokesman said that the grant will be used to provide drinking water, rice, dried fish, canned food, beans, sugar and cooking oil to around 9 000 victims to address their imminent need. The grant was approved under the fast-track mechanism set up on the advice of the Disaster Relief Fund Advisory Committee to facilitate relief agencies kick-starting first-phase emergency relief work.    
     "In line with the practices, Amity Foundation, Hong Kong will submit an evaluation report and an audited account on the use of the grant after the relief project has been completed," the spokesman said.

Fraudulent website and phishing email related to The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:
     The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) wishes to alert members of the public to a press release issued by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited relating to a fraudulent website and phishing email, which has been reported to the HKMA. A hyperlink to the press release is available on the HKMA website.

     The HKMA wishes to remind the public that banks will not send SMS or e-mails with embedded hyperlinks which direct them to the banks' websites to carry out transactions. They will not ask customers for sensitive personal information, such as login passwords or one-time password, by phone, email or SMS (including via embedded hyperlinks).

     Anyone who has provided his or her personal information, or who has conducted any financial transactions, through or in response to the website or email concerned, should contact the bank using the contact information provided in the press release, and report the matter to the Police by contacting the Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau of the Hong Kong Police Force at 2860 5012.