
Author Archives: hksar gov

Inaugural cohort of Master’s Degree in Public Policy Programme for senior civil servants graduated today (with photos)

     The inaugural cohort of the Master’s Degree in Public Policy Programme for senior civil servants of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government graduated today (July 3). They were awarded certificates at the graduation ceremony organised by the School of Government of Peking University. The Secretary for the Civil Service, Mrs Ingrid Yeung, and the Permanent Secretary for the Civil Service, Mr Clement Leung, witnessed the important moment of these civil servants of high potential in completion of their studies and expect them to better serve Hong Kong with what they have learned.
     Addressing the ceremony, Mrs Yeung said that civil servants are the backbone of the Government. As Hong Kong moves towards a new era of stability to prosperity, identifying and nurturing more governing talent who are patriotic and love Hong Kong, have good morals and integrity, and are competent and people oriented, together with an innovative spirit and an international perspective, is crucial for enhancing the Government’s governance capabilities and leading Hong Kong in addressing the current sophisticated international landscape and challenges.
     Mrs Yeung expressed her gratitude to the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council (HKMAO) for its strong support, and to Peking University for attaching great importance to this programme. Mrs Yeung said that through engaging in the year-long immersive learning in Beijing, participants have had in-depth exchanges with scholars, officials and the public, which have significantly deepened their understanding of the country and enriched their knowledge of the country’s politics and public administration. The insights gained from the development experiences on the Mainland also prompted the participants to thoughtfully reflect on what areas and experiences Hong Kong can learn from, and how to combine the strengths of both systems of the Mainland and Hong Kong to complement each other so that Hong Kong can move faster, gain more and contribute more to the country in its active integration into the overall national development. The knowledge gained and examples learned in respect of public administration also stimulated them to reflect on how to enhance the governance efficiency of the HKSAR when they return to work, align it more closely with public sentiment, and thereby gain the most for citizens.
     Mr Frederick Yu from the Administrative Officer Grade was one of the graduate representatives. At the ceremony, Mr Yu promised on behalf of all participants that they would support the HKSAR Government in enhancing governance capabilities through practice and actions, so as to respond actively to people’s aspirations, thereby showing their appreciation to the HKMAO, the Civil Service Bureau (CSB) and Peking University for nurturing them.
     The Master’s Degree in Public Policy Programme is co-organised by the CSB and Peking University. The participants, who come from various professional fields, are civil servants recommended by their departments and have demonstrated leadership potential and outstanding performance. The programme covers four major areas, namely public administration and leadership skills, the country’s governance and Hong Kong affairs, global affairs and governance, as well as social studies and field work. The programme lasts for two years. Participants have to study full-time at Peking University for the first year. Participants will return to Hong Kong in the second year to complete their thesis and apply their learning to enhancing the governance of Hong Kong.
     Before the ceremony, the delegation led by Mrs Yeung met with the President of Peking University, Mr Gong Qihuang, to exchange views on the civil service training.
     Mrs Yeung said the CSB has long been co-operating well with Peking University. She thanked the teachers of the University for attaching strong importance and showing full support to civil service training of the HKSAR Government and organising various programmes with the Civil Service College to strengthen civil servants’ sense of national identity and deepen their understanding of the country to better support the development of the country and Hong Kong.
     After the ceremony, Mrs Yeung met and chatted with the graduates of the inaugural cohort and the HKSAR civil servants who are currently studying at Peking University to understand more about their learning experiences and reflections. She reminded them that civil servants have to shoulder the leadership responsibility in guiding their teams to proactively implement government policies and work together to achieve good governance for Hong Kong after completion of their studies.

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Inaugural cohort of Master’s Degree in Public Policy Programme for senior civil servants graduated today (with photos)

     The inaugural cohort of the Master’s Degree in Public Policy Programme for senior civil servants of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government graduated today (July 3). They were awarded certificates at the graduation ceremony organised by the School of Government of Peking University. The Secretary for the Civil Service, Mrs Ingrid Yeung, and the Permanent Secretary for the Civil Service, Mr Clement Leung, witnessed the important moment of these civil servants of high potential in completion of their studies and expect them to better serve Hong Kong with what they have learned.
     Addressing the ceremony, Mrs Yeung said that civil servants are the backbone of the Government. As Hong Kong moves towards a new era of stability to prosperity, identifying and nurturing more governing talent who are patriotic and love Hong Kong, have good morals and integrity, and are competent and people oriented, together with an innovative spirit and an international perspective, is crucial for enhancing the Government’s governance capabilities and leading Hong Kong in addressing the current sophisticated international landscape and challenges.
     Mrs Yeung expressed her gratitude to the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council (HKMAO) for its strong support, and to Peking University for attaching great importance to this programme. Mrs Yeung said that through engaging in the year-long immersive learning in Beijing, participants have had in-depth exchanges with scholars, officials and the public, which have significantly deepened their understanding of the country and enriched their knowledge of the country’s politics and public administration. The insights gained from the development experiences on the Mainland also prompted the participants to thoughtfully reflect on what areas and experiences Hong Kong can learn from, and how to combine the strengths of both systems of the Mainland and Hong Kong to complement each other so that Hong Kong can move faster, gain more and contribute more to the country in its active integration into the overall national development. The knowledge gained and examples learned in respect of public administration also stimulated them to reflect on how to enhance the governance efficiency of the HKSAR when they return to work, align it more closely with public sentiment, and thereby gain the most for citizens.
     Mr Frederick Yu from the Administrative Officer Grade was one of the graduate representatives. At the ceremony, Mr Yu promised on behalf of all participants that they would support the HKSAR Government in enhancing governance capabilities through practice and actions, so as to respond actively to people’s aspirations, thereby showing their appreciation to the HKMAO, the Civil Service Bureau (CSB) and Peking University for nurturing them.
     The Master’s Degree in Public Policy Programme is co-organised by the CSB and Peking University. The participants, who come from various professional fields, are civil servants recommended by their departments and have demonstrated leadership potential and outstanding performance. The programme covers four major areas, namely public administration and leadership skills, the country’s governance and Hong Kong affairs, global affairs and governance, as well as social studies and field work. The programme lasts for two years. Participants have to study full-time at Peking University for the first year. Participants will return to Hong Kong in the second year to complete their thesis and apply their learning to enhancing the governance of Hong Kong.
     Before the ceremony, the delegation led by Mrs Yeung met with the President of Peking University, Mr Gong Qihuang, to exchange views on the civil service training.
     Mrs Yeung said the CSB has long been co-operating well with Peking University. She thanked the teachers of the University for attaching strong importance and showing full support to civil service training of the HKSAR Government and organising various programmes with the Civil Service College to strengthen civil servants’ sense of national identity and deepen their understanding of the country to better support the development of the country and Hong Kong.
     After the ceremony, Mrs Yeung met and chatted with the graduates of the inaugural cohort and the HKSAR civil servants who are currently studying at Peking University to understand more about their learning experiences and reflections. She reminded them that civil servants have to shoulder the leadership responsibility in guiding their teams to proactively implement government policies and work together to achieve good governance for Hong Kong after completion of their studies.

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Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services requests two power companies to enhance resilience of power supply system for coping with adverse weather (with photos)

     The Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services, Mr Poon Kwok-ying visited two power companies today (July 3) and on June 27, to understand in person about the work of the two power companies on combating adverse weather, and met with their senior management to request the two power companies to enhance the capability of power supply systems to withstand adverse weather.
     Mr Poon visited the Black Point Power Station of CLP Power Hong Kong Limited (CLP) in Tuen Mun today (July 3). He met CLP’s Managing Director and other senior management to receive a briefing on CLP’s improvement plans for combating the impacts of adverse weather on the power system, including stepping up the adoption of innovation and technology for the maintenance of power supply facilities, installing more lightning protection devices for overhead line power supply systems, strengthening the anti-flooding measures of power stations and substations, and the comprehensive reviews on asset management and maintenance systems, etc.
     During the meeting, Mr Poon requested CLP to accelerate the relevant plans, including the review and associated improvement works of the lightning protection systems of power stations, and to proactively explore other additional feasible measures for further enhancing the capablity of the power supply system to withstand adverse weather. CLP responded positively to the above suggestions and promised to actively look for ways to implement the relevant plans as soon as possible.
     In addition, Mr Poon also visited the Lamma Power Station of the Hongkong Electric Company, Limited (HEC) on Lamma Island on June 27, and met HEC’s Engineering Director and other senior management to understand in person about HEC’s work on enhancing the capability of power supply system to withstand adverse weather, including upgrading the design standards of power supply facilities to withstand the impacts of adverse weather, and relevant measures for preventing power stations and substations from being affected by flooding, such as the work for withstanding the impact of storm surges and overtopping waves at the Lamma Power Station.

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Immigration Department smashes syndicate for using false instruments to apply for foreign domestic helper working visas

    A syndicate mastermind was convicted of four counts of conspiracy to defraud and two counts of using a copy of a false instrument, and was sentenced to a total of 41 months’ imprisonment today (July 3). The syndicate mastermind was a 63-year-old Hong Kong resident female who was a foreign domestic helper (FDH) employment agent. One Hong Kong male resident and six FDHs involved in the case had been convicted earlier for offences such as conspiracy to defraud, making false representation to an immigration officer etc, and were sentenced to up to 15 months’ imprisonment.

     Upon processing FDH visa applications, the Immigration Department (ImmD) detected several suspicious FDH visa applications which were previously submitted through the said employment agent. An investigation of the employment agent was therefore triggered. After a months-long in-depth investigation and intelligence analysis, a syndicate was identified, which was suspected to have arranged for 26 foreign nationals to work in Hong Kong illegally through the use of false FDH contracts.

     The ImmD subsequently mounted operations codenamed “Ironshield”. During the operation, a total of 18 persons, including the syndicate mastermind, three Hong Kong residents and 14 FDHs, have been arrested. In addition, two computers, two mobile phones and a considerable amount of false instruments were seized, including time deposit advices, electricity bills and water bills. More suspects could be arrested as the investigation is continuing.
    “It is an offence to make a false representation to an immigration officer. Offenders are liable to prosecution and to a maximum fine of $150,000 and imprisonment for 14 years. In addition, anyone who commits the offence of conspiracy to defraud is liable to prosecution and, upon conviction, the maximum penalty is imprisonment for 14 years. Furthermore, it is an offence to make, possess or use false instruments. Upon conviction, offenders are liable to a maximum penalty of 14 years’ imprisonment,” an ImmD spokesman said. read more