
Author Archives: hksar gov

FSTB and financial regulators to implement “vaccine bubble”

     The Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Mr Christopher Hui, today (January 25) said that in line with the “vaccine bubble” arrangement for government employees to be implemented at government buildings and offices from February 16, the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau has issued a circular memorandum to all bureaux/departments (B/Ds) to direct them that suitable clauses should be incorporated in all service contracts awarded on or after February 16, requiring the contractors, their agents and subcontractors to follow the relevant “vaccine bubble” arrangement. 

     Same as the “vaccine bubble” arrangement for government employees, save for those who are medically unfit for COVID-19 vaccination as supported by a valid medical certificate or pregnant staff with prior exemption granted on a case-by-case basis, all employees of the service contractors, their agents and subcontractors will be required to present a vaccination record of at least the first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine when they enter indoor government premises for work-related purposes.  

     Mr Hui said, “Extending the ‘vaccine bubble’ arrangement at government buildings and offices from government employees to service contractors could further fortify the protective barrier, reduce the risk of the spread of mutant strains of COVID-19, and safeguard the health of government employees and members of the public.”

     Moreover, financial regulators, namely the Insurance Authority, the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (including the eMPF Platform Company Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Authority) and the Financial Reporting Council will from February 16 implement the “vaccine bubble” arrangement same with that to be adopted at government buildings and offices for their own employees, as well as extending the arrangement to employees of their service contractors. The aforesaid financial regulators will formulate the implementation details at their office buildings and premises according to their actual situations.
     Mr Hui said, “The vaccination rate of the employees under various financial regulators is over 90 per cent at present. I strongly believe that as long as everyone works together to set a good example to all walks of life by trying their best to implement the ‘vaccine bubble’ arrangement, it will surely be conducive to steady economic recovery and resumption of the normal operation of society.” read more

First Kindergarten Premises Allocation Exercise 2022 invites applications for six kindergarten premises

     â€‹The Education Bureau (EDB) announced today (January 25) that six kindergarten premises are open for application by eligible applicant bodies under the First Kindergarten Premises Allocation Exercise 2022. Details of the six kindergarten premises are set out in the Annex.
     “The six kindergarten premises include four new estate kindergarten premises, each with six or seven classrooms, located in Tung Chung, North District and Tuen Mun District and to be available in 2022, and one existing estate kindergarten premises with eight classrooms, located in Tai Po District. The EDB is entrusted by the Hong Kong Housing Authority to nominate operators for the kindergarten premises. The sixth kindergarten premises with six classrooms is co-located with a primary school in Sai Kung District and will be available in 2025. The Exercise will be carried out on a competitive basis,” a spokesman for the EDB said.
     In light of the decline in the kindergarten student population, the existing kindergartens joining the kindergarten education scheme (Scheme-KGs) are able to provide sufficient places to meet the demand. However, there are differences in the demand and supply of kindergarten places and parents’ preferences in various districts. Moreover, under the quality kindergarten education policy, the EDB endeavours to look for suitable sites for kindergartens in need. Kindergartens, especially those facing high rental expenses, dilapidated school environments and facilities, and a surplus of kindergarten places in the district, are encouraged to apply for the above-mentioned kindergarten premises for relocation. The EDB will accord priority to Scheme-KGs applying for relocation. Applications for operating new kindergartens will only be considered if no suitable applicants are found for relocation.
     The EDB will assess each application based on the criteria set by the School Allocation Committee (SAC) for selecting suitable applicant bodies. The EDB will provide a template for preparation of the operation plan and will set out the selection criteria endorsed by the SAC in the “Points to Note” for applicant bodies’ reference. In short, quality of education is the prime consideration. The EDB will take into account the operation plan of the applicant bodies, the track record of the kindergartens and their needs for relocation (if applicable). The EDB will regularly report to the SAC the results of the kindergarten premises allocation exercises.
     The spokesman added, “The EDB launched a two-year Pilot Scheme on Relocation Grant for Kindergartens in August 2020 (for the 2020/21 and 2021/22 school years) to alleviate kindergartens’ financial burden in improving the school environment. Each successful applicant will receive a grant of $1.5 million. In order to further encourage more kindergartens to relocate to government-owned kindergarten premises, the EDB has extended the Relocation Grant to the 2022/23 school year. For details, please refer to EDB Circular Memorandum No. 119/2021.”
     Applicant bodies should complete the application form and information on the operation plan and submit them together with the relevant supporting documents and a list of operating schools run by the applicant body, if any. When submitting the application, the applicant body should be exempted from tax under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance, and be:

  1. Incorporated/will be incorporated under the Companies Ordinance (the successful applicant body would be required to ensure that its articles of association contain all the standard clauses and articles required for allocation of a school premises); or
  2. incorporated under other ordinances, with its constitution satisfying the Permanent Secretary for Education as being fit to be considered for allocation of a school premises.
     The application form, information on the operation plan, points to note for the First Kindergarten Premises Allocation Exercise 2022 and other reference materials can be downloaded from the EDB homepage at
     The duly completed application form, information on the operation plan, list of operating schools run by the applicant body (if any) and supporting documents should reach the Kindergarten Education Division of the EDB (Room 1432, 14/F, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong) by 5pm on March 3. Late applications will not be accepted. read more

Exchange Fund Bills tender results

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:

     Exchange Fund Bills tender results:

Tender date : January 25, 2022
Paper on offer : EF Bills
Issue number : Q2204
Issue date : January 26, 2022
Maturity date : April 27, 2022
Amount applied : HK$166,664 MN
Amount allotted : HK$43,484 MN
Average yield accepted : 0.11 PCT
Highest yield accepted : 0.13 PCT
Pro rata ratio* : About 14 PCT
Average tender yield : 0.14 PCT
Tender date : January 25, 2022
Paper on offer : EF Bills
Issue number : H2233
Issue date : January 26, 2022
Maturity date : July 27, 2022
Amount applied : HK$37,082 MN
Amount allotted : HK$12,600 MN
Average yield accepted : 0.21 PCT
Highest yield accepted : 0.22 PCT
Pro rata ratio* : About 57 PCT
Average tender yield : 0.24 PCT
*”Pro rata ratio” refers to the average percentage of allotment with respect to each tender participant’s tendered amount at the “highest yield accepted” level.
     Hong Kong Monetary Authority tenders to be held in the week beginning January 31, 2022:
Tender date : January 31, 2022
Paper on offer : EF Bills
Issue number : Q2205
Issue date : February 4, 2022
Maturity date : May 4, 2022
Tenor : 89 Days
Amount on offer : HK$46,982 MN
Tender date : January 31, 2022
Paper on offer : EF Bills
Issue number : H2234
Issue date : February 4, 2022
Maturity date : August 3, 2022
Tenor : 180 Days
Amount on offer : HK$11,000 MN
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Eurasian Curlew carcass tests positive for H5 virus

     A carcass of a Eurasian Curlew found in the Mai Po Nature Reserve (MPNR) was suspected to be positive for the H5 avian influenza (AI) virus based on preliminary testing, a spokesman for the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) said today (January 25). Further confirmatory tests are being conducted.
     The bird carcass was found and collected earlier at a gei wai in the MPNR. The Eurasian Curlew is a winter visitor mainly found in the intertidal area of Deep Bay area, including Mai Po.
     The spokesman said cleaning and disinfection of visitor facilities including bird hides and boardwalk has been stepped up. Disinfectant carpet has been placed at the entrance of the MPNR for visitors to disinfect the soles of their shoes. In addition, the AFCD is closely monitoring the situation of the birds in the MPNR and has put up notices to remind visitors to pay attention to personal hygiene.
     There are no chicken farms within three kilometres of where the dead bird was found. Since the beginning of winter, the AFCD has strengthened AI surveillance and closely monitored the situation of the local poultry farms and the wholesale market. Poultry farmers, pet bird shop owners and licence holders of pet poultry and racing pigeons are reminded from time to time to ensure that proper precautions against AI have been implemented.
     The spokesman said that the department will closely monitor poultry farms and the wholesale market to ensure that proper precautions against AI have been taken. The department will continue its wild bird monitoring and surveillance.
     “People should avoid personal contact with wild birds and live poultry and their droppings. They should clean their hands thoroughly after coming into contact with them. The public can call 1823 for AFCD’s follow-up if they come across suspicious, sick or dead birds, including the carcasses of wild birds and poultry,” the spokesman said.
     The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) will continue to be vigilant over live poultry stalls. It will also remind stall operators to maintain good hygiene.
     The Department of Health will keep up its health education to remind the public to maintain strict personal and environmental hygiene to prevent AI.
     The AFCD, the FEHD, the Customs and Excise Department and the Police will strive to deter the illegal import of poultry and birds into Hong Kong to minimise the risk of AI outbreaks caused by imported poultry and birds that have not gone through inspection and quarantine.
     All relevant government departments will continue to be highly vigilant and strictly enforce preventive measures against AI.
     Health advice about preventing AI is available from the “H5N1 Health Advice” page on the AFCD website at read more