Appointments to Board of Ocean Park Corporation announced

     The Government announced today (June 28) that the Chief Executive has reappointed 15 incumbent members, including the Chairman and Deputy Chairman, of the Board of the Ocean Park Corporation (OPC). The Chief Executive has also appointed three new members to the Board. All the appointments are for a term of two years from July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2026.
     Mr Paulo Pong Kin-yee and Mr Stephen Wong See-yuen have been reappointed as Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively of the Board of the OPC. Other incumbent members Mr Raymond Chow Ming-joe, Mr Enoch Lam Tin-sing, Ms Ivy Lee Siu-wing, Mr Jonathan Leung Chun, Dr Ma Kwan-ki, Ms Stephanie Poon, Mr Simon Siu Chak-yu, Professor Gray A Williams, Mr Simon Wong Hin-wing, Mrs Bonnie Woo Chan Tak-chi, the Permanent Secretary for Development (Works) (or representative), the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation (or representative) and the Commissioner for Tourism (or representative) have been reappointed.
     The newly appointed members are Dr Quinton Chan Yuk-kuen, Mr Alvin Miu and Mr Alexander Yeung Ching-loong.

     A spokesman for the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau welcomed the three new members joining the Board of the OPC, and expressed gratitude to the reappointed members for their continued valuable advice to the Board. He also thanked the outgoing members, Ms Joanne Cheung Shui-lin and Ms Maureen Fung Sau-yim, for their strong support and invaluable contributions to the Board during their tenure.
     The spokesman said that the Government will continue to work with the OPC to proactively implement the future strategy for Ocean Park with a view to transforming it into a resort and leisure destination with a focus on conservation and education, grounded in nature and complemented by adventure and leisure elements to enhance the visitor experience.
     The OPC is a statutory body established under the Ocean Park Corporation Ordinance (Chapter 388) to manage Ocean Park as a public recreational, educational and conservational park.    
     The membership list of the Board of the OPC commencing July 1, 2024, is as follows:
Mr Paulo Pong Kin-yee
Deputy Chairman
Mr Stephen Wong See-yuen
Dr Quinton Chan Yuk-kuen
Mr Raymond Chow Ming-joe
Mr Enoch Lam Tin-sing
Ms Ivy Lee Siu-wing
Mr Jonathan Leung Chun
Dr Ma Kwan-ki
Mr Alvin Miu
Ms Stephanie Poon
Mr Simon Siu Chak-yu
Professor Gray A Williams
Mr Simon Wong Hin-wing
Mrs Bonnie Woo Chan Tak-chi
Mr Alexander Yeung Ching-loong
Permanent Secretary for Development (Works) (or representative)
Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation (or representative)
Commissioner for Tourism (or representative)

Service of Commandant of Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force extended

     The Government today (June 28) announced the approval of the extension of the service of Mr Yang Joe-tsi, as the Commandant of the Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force (HKAPF) for nine months up to April 6, 2025.

     Mr Yang first joined the HKAPF in April 1989 and was appointed as the Commandant in April 2016.

     Mr Yang has led the HKAPF with excellence and devotion. Under his leadership, the HKAPF has been providing essential support to the Hong Kong Police Force in facing different unprecedented challenges over the past few years. Looking forward, auxiliary and regular police officers will continue to work hand in hand, demonstrating their comradeship in serving the community.

Labour Department to hold courses and public talks on prevention of heat stroke at work and occupational health

     â€‹The Labour Department (LD) organises courses and public health talks on prevention of heat stroke and occupational health regularly to raise employers' and employees' awareness of occupational health.

     Details of eight courses and health talks on the prevention of heat stroke at work in July are as follows:

Dates and Time: July 4, 15 and 22 (Half-day (am));
July 10 and 26 (Half-day (pm))
Venue: Occupational Safety and Health Training Centre of the LD, 13/F, KOLOUR·Tsuen Wan I, 68 Chung On Street, Tsuen Wan, New Territories
Enrolment method: Download the application form (
Enquiry hotline: 2940 7057

Dates and Time: July 11 and 19 (Half-day (am))
Venue: Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Centre of the LD, G/F, Kwun Tong Community Health Centre Building, 60 Hip Wo Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon
Enrolment method: Online registration of courses in OSH Centre (
Enquiry hotline: 2361 8240
Date and Time: July 29 (3.30pm to 5pm)
Venue: Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Science Museum, 2 Science Museum Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon
Enrolment method: Online registration of public talks on occupational health (
Enquiry hotline: 2852 4040

     In addition, the LD will hold the following occupational health public talks in July:

Topic: Residential Care Home Workers – Infection Control in the Workplace
Content: The talk, designed for residential care home workers, will introduce how pathogenic micro-organisms such as bacteria and viruses may enter into the human body and affect one's health, and explain the concept of infection control in residential care homes.
Date and Time: July 9 (3.30pm to 4.45pm)
Venue: Lecture Theatre, Hong Kong Central Library, 66 Causeway Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Enrolment method: Online registration (
Enquiry hotline: 2852 4040

Topic: Occupational Stress
Content: The talk will introduce the symptoms and health impacts of occupational stress as well as some stress-coping strategies.
Date and Time: July 15 (3.30pm to 5pm)
Venue: Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Science Museum, 2 Science Museum Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon
Enrolment method: Online registration (
Enquiry hotline: 2852 4040

Topic: Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) for Confined Space Workers
Content: The talk will explain the related OSH hazards as well as their preventive measures to enhance workers' OSH awareness in confined spaces.
Date and Time: July 22 (6.30pm to 8pm)
Venue: Lecture Theatre, Hong Kong Central Library, 66 Causeway Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Enrolment method: Online registration (
Enquiry hotline: 2852 4040

     All courses and public talks will be given by the LD's occupational hygienist, occupational safety officer or occupational health nurse in Cantonese. Admission is free.

     The LD also provides a free-of-charge outreach health education service. For details, please visit the department's webpage ( or call 2852 4062.

Mainland enterprise resource sharing platform operator TOJOY expands overseas business via Hong Kong (with photo)

     â€‹Invest Hong Kong (InvestHK) announced today (June 28) that its Mainland client, TOJOY Shared Smart Enterprise Services Co Ltd, officially opened its international headquarters in Hong Kong leveraging the city's unique position as a gateway between the Mainland and the world.
     Associate Director-General of Investment Promotion Dr Jimmy Chiang congratulated on the opening of TOJOY's international headquarters in Hong Kong. He said, "The city, as an international business hub, attracts many overseas and Mainland companies to set up their presence here. It is an ideal place for TOJOY to expand its overseas business."
     The Chairman of the Board and CEO of TOJOY, Mr Ge Jun, said that TOJOY has a widespread business presence across multiple regions, including Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen. The company has designated its Hong Kong office as the headquarters for its overseas business development, aiming to further extend its impact and competitive advantages in the international market.
     He said, "Recognising Hong Kong's unique position as a gateway between the Mainland and the world, as well as its unrivalled status as an international financial hub, we intend to use the city as a vital conduit to the world. Through this strategic positioning, we aim to drive the growth of our domestic and overseas business operations, with the goal of realising mutually beneficial development."   
     "Hong Kong, as one of the leading capital markets in the world, provides extremely favourable business conditions, including world-class financial market infrastructure, an abundant talent pool, and a prime geographical location," he added.
     Established in 2011, TOJOY has been providing precise resource matching for innovative enterprises and offering solutions for business expansion and marketing promotion over the years. The company is dedicated to fostering co-creation, sharing, and mutual success between traditional and innovative enterprises, as well as helping traditional businesses transform and seize market opportunities.
     To get a copy of the photos, please visit
     For more information about TOJOY, please visit


AFCD to launch dog inoculation campaign against rabies at fishing ports

     â€‹The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) announced today (June 28) that a dog inoculation campaign will be held at various fishing ports in Hong Kong. Fishermen can have their dogs vaccinated against rabies and microchipped, and renew their dog licences.

     The AFCD mobile vaccination teams will provide the services at the following fishing ports according to the schedule below from 10am to 3pm:

Sam Mun Tsai July 8
Sha Tau Kok July 10
Aberdeen July 12
Castle Peak July 12
Shau Kei Wan July 19
Sai Kung July 24
Cheung Chau July 26

     The half-yearly dog inoculation campaign has been held since 1980 with the aim of providing licensing renewal and rabies vaccination services for dogs that are kept by fishermen on board fishing vessels and spend long periods of time there. A fee of $80 will be charged for each dog. To date, over 7 400 vaccinations have been given to dogs on fishing vessels by the AFCD.

     An AFCD spokesman said that the services are part of the Government's proactive measures to prevent rabies, a fatal disease that is transmitted to humans from animals. Dogs on board vessels that have visited places outside Hong Kong may have come into contact with other animals, making them more susceptible to rabies infection.

     "Although Hong Kong has been free from animal rabies since 1987, we must remain vigilant to prevent any possible outbreak," the spokesman said.

     Under the Rabies Ordinance (Cap. 421), all dogs aged over 5 months must be vaccinated against rabies, licensed and microchipped. Dogs have to be revaccinated against rabies and their licences have to be renewed at intervals not exceeding three years. Dog owners who fail to do so are liable to a maximum fine of $10,000 upon conviction.