DH clinics service arrangement

     The Department of Health (DH) today (January 10) announced adjustments of its services in response to the latest developments of the COVID-19 situation.

Social Hygiene Service

  • Yau Ma Tei Female Social Hygiene Clinic will be suspended starting tomorrow (January 11) until further notice. Patients in need could attend other social hygiene clinics.
  • Evening service of Yau Ma Tei Male Social Hygiene Clinic (which provides service on Tuesdays) will be suspended starting tomorrow until further notice. Patients concerned could attend the clinic during the daytime opening hours if needed.

     Please visit the following websites for the information on social hygiene clinics:
     Male: www.dh.gov.hk/english/tele/tele_chc/tele_chc_shcm.html; and
     Female: www.dh.gov.hk/english/tele/tele_chc/tele_chc_shcf.html.

Tuberculosis and Chest Service

  • The directly observed treatment service on every Saturday morning of seven chest clinics will be suspended from January 22, namely Sai Ying Pun Chest Clinic, Shaukeiwan Chest Clinic, Kowloon Chest Clinic, Shek Kip Mei Chest Clinic, East Kowloon Chest Clinic, Tai Po Chest Clinic and Tung Chung Chest Clinic.

     The DH will contact and make separate arrangements for affected users of the above services with prior appointments.

     Please visit the respective websites or contact the relevant clinics and service units direct for details of the service adjustments. These websites can also be accessed via the DH website (www.dh.gov.hk).

     In addition, in order to enhance infection control measures including minimising flows of people and social contacts, the DH has advised that family members and friends should avoid accompanying clients to visit the Maternal and Child Health Centres or other clinics/facilities unless there are special reasons to do so.

     â€‹A spokesman for the DH reiterated that infection control measures at all clinics and service units have been in place. All patients with appointments or visitors must put on surgical masks and have their body temperature checked.

Government again appeals to foreign domestic helpers to fight the virus together (with photo)

     The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) conducted joint operations with several government departments over the past weekend at popular places in different districts where foreign domestic helpers (FDHs) commonly gathered, and appealed to them to maintain awareness of epidemic prevention, keep the environment clean and hygienic, and comply with the various anti-epidemic regulations and restrictions, including the requirements on group gatherings and wearing of masks. The FEHD has initiated prosecution against illegal hawking activities during the operations. A spokesman for the FEHD today (January 10) again appeals to all sectors including FDHs to fight the virus together.

     Over the past weekend, the FEHD, in collaboration with the Hong Kong Police Force, the Labour Department, the Immigration Department and the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, conducted joint operations at the public places near popular FDH gathering places during weekends and public holidays, such as Tamar Park and Chater Road in Central; Victoria Park, East Coast Park (Phase 1) and Sugar Street in Wan Chai and the pedestrian footbridge at Mong Kok Road. Apart from arranging cleansing contractors to strengthen the street cleaning services at the relevant spots, the FEHD also steps up patrols to combat littering and unlicensed hawking activities. During the operation yesterday (January 9), FEHD officers initiated one prosecution against illegal hawking in public place in the vicinity of Victoria Park and effected two seizures of abandoned articles, including cooked food.

     In addition, promotional leaflets in multiple languages are also distributed by the FEHD to appeal to FDHs to maintain environmental hygiene and refrain from conducting unlicensed hawking activities. Other government departments also distributed leaflets reminding FDHs to comply with the regulations on mask-wearing and prohibition of group gatherings in public places.

     To minimise the risk of COVID-19 transmission, the spokesman strongly appeals to all to stay vigilant and comply with the relevant regulations on prevention and control of disease in a concerted and persistent manner. The spokesman also reminds members of the public to exercise self-discipline and co-operate to fight the virus together.   


CE meets Commander-in-chief of Hong Kong Garrison (with photo)

     The Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, met the Commander-in-chief of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Hong Kong Garrison, Major General Peng Jingtang, at Government House this morning (January 10). The Director of the Chief Executive's Office, Mr Chan Kwok-ki, also attended the meeting.

     Mrs Lam welcomed Major General Peng's assumption of office in Hong Kong. She said that the Hong Kong Garrison is a symbol of national sovereignty and has been performing its functions and responsibilities in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) in strict accordance with the Basic Law, the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Garrisoning of the HKSAR and other relevant laws. The Hong Kong Garrison has always been well-disciplined and law-abiding, providing staunch support for maintaining the long-term prosperity and stability of the HKSAR.
     Mrs Lam said that the Hong Kong Garrison has been committed to deepening communication and exchanges with Hong Kong society, participating in charitable activities in the community as well as organising frequently such activities as open days for its military sites, summer camps for youths and tertiary students. Such interaction enhances the understanding of national defence and the armed forces among various sectors of Hong Kong, encouraging the respect and fond regard from members of the public.

     Mrs Lam said she believes that the Hong Kong Garrison, under the leadership of Major General Peng, will continue to uphold its excellent tradition of contributing to the HKSAR, working with the HKSAR Government to jointly safeguard the sovereignty, security and development interests of the nation and help maintain the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong.


Government announces updated quarantine requirements for close contacts of locally acquired cases tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 virus

     The Government today (January 10) announced the updated quarantine requirements for close contacts of locally acquired cases tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus. 

     A Government spokesman said that due to the recent surge in cases tested positive, the number of close contacts that needed to be quarantined at quarantine centre increased rapidly in the past few days, putting much pressure on the capacity of quarantine facilities. Taking into consideration the relatively short incubation period for infection with the Omicron mutant strain, and after consulting the Chief Executive's expert advisory panel, the Government has decided to shorten the duration of quarantine at quarantine centre for close contacts of locally acquired cases. 

     Currently, close contacts need to undergo compulsory quarantine for 21 days, counting from the last day of exposure to the locally acquired case tested positive with mutant strain. For locally acquired cases tested positive announced from today, the updated duration of quarantine in quarantine centre for close contacts will be 14 days, followed by seven days of self-monitoring, counting from the last day of exposure to the locally acquired case tested positive. They are also subject to compulsory testing at a community testing centre on Day 19 in accordance with the compulsory testing notice.

     The spokesman emphasized that people undergoing quarantine at quarantine centre are subject to multiple testings there. They can only proceed on the seven-day self-monitoring after they have completed the 14-day compulsory quarantine with negative test results. The new arrangement could spare more units in the quarantine centre for people of higher risk.

     Meanwhile, to manage the importation risks posed by Omicron cases, the Government continues to employ the most stringent measures to guard against importation of cases. In order to strengthen the anti-epidemic barrier against importation of cases, the quarantine-related arrangements for travellers arriving at Hong Kong from overseas places will remain unchanged. 

Appeal for information on missing girl in Tuen Mun (with photo)

     Police today (January 10) appealed to the public for information on a girl who went missing in Tuen Mun.

     Lin Sihan, aged 16, went missing after she was last seen at Tuen Mun Hospital in the small hours of yesterday (January 9). Staff of her hostel made a report to Police on the same day.

     She is about 1.52 metres tall, 50 kilograms in weight and of medium build. She has a round face with yellow complexion and long black hair. She was last seen wearing a yellow sweater, dark colour trousers and slippers.

     Anyone who knows the whereabouts of the missing girl or may have seen her is urged to contact the Regional Missing Person Unit of Hong Kong Island on 2860 1040 or 9886 0034 or email to rmpu-hki@police.gov.hk, or contact any police station.
