Information technology manager of Housing Department tests preliminarily positive for COVID-19

     â€‹The Housing Department learned that an information technology manager had tested preliminarily positive today (February 6) for COVID-19.

     The information technology manager worked at the Housing Authority Headquarters in Ho Man Tin. She last worked in the office on February 4. She did not have contact with the public recently while performing duties. She had been wearing masks and following relevant disease prevention measures at work. 

     The office has been fully cleaned and sterilised in accordance with the guidelines of the Centre for Health Protection (CHP). 

     The Housing Department will continue to maintain close liaison with the CHP and co-operate with its disease prevention measures and quarantine work.

Part-time Assistant Community Organiser of HAD tested positive for COVID-19

     â€‹The Home Affairs Department (HAD) announced today (February 6) that a part-time Assistant Community Organiser working at the Henry G. Leong Yaumatei Community Centre was tested positive for COVID-19.

     The part-time staff member concerned has no recent travel history. She last performed duties on January 30. She underwent temperature check before work and her body temperature was normal without any symptoms. She wore surgical masks during work. She was a support staff of the Henry G. Leong Yaumatei Community Centre who had no contact with the public and had not worked for the cold shelter. She underwent COVID-19 testing at a Community Testing Centre on January 30 and the test result was negative. She was later tested positive in a voluntary testing on February 2 in the district where she lived. She is receiving treatment.

     The HAD has arranged other relevant staff members of the Community Centre to undergo COVID-19 testing, and has thoroughly cleansed and disinfected the facilities and public area of the Centre. The HAD had also immediately informed tenants of the Community Centre of the situation. The Community Testing Centre with the same address is separated from other parts of the Community Centre. It operates independently and has a separate entrance/exit. The staff member concerned did not work for the Community Testing Centre. The operation of the Testing Centre is not affected.

     The HAD is highly concerned about the COVID-19 epidemic and will continue to maintain close liaison with the Centre for Health Protection. Staff are reminded to pay attention to personal hygiene and to stay vigilant. They should seek medical advice immediately if feeling unwell.

Part-time Fraud Detection Adviser of SWD tests preliminarily positive for COVID-19

     â€‹The Social Welfare Department (SWD) today (February 6) said that a part-time Fraud Detection Adviser under the Social Security Branch has tested preliminarily positive for COVID-19.

     The staff member worked on the third floor of the Trade and Industry Tower and last performed duties on February 4. He had no contact with members of the public on that day. He had been wearing a mask when performing duties. His body temperature was normal when undergoing temperature screening during work.

     Thorough cleaning and disinfection will be arranged at the premise concerned. All SWD staff of the same floor will undergo COVID-19 testing according to the guidelines of the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health and work from home while waiting for the results. The SWD will maintain close contact with the CHP to take follow-up action as appropriate. The SWD offices on the third floor of the Trade and Industry Tower will be closed tomorrow (February 7).

     During the pandemic, the department has been strictly implementing various disease prevention measures, including measuring the body temperature of people entering the office and providing masks and other personal protective equipment for staff. Staff members are reminded to pay attention to personal hygiene and to stay vigilant. They should seek medical advice immediately if feeling unwell. 

Housing officer of Housing Department tests preliminarily positive for COVID-19

     The Housing Department learned that a housing officer had tested preliminarily positive today (February 6) for COVID-19.

     The housing officer felt sick and went to hospital today where she has tested preliminarily positive for COVID-19.

     She worked at Housing Department's Kowloon East (13) District Tenancy Management Office located on 1/F, Chun Tat House of On Tat Estate, Kwun Tong. She last worked in the office on January 31. She did not have contact with the public recently while performing duties. She had been wearing masks and following relevant disease prevention measures at work. The office has been fully cleaned and sterilised in accordance with the guidelines of the Centre for Health Protection (CHP). 

     The Housing Department will continue to maintain close liaison with the CHP and co-operate with its disease prevention measures and quarantine work.

A male police constable and a male auxiliary police constable preliminarily tested positive for COVID-19

     A 27-year-old male police constable posted to Tsuen Wan District and a 50-year-old male auxiliary police constable posted to Tin Shui Wai Division, preliminarily tested positive for COVID-19. Yesterday (February 5), the male police constable felt unwell and sought medical treatment in a government hospital. The male auxiliary police constable works full-time in Yuen Long Plaza and was arranged for COVID-19 test. They both preliminarily tested positive for COVID-19 yesterday. They have no travel history in the past 14 days. They wore face masks during their tour of duty. Their last working days were February 3 and 4 respectively.

     Police are highly concerned and have the following messages:

(1) While awaiting further assessment and recommendation by the Department of Health (DH), all police officers and civilian staff who might have been in contact with the officers concerned have been arranged to undergo COVID-19 tests as instructed by the DH;

(2) All facilities in the offices concerned have been sterilised;

(3) All officers have been reminded to maintain personal hygiene and reduce social contact to minimise risks of infection. If feeling unwell, they should consult a doctor and report the case immediately;

(4) Police will deploy resources flexibly to ensure provision of policing services of the areas concerned remains unaffected.

     Police will maintain close communication with the DH and provide assistance in tracing the pathology, by proactively providing information such as the duty record and roster of the officers concerned. Arrangements will be made for close contacts to be conveyed to quarantine centres to undergo quarantine.