Proposed amendments to ancillary road works for drainage improvement works at Nam Wa Po in Tai Po gazetted

     The Government gazetted today (January 28) the proposed amendments to ancillary road works for drainage improvement works at Nam Wa Po in Tai Po to ameliorate the effect of the works and to tally with the latest design of the scheme.

     Details of the proposed amendments are set out in the Annex. The amendment plan and amendment scheme are available for public inspection at the following government offices during office hours:

Central and Western Home Affairs Enquiry Centre,
G/F, Harbour Building,
38 Pier Road, Central, Hong Kong

Tai Po Home Affairs Enquiry Centre,
G/F, Tai Po Government Offices Building,
1 Ting Kok Road, Tai Po, New Territories

District Lands Office, Tai Po,
1/F, Tai Po Government Offices Building,
1 Ting Kok Road, Tai Po, New Territories

     The gazette notice, amendment scheme, amendment plan, resumption plan and location plan are available at

     Any person who wishes to object to the proposed amendments is required to address to the Secretary for Transport and Housing an objection in writing, which can be submitted via the following means:

  • By post or by hand to the Transport and Housing Bureau's drop-in box No. 6 located at the entrance on 2/F, East Wing, Central Government Offices, 2 Tim Mei Avenue, Tamar, Hong Kong. The box is available for use between 8am and 7pm from Monday to Friday (except public holidays);
  • By fax to 2868 4643; or
  • By email to

     A notice of objection should describe the objector's interest and the manner in which he or she alleges that he or she will be affected by the proposed amendments. Objectors are requested to provide contact details to facilitate communication. A notice of objection should be delivered to the Secretary for Transport and Housing not later than March 29, 2022.

Financial support to be provided to aviation support service operators at Hong Kong International Airport under Anti-epidemic Fund

     The Government will provide a one-off non-accountable subsidy to aviation support service operators at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) under the fifth round of the Anti-epidemic Fund. The Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) is accepting applications from qualifying companies from today (January 28).

     The COVID-19 pandemic has seriously impacted Hong Kong's air traffic. The passenger throughput at HKIA had declined by 98 per cent in the period of January to November 2021 compared with the same period in 2019. This has made a significant impact on the passenger aviation industry, especially for aviation support service operators whose business is highly dependent on the passenger traffic at HKIA. In view of this, the Government is providing a one-off non-accountable subsidy to the aviation support service operators at HKIA under the fifth round of the Anti-epidemic Fund to help the industry through this difficult time under the pandemic.

     Eligible aviation support service operators should be licensees or franchisees of, or holders of operating permits issued by, the AAHK whose business is adversely impacted by the drop in passenger traffic at HKIA during the pandemic. The AAHK will vet the applications from the relevant companies and disburse a one-off subsidy between $3 million and $8 million depending on company size.

     The Government together with the AAHK will continue to closely monitor the business situation of the aviation industry and implement relevant measures at appropriate junctures to weather the hard times, as well as to prepare the industry for the post-pandemic recovery.

48th round of compulsory testing for staff members of RCHEs, RCHDs and nursing homes to commence shortly

     The Government today (January 28) announced that the 48th round of compulsory testing for staff members of residential care homes for the elderly (RCHEs), residential care homes for persons with disabilities (RCHDs) and nursing homes will commence shortly.
     In accordance with section 10(1) of the Prevention and Control of Disease (Compulsory Testing for Certain Persons) Regulation (Cap. 599J), the Secretary for Food and Health issued a compulsory testing notice yesterday (January 27), requiring persons who are employed by and will be on duty at RCHEs, RCHDs, nursing homes and day service units attached to the premises of residential care homes during the period from February 9 to 15, 2022, or who will provide services to residents or users through hire-of-service contracts with residential care homes and the aforementioned units during that period (including full-time, part-time and relief staff), to undergo polymerase chain reaction-based nucleic acid tests for COVID-19 during the period from February 2 to 8, 2022, according to the requirements and procedure set out in the notice (the Specified Test). The samples must be collected by using combined nasal and throat swabs and must not be taken by the person to be tested. However, persons who have completed a COVID-19 vaccination course (i.e. received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine at least 14 days before the end of the testing period) are not required to undergo the Specified Test. Persons who have completed a COVID-19 vaccination course in places outside Hong Kong (i.e. received the recommended dose(s) of a COVID-19 vaccine as stipulated in relevant guidelines at least 14 days before the end of the testing period, and the vaccine used is included on the list of vaccines recognised for specified purposes as published on, are also not required to undergo the Specified Test.
     The staff of the aforementioned institutions may choose the following means to undergo the Specified Test:
(1) To undergo the Specified Test in any of the Community Testing Centres (see the list at, Temporary Testing Centres (if any) (see the list at, or mobile specimen collection stations (if any) (see the list at in accordance with the instructions given by the staff at the centre/station;
(2) To have a sample collected by a healthcare professional or trained personnel as arranged by institution operators at a laboratory listed on the "COVID-19 Thematic Website" (see the list at; or
(3) To self-arrange testing provided by a laboratory listed on the "COVID-19 Thematic Website" at their own expense (see the list at and the sample through a combined nasal and throat swab must not be taken by the person himself or herself.
     Any person who fails to comply with the testing notice commits an offence and may be subject to a fixed penalty of $5,000. He or she would also be issued with a compulsory testing order requiring him or her to undergo testing within a specified time frame. Failure to comply with the order is an offence and the offender would be liable to a fine at level 4 ($25,000) and imprisonment for six months.
     A spokesman for the Social Welfare Department (SWD) said that the SWD and the Department of Health would issue letters to institutions to inform them of the relevant arrangements and requirements. The spokesman reminded that staff of the said institutions who would undergo testing at community testing centres should make an advance booking via the community testing centre booking system ( for the free testing service. In addition, institution operators should remind their staff members to properly keep the SMS notifications of their test results or their test result reports.
     Institution operators are required to keep records of their staff having received the Specified Test and the results within the time frame specified by the Government. They are also required to keep the list of staff members who have completed a COVID-19 vaccination course. Institution operators also have to co-operate with Checking Officers (Compulsory Testing) of the SWD who are enforcing the Regulation at residential care homes.
     The SWD spokesman said that starting from the 26th round of compulsory testing, staff members who have not been vaccinated and do not have medical certificates certifying that they are unfit to receive COVID-19 vaccination owing to health reasons have to undergo compulsory testing at their own expense (Note). The Government will continue to monitor the epidemic situation and make adjustments to the aforementioned testing policy after taking the overall anti-epidemic measures into account. Although staff members who have completed a COVID-19 vaccination course are exempted from the regular compulsory testing, they can still receive free testing if they voluntarily choose to undergo the test for the time being.
Note: Based on the latest epidemic risk assessment, the Government provides free voluntary COVID-19 testing service to staff members of RCHEs, RCHDs and nursing homes in Hong Kong (including staff members who have not been vaccinated and do not have medical certificates certifying that they are unfit to receive COVID-19 vaccination owing to health reasons) at CTCs/mobile specimen collection stations (if the service scope is applicable) for two weeks till February 6 to safeguard the health of residents and staff members.

Government finishes exercise on “restriction-testing declaration” in respect of specified “restricted area” in Kwun Tong and enforcement operation for breaches of compulsory testing notice (with photo)

     The Government yesterday (January 27) exercised the power under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Compulsory Testing for Certain Persons) Regulation (Cap. 599J) to make a "restriction-testing declaration" effective from 9.30pm yesterday, under which people (hereafter referred to as "persons subject to compulsory testing") within the specified "restricted area" in Kwun Tong (i.e. On Shun Building, 15-31 Shung Yan Street, Kwun Tong, excluding the shops located on the ground floor of On Shun Building) were required to stay in their premises and undergo compulsory testing. Persons subject to compulsory testing were required to stay in their premises until all such persons identified in the area had undergone testing and the test results were mostly ascertained. Moreover, the Government issued a compulsory testing notice yesterday, requiring persons who had been present at the above building for more than two hours from January 22, 2022 to January 27, 2022, even if they were not present in the "restricted area" at the time when the declaration took effect, to undergo compulsory testing on or before January 29, 2022. The Government announced the completion of the compulsory testing exercise at around 7am today (January 28) and carried out enforcement action in the "restricted area" afterwards to verify that all people in the "restricted area" had undergone compulsory testing in accordance with the requirements of the relevant declaration and compulsory testing notice. The Government announced that the enforcement operation ended at around 9.30am today.
     In this exercise, the Home Affairs Department (HAD) (including the Central and Western District Office), the Hong Kong Police Force, the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, the Tobacco and Alcohol Control Office of the Department of Health, the Hong Kong Observatory, the Invest Hong Kong, the Intellectual Property Department and the Marine Department mobilised around 160 staff to arrange for implementation of the declaration and enforcement actions for breaches of the compulsory testing notice issued earlier.
     The HAD also set up a hotline for people restricted by the declaration to make enquiries and seek assistance.
     The Government thanks persons subject to compulsory testing for their support and understanding. With everyone's co-operation and efforts, coupled with the tireless efforts of the testing contractors, residents have been informed about their testing results by SMS notification. After finishing the compulsory testing exercise at around 7am today, the Government took enforcement action in the "restricted area" immediately to verify that all people in the "restricted area" had undergone testing according to the requirements of the declaration and the compulsory testing notice. Persons who could present an SMS notification containing a negative testing result or wore a wristband as proof of having undergone the compulsory testing could leave the "restricted area" through the designated exit after providing personal information to a prescribed officer. The enforcement operation was completed at around 9.30am. Test records of around 85 persons subject to compulsory testing were checked. One person was found not having undergone compulsory testing and compulsory testing order was issued to her. Taking into account the above situation, the Secretary for Food and Health revoked the "restriction-testing declaration" in accordance with Cap. 599J (see attachment).
     The Government reminds the about 10 households who have not answered the door to contact the Government for arrangement of testing as soon as possible after reading the notices put up by the Government, in the hope of eliminating the possible risk of further spread of the virus in the community.

  The Government thanks all participating government staff and the testing agencies for their hard work. The Government is also grateful to those subject to compulsory testing for their support and understanding, and their full co-operation during this period in undergoing testing and waiting for the results at home.

  The Government will seriously follow up on the compliance situation of the compulsory testing notices and the "restriction-testing declaration" by persons subject to compulsory testing. Any person who fails to comply with the compulsory testing notices commits an offence and may be liable to a fixed penalty of $5,000. The person will also be issued with a compulsory testing order, requiring him or her to undergo testing within a specified time frame. Failure to comply with the order or the "restriction-testing declaration" is an offence and the offender may be liable to a fine of level 4 ($25,000) and imprisonment for six months.


Tuen Mun South Extension gazetted

     The Government published in the Gazette today (January 28) the railway scheme for the Tuen Mun South (TMS) Extension in accordance with the Railways Ordinance (Cap. 519).

     The TMS Extension project is one of the seven recommended railway schemes under the Railway Development Strategy 2014. It will extend the existing Tuen Ma Line from Tuen Mun Station southward by about 2.4 kilometres, including the provision of a new railway station near Tuen Mun Ferry Terminal and an intermediate station at Tuen Mun Area 16.

     A Government spokesman said, "The TMS Extension will improve railway access to the community south of the Tuen Mun town centre. Currently, a road journey from Tuen Mun South to Tuen Mun Station takes about 10 to 20 minutes during rush hours. With the TMS Extension, the same journey by railway is expected to be not more than five minutes."

     The Government and the MTR Corporation Limited consulted the Tuen Mun District Council on the TMS Extension project earlier and met and communicated with different local organisations for their suggestions and concerns about the project. Various publicity activities and briefing sessions were also held to collect public views on the project. The construction works of the proposed TMS Extension will commence soon after the authorisation of the scheme and are expected to be completed by 2030.
     Under the Railways Ordinance, members of the public have the right to lodge objections to the railway scheme in relation to the TMS Extension from today until March 29, 2022. Any person who has a compensatable interest can claim compensation under the provisions of the Ordinance.

     The scheme and the relevant plans are available for public inspection at the Central & Western Home Affairs Enquiry Centre, the Tuen Mun Home Affairs Enquiry Centre and the District Lands Office, Tuen Mun, during office hours.

     A copy of the scheme and the plans may be purchased from the Railway Development Office of the Highways Department (HyD). For details, please call the HyD at 2762 3976. The electronic versions of the scheme and the plans are viewable on the HyD's website (