Very Hot Weather Warning issued

Attention TV/radio announcers:

Please broadcast the following as soon as possible:

     The Hong Kong Observatory has issued the Very Hot Weather Warning.

     To prevent heat stroke, avoid prolonged activities outdoors.

     If engaged in outdoor work or activities, wear a wide-brimmed hat and light-coloured, loose-fitting clothes. Stay in shaded areas as much as possible.

     Drink plenty of water, and avoid beverages containing caffeine or alcohol.

     If you feel sick, consult a doctor right away.

Regional flag day today

     Three charities have been issued Public Subscription Permits to hold flag sales from 7am to 12.30pm today (June 22). They are, on Hong Kong Island, Methodist Epworth Village Community Centre, Social Welfare; in Kowloon, Windshield Charitable Foundation; and in the New Territories, Tai Po Baptist Church Social Service, a spokesman for the Social Welfare Department (SWD) said.

     Arrangements have been made with the charities to help people to distinguish among the three flag-selling activities.    

     Information on the three flag-selling organisations on June 22 is as follows:

Region Name of organisation Colour of collection bag Colour of flag
Hong Kong Island Methodist Epworth Village Community Centre, Social Welfare Green White
Kowloon Windshield Charitable Foundation Yellow Red
New Territories Tai Po Baptist Church Social Service Purple Blue

     Details of the charitable fund-raising activities, including any updated information, covered by the issued Public Subscription Permits have been published on the GovHK website ( Permits for flag days containing information on contact methods of the flag-selling organisations and the approved flag-selling activities have also been uploaded to the SWD's website ( for reference. For enquiries, please call the SWD's hotline at 2343 2255, or the designated hotline of the 1823 Call Centre at 3142 2678.

     In the case of suspected fraudulent flag day activities, people should not make any donation and should immediately report the matter to the Police, the spokesman added.

HA stringently reviews public hospital systemic issues

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:
     The Hospital Authority (HA) Chairman, Mr Henry Fan, today (June 21) announced that the HA is proactively following up the concern raised by the Secretary for Health, Professor Lo Chung-mau, on the series of incidents recently occurred in public hospitals. The HA is committed to a comprehensive and independent review of the systemic issues involved, with the utmost seriousness. Improvement measures will be proposed to enhance the quality of medical services and ensure patient safety.

     Mr Fan said, "Patient safety is the HA's top priority. The HA will stringently review and learn from the incidents, so as to explore feasible measures to strengthen the monitoring mechanisms of medical procedures, staff assessments, management accountability, and internal risk management, with an aim to enhance patient safety and maintain public's confidence."

     The Chief Executive of the HA, Dr Tony Ko, said that the HA understands the public's concern over the series of recent incidents. During the review process, the HA will also examine public hospitals' emergency response, communication, and disclosure arrangements.

     The HA has promptly initiated the procedure for appointing suitable candidates to commence work, in order to propose improvement measures upon completion of review and report to the Health Bureau within three months. Dr Ko emphasised that the HA places great importance on the quality of services in public hospitals and will take all practicable measures to strengthen the management of public hospitals, providing the most appropriate medical care for patients and a safe environment for staff, as well as ensuring the public's confidence in the services provided.

Secretary for Health deeply concerned about management of public healthcare system

     The Health Bureau (HHB) is deeply concerned about the multiple recent incidents in relation to caring procedures for patients and operation of equipment occurred in public hospitals. The HHB is of the view that such incidents reflect the dire need for improving the management of public healthcare system to ensure medical safety and the well-being of patients.

     The HHB instructed the Hospital Authority (HA) today (June 21) to conduct a comprehensive review of the systemic issues and the need for reform with regard to the management of public hospitals while reviewing the causes of individual incidents and taking relevant improvement measures in a proactive manner. The HA is required to submit a report together with recommendations to the HHB within three months.

     The Secretary for Health, Professor Lo Chung-mau, said, "Patients' safety should at all times be accorded the topmost priority in the healthcare system. In the light of the multiple recent incidents related to healthcare services of public hospitals, I have written to the Chairman of the HA to express serious concern, task the HA to follow up on the relevant incidents expeditiously, and instruct the HA to initiate with utmost intent a comprehensive and independent review regarding the associated systemic issues of public hospitals, including the monitoring mechanism for compliance with medical procedures, staff appraisal and accountability of the management, internal risk management systems, contingency response as well as arrangements of communication and announcements. I have demanded the HA to complete the review and submit a report covering recommendations on corresponding enhancement measures within three months. Subject to HA's report, the HHB will carefully examine HA's system and the need for reform.

     "The HA is required to take every measure to ensure that patients of public hospitals receive the most optimal medical care, prevent the occurrence of medical and equipment incidents, and minimise the risks posed to patients and staff, with a view to maintaining the healthcare quality in Hong Kong and upholding public confidence in the public healthcare system."

HKSAR Government condemns Radio Free Asia for its false report

     The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government strongly disapproved of and condemned the Radio Free Asia's misleadingly-headlined report of June 20 which makes untruthful and smearing remarks against the invalidation exercise of the old form of smart identity cards (ID cards), intending to mislead the public and defame the relevant measures and arrangements announced by the HKSAR Government and the Immigration Department (ImmD). The HKSAR Government considers it necessary to clarify to set the record straight.

     By selectively quoting phrases announced by the ImmD at its press conference and elaborating unfounded speculation, the article headlined: "HKSAR government 'threatens' citizens to return to Hong Kong and renew their old ID cards – Will there be consequences for overseas Hong Kong residents failing to replace their ID cards?" falsely reported and maliciously distorted the original purpose of the ID card invalidation exercise. Not only did Radio Free Asia cite comments from a purported former immigration assistant who fabricated as an insider and misinterpreted relevant legal provisions and legal consequences, they also did not make any inquiries with the Government prior to publishing the article or conduct any fact checking. Radio Free Asia has completely violated media professional ethics and basic journalistic morality.

     The HKSAR Government reiterated that the invalidation of old ID cards aimed to detect impersonation and possession of forged ID cards. The arrangements were in line with the previous replacement exercise, which does not involve any form of intimidation. According to section 7B(3) of the Registration of Persons Ordinance, any person without a reasonable excuse but fails to replace their ID cards during the specified call-up period is liable to a fine of $5,000. Those who has been absent from Hong Kong during the replacement period will not commit an offence as long as they replace their ID cards within 30 days of their return to Hong Kong. The ImmD had set out clearly at the press conference on June 18 that the invalidation of old ID cards will not affect one's right of abode in Hong Kong and they could still travel in and out of Hong Kong as long as holding a valid travel document. Radio Free Asia's deliberate distortion on the Government's appeal into means of intimidating the public was an extremely irresponsible act.

     A spokesman for the HKSAR Government pointed out that any person who enters Hong Kong with an invalid ID card will have to surrender their cards and be ordered to apply for renewal within a specified period of time. According to section 19(4) of the Registration of Persons Regulations, failure to comply with the order to apply for renewal may result in a maximum fine of $25,000 and two years' imprisonment. Not to mention that without proper verification of facts, the report of the Radio Free Asia had misled the members of public by conflating the two provisions and relevant legal consequences.

     The Radio Free Asia had disregarded journalistic ethics and distorted the Government's policies and measures in an utterly irresponsible manner. The Government's good intent in appealing public members for ID card replacement has been manipulated into a conspiracy to suppress Hong Kong people. The report is a piece of scaremongering fake information that smears the HKSAR Government. The HKSAR Government strongly condemns and calls on members of the public to ignore false information and discern the facts.