AFCD mounts wild pig capture operation at Shek Pai Wan Road in Southern District

     The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) mounted a wild pig capture operation at Shek Pai Wan Road in Southern District today (January 13) with a view to reducing the number of wild pigs there and safeguarding public safety.
     An AFCD spokesman said that the department started the wild pig capture operation at Shek Pai Wan Road at 6pm this evening. Veterinarians used dart guns to capture five wild pigs for humane dispatch through medicine injection. The operation was completed at 9pm.
     The AFCD will continue to carry out wild pig capture operations and accord priority to sites with multiple numbers of wild pigs, areas with a history of injury cases or areas where wild pigs may pose risks to members of the public. The AFCD will also publish relevant figures on captured wild pigs on the AFCD website ( in due course for public reference.

AFCD mounts wild pig capture operation at Shek Pai Wan Road in Southern District

     The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) mounted a wild pig capture operation at Shek Pai Wan Road in Southern District today (January 13) with a view to reducing the number of wild pigs there and safeguarding public safety.
     An AFCD spokesman said that the department started the wild pig capture operation at Shek Pai Wan Road at 6pm this evening. Veterinarians used dart guns to capture five wild pigs for humane dispatch through medicine injection. The operation was completed at 9pm.
     The AFCD will continue to carry out wild pig capture operations and accord priority to sites with multiple numbers of wild pigs, areas with a history of injury cases or areas where wild pigs may pose risks to members of the public. The AFCD will also publish relevant figures on captured wild pigs on the AFCD website ( in due course for public reference.

CHP reminds relevant residents to comply with “restriction-testing declaration” operation on two cases tested preliminarily positive for SARS-CoV-2 virus

     The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) today (January 13) reminded members of the public that "restriction-testing declaration" (RTD) have been made for the residences of two of the cases tested preliminarily positive for SARS-CoV-2 virus the CHP is following up. The CHP strongly reminds relevant residents that they must comply with the RTD operations. Any person who fails to present an SMS notification with a test result or wear a wristband as proof of having undergone testing breaches the compulsory testing notice and may be liable to a fine of $5,000. The person will also be issued with a compulsory testing order, requiring him/her to undergo testing within a specified time frame. Failure to comply with the compulsory testing order or the RTD is an offence and the offender may be liable to a fine of level 4 ($25,000) and imprisonment for six months.

     The first case involves a 21-year-old female patient living in JC Place Tower 1, 345 Castle Peak Road – Castle Peak Bay, Tuen Mun. She is a part-time nurse who works at three clinics of JP Partners Medical in Tuen Mun (Gold Coast Piazza, Lin Wong Building, 2-14 Tak Ching Court, and New Town Mansion, Tuen Lee Street). She last went to work on January 11. She received testing arranged by JP Partners Medical on the same day and subsequently tested preliminarily positive. She has worked at the clinic at Gold Coast Piazza on January 3 when cases 12987 and 12988 sought medical attention there. She developed symptoms on January 12. She had received two doses of COVID-19 vaccination (Comirnaty) on July 20 and August 10, 2021 in Hong Kong.

     The second case involves a 22-year-old female patient living in Block 2, Hoi Tak Gardens, 13-17 Wing Fat Lane, Tuen Mun. She is a nurse who also works at the aforementioned three clinics of JP Partners Medical in Tuen Mun. She last went to work on January 12. Initial investigation revealed that she has not worked in the same clinic during the same period of time with the aforementioned 21-year-old female patient. She is asymptomatic and received testing arranged by her workplace on January 13 and tested preliminarily positive. She had received two doses of COVID-19 vaccination (Comirnaty) on August 11 and September 1, 2021 in Hong Kong.

     The CHP is now investigating the places where the patients visited during incubation periods and will carry out whole genome sequencing analysis in order to ascertain the infection sources and to terminate the silent transmission chains in the community. The CHP also urges all individuals who are in doubt about their own health condition, or individuals with exposure to infection risk, to undergo testing promptly for early identification of infected persons.

     The Government has made "restriction-testing declaration" tonight for the buildings where the patients resided (Tower 1, JC Place, 345 Castle Peak Road – Castle Peak Bay, Tuen Mun and Block 2, Hoi Tak Gardens, 13-17 Wing Fat Lane, Tuen Mun) and persons who resided or worked at the buildings will be subject to increased compulsory testing frequency. The places where they had visited during the incubation periods will also be included in a compulsory testing notice. Specified persons who were present at the relevant venues at specified periods need to undergo compulsory testing on the specified date.

     The spokesman for the CHP said, "The Government has remained vigilant and has been closely monitoring the latest scientific data on mutant strains as well as the epidemic situation of various places. The most stringent anti-epidemic measures will be implemented to prevent the mutant strains from spreading in the local community."

     â€‹At the moment, the adverse impact on the epidemic situation caused by the newly emerged mutant strains is not fully known yet, but vaccination is still essential to prevent severe cases and deaths from COVID-19 infection. The Government has launched the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme. Members of the public are encouraged to get vaccinated. Details of the programme can be found at the designated website (

New Territories East Cluster announces patient who tested preliminarily positive for COVID-19

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The spokesperson for the New Territories East Cluster made the following announcement today (January 13) concerning a patient who tested preliminarily positive for COVID-19:
     A 29-year-old man injured at a traffic accident was sent to the Accident and Emergency Department of the Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital at 5.17pm on January 12. The patient, who was transferred to the Accident and Emergency Department of the Prince of Wales Hospital (PWH) at 7.20pm for treatment, was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) on the same night. Admission screening of COVID-19 test for the patient was arranged according to established procedure and the preliminary result was positive. The patient was admitted to the isolation ward of ICU for further treatment and is currently in stable condition.
     The infection control team conducted contact tracing accordingly. Eleven patients who had stayed in the same ICU ward with the preliminarily positive patient have undergone COVID-19 testing and their test results are negative. Among them, three patients who had stayed in the same cubicle have been transferred to single isolation rooms.
     The hospitals have not performed any high risk medical procedures on the patient during his hospital stay, except taking nasopharyngeal swab and throat swab for COVID-19 test. COVID-19 test results of 43 staff members of the two hospitals, who had provided treatment and care to the patient, are negative. All staff members had been wearing appropriate personal protective equipment in accordance with the infection control guidelines. Four PWH doctors, who examined the unmasked patient during consultation, were classified as close contacts and will be quarantined.
     Thorough cleansing and disinfection had been conducted at areas where the patient had stayed. Both hospitals would continue to closely monitor the health condition of staff and patients and communicate with the Centre for Health Protection on the latest situation.

Bogus marriage intermediary of crime syndicate jailed for conspiracy to defraud (with photos)

     The Special Investigation Section (SIS) of the Immigration Department (ImmD) launched an operation codenamed "Flashspear 2020" and had successfully cracked down a bogus marriage syndicate. A total of 34 Hong Kong residents were arrested, including a 66-year-old core syndicate member arrested in September 2020, who was believed to have solicited at least 37 couples to contract bogus marriages, involving more than HK$1.5 million. The core syndicate member pleaded guilty to nine counts of conspiracy to defraud at the District Court and was sentenced to 28 months' imprisonment today (Jan 13).
      The ImmD has been gravely concerned about non-local residents obtaining residency by means of contracting bogus marriages with Hong Kong residents. The SIS previously probed into two target cases of suspected bogus marriages hence carried out in-depth intelligence analysis and investigation, which resulted in a discovery of more than 30 pairs of suspected bogus marriages and identified the core syndicate member who recruited Hong Kong residents to engage in bogus marriages with the Mainlanders. After months of preparation, investigators launched a series of operations including the successful arrest of the core syndicate member. From his premises, investigators seized bogus marriage agreements, copies of proof of identities of Hong Kong or Mainland residents, notebooks and a mobile phone.
     "During the operation, a total of 34 Hong Kong residents (11 males and 23 females) aged from 23 to 66 were arrested, including registered social worker and university student. Among the arrestees, 23 were charged. Apart from the core syndicate member who pleaded guilty to nine counts of conspiracy to defraud at the District Court and was sentenced to 28 months' imprisonment today, seven of them had pleaded guilty in court to the offence of conspiracy to defraud and were sentenced to imprisonment of 8 to 18 months. The remaining 15 arrestees await to be sentenced. The operation is ongoing and more arrests may be made," a spokesman of the ImmD said.
      "The ImmD has been aware that crime syndicates have continually advertised and signalled as 'Make Quick Cash' via newspapers, instant messaging software and social networking mobile applications to induce local residents engaging in bogus marriages for huge remuneration. The syndicates would also provide an one-stop service including to provide assistance in applying for marriage-related documents and accompanying local residents for marriage registrations in the Mainland. The syndicates even offer rewards to those who were already involved, for any recruits of new members to the illicit business," the spokesman said. 
      "The ImmD will continue to spare no effort in combating bogus marriages and related fraud activities of non-local residents. For people who have obtained their residency in Hong Kong by fraudulent means, their residence status and Hong Kong identity card will be invalidated according to the laws of Hong Kong. They will also be subject to removal back to their place of origin. Any person should not defy the law by participating in activities related to bogus marriages anywhere and should not make a false representation to immigration officers for the purpose of procuring a marriage in Hong Kong. Those directing others to contract a bogus marriage may also be guilty of the offence of conspiracy to defraud," the spokesman stressed.
     "According to section 42 of the Immigration Ordinance, any person who makes any statement or representation which he knows to be false or does not believe to be true to immigration officers commits an offence. Offenders are liable to prosecution, and upon conviction face a maximum fine of $150,000 and to imprisonment for 14 years. Aiders and abettors are also liable to prosecution and the same penalties. Any person who for the purpose of procuring a marriage, or a certificate or license for marriage, knowingly and wilfully makes a false oath or makes or signs a false declaration is guilty of an offence and is liable, upon conviction, to imprisonment for seven years and to a fine. Anyone who commits the offence of conspiracy to defraud is liable, upon conviction, to imprisonment for 14 years," the spokesman warned.

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