Proposed sewerage works at Roads, Ngau Au, Lam Che, Nim Yuen, Mok Ka and Shek Lau Po and Sewage Pumping Stations in Area 61B, 45C and 68B, Tung Chung for Tung Chung New Town Extension authorised

     The Chief Executive in Council has authorised the scheme for sewerage works at Road L22, Road L24, Road L25, Road L26, Road L28, Ngau Au, Lam Che, Nim Yuen, Mok Ka and Shek Lau Po and Sewage Pumping Stations in Area 61B, Area 45C and Area 68B, Tung Chung, for Tung Chung New Town Extension. The notice was gazetted today (June 21).
     The sewerage scheme comprises the following:

  1. construction of about 5 500 metres of rising mains, gravity sewers, associated manholes and facilities;
  2. construction of two sewage pumping stations; and
  3. ancillary works including temporary closure and reinstatement of carriageways, footpaths and open space or parts thereof.

     Construction works for the scheme by the Civil Engineering and Development Department are to be carried out in conjunction with the road works at Road L22, Road L24, Road L25, Road L26 and Road L28.
     Details of the sewerage scheme were published in the Government Gazette on December 23, 2022, December 30, 2022, July 28, 2023, and August 4, 2023.

Appointments to Board of Directors of Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation

     The Government today (June 21) announced that the Chief Executive has reappointed Dr Sunny Chai as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTPC) for two years starting from July 1, 2024.

     The Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, Professor Sun Dong, said, "Dr Chai has continued to make valuable contributions to the work of the HKSTPC. Under his sterling leadership, the HKSTPC has made significant contributions to the innovation and technology (I&T) and new industrialisation development of Hong Kong through developing new and upgrading existing facilities, introducing measures to support I&T start-ups and enterprises, as well as attracting I&T talent."

     The Government also announced the appointment of four new members and reappointment of five serving members by the Financial Secretary for a period of two years from July 1, 2024.

     Ms Dilys Chau, Ms Susanna Hui, Mr Timothy Leung and Ms Eunice Yung are appointed as new Board members of the HKSTPC.

     Mr Conrad Chan, Professor Stephanie Ma, Mr Daryl Ng, Dr Samson Tam and Ms Phoebe Tse are reappointed as Board members of the HKSTPC.

     Professor Sun said, "With their extensive experience and professional knowledge, I am confident that the Board will continue to guide the HKSTPC to fulfil its public mission effectively and further strengthen Hong Kong's competitiveness as an international I&T hub."

     The tenure of four incumbent Board members, Mr Herbert Chia, Mr Donald Choi, Mr Dennis Ho and Mr Jimmy Ng, will expire on June 30 this year.

     Professor Sun also expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the outgoing Board members for their valuable contributions to the HKSTPC and the local I&T development over the past six years.

     Established in 2001, the HKSTPC manages the Hong Kong Science Park, three InnoParks and the InnoCentre. It provides a comprehensive range of services to support and nurture I&T start-ups and enterprises, as well as land and relevant facilities for the I&T industry.

Government proposes amendments to update regulations on merchant shipping safety to comply with international standards

     The Government gazetted today (June 21) a proposal comprising the introduction of a new Merchant Shipping (Safety) (Ships Carrying Industrial Personnel) Regulation under the Merchant Shipping (Safety) Ordinance (Cap. 369) (the Safety Ordinance) and amendments to the Schedule to the Safety Ordinance to incorporate into local legislation the latest relevant requirements of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea of the International Maritime Organization.

     The proposed amendments aim to provide safety standards for ships that carry industrial personnel and for the personnel themselves, and to address specific risks of maritime operations within the offshore and energy sectors.

     A spokesman for the Transport and Logistics Bureau said, "As a major member of the international maritime community, Hong Kong has been a staunch supporter of maritime safety, sparing no effort in safeguarding the safety of industrial personnel engaged in maritime operations in line with the relevant international standards. The proposed legislative amendments demonstrate our continual commitment in this regard."

     The Panel on Economic Development of the Legislative Council, as well as the Hong Kong Fleet Operation Advisory Committee of the Marine Department, have been consulted on the legislative proposal. Members supported the proposal.

     The proposed legislative amendments will be tabled at the Legislative Council on June 26 for negative vetting.

Property owner fined $18,000 for failing to comply with fire safety direction

     An owner was convicted and fined $18,000 at the Eastern Magistrates' Courts on June 6 for failing to comply with a fire safety direction issued under the Fire Safety (Buildings) Ordinance (FS(B)O) (Cap. 572).

     The Buildings Department (BD) issued a fire safety direction under section 5(2)(a)(ii) of the FS(B)O to the owner of a domestic flat in a 65-year-old composite building at Nam On Street, Shau Kei Wan, requiring the owner to comply with the fire safety construction requirement by providing fire-rated doors at the unit entrances which open to the escape staircases.

     Failing to comply with the statutory direction, the owner was prosecuted by the BD and was convicted and fined by the court.

     "According to the FS(B)O, failing to comply with a statutory direction issued under the ordinance without reasonable excuse is a serious offence. The BD may instigate prosecution proceedings against the owner", a spokesman for the BD said today (June 21).

     Pursuant to section 5(8) of the FS(B)O, any person who, without reasonable excuse, fails to comply with a statutory direction, commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine at level 4 ($25,000 at present) and to a further fine of $2,500 for each day of non-compliance. Upon conviction, an application may also be made to the court for a Fire Safety Compliance Order against the owner under section 6(1) of the FS(B)O directing the owner to comply with the requirements of the direction.

Firing practice for July 2024

     Firing practice will take place at two military sites, namely the San Wai/Tai Ling Firing Range and the Tsing Shan Firing Range, next month (July).
     Red flags or red lamps will be hoisted at the firing areas before and during firing practice. For their safety, people are advised not to enter the firing area.
     Following are the dates and times for the firing practice sessions in July 2024:
San Wai/Tai Ling Firing Range

Date Time
July 2 (Tuesday)
July 3 (Wednesday)
July 4 (Thursday)
July 5 (Friday)
July 6 (Saturday)
July 8 (Monday)
July 9 (Tuesday)
July 10 (Wednesday)
July 11 (Thursday)
July 12 (Friday)
July 13 (Saturday)
July 15 (Monday)
July 16 (Tuesday)
July 17 (Wednesday)
July 18 (Thursday)
July 19 (Friday)
July 20 (Saturday)
July 22 (Monday)
July 23 (Tuesday)
July 24 (Wednesday)
July 25 (Thursday)
July 26 (Friday)
July 27 (Saturday)
July 29 (Monday)
July 30 (Tuesday)
July 31 (Wednesday)

Tsing Shan Firing Range

Date Time
July 2 (Tuesday)
July 3 (Wednesday)
July 4 (Thursday)
July 5 (Friday)
July 6 (Saturday)
July 8 (Monday)
July 9 (Tuesday)
July 10 (Wednesday)
July 11 (Thursday)
July 12 (Friday)
July 13 (Saturday)
July 15 (Monday)
July 16 (Tuesday)
July 17 (Wednesday)
July 18 (Thursday)
July 19 (Friday)
July 20 (Saturday)
July 22 (Monday)
July 23 (Tuesday)
July 24 (Wednesday)
July 25 (Thursday)
July 26 (Friday)
July 27 (Saturday)
July 29 (Monday)
July 30 (Tuesday)
July 31 (Wednesday)