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Extension of Government Leases Ordinance to come into force tomorrow

     The Extension of Government Leases Ordinance (the Ordinance) will come into force tomorrow (July 5).
     The Secretary for Development, Ms Bernadette Linn, said, “The Ordinance upholds the land policy made in July 1997 and simplifies the arrangement for extension of land leases.  This manifests the solid safeguards to Hong Kong under the steadfast and successful implementation of ‘one country, two systems’, and creates more favourable conditions for Hong Kong to pursue economic growth.”
     The Ordinance provides a standing statutory mechanism for handling lease extension matters for general purposes leases (i.e. general residential, commercial, industrial leases) which do not contain a right of renewal and expire on or after July 5, 2024 (hereafter “applicable leases”) in batches.
     The Director of Lands will continue to exercise the sole discretion of the Government and extend the relevant land leases by publishing an “Extension Notice” in the Government Gazette six years before the expiry of each batch of applicable leases.  The “Extension Notice” will specify that applicable leases that are due to expire in a specified period will be extended for 50 years without payment of additional premium but subject to payment of annual government rent equivalent to three per cent of the rateable value of the relevant land as annually assessed, except those specified on the “Non-extension List” published on the same day.  Through the “Extension Notice” under the new mechanism, the encumbrances, interests and rights under the original lease (such as mortgages) will be carried forward to the extended lease term without being affected.  Owners do not have to perform any procedures, hence obviating the need for owners to undergo cumbersome procedures such as executing lease extension documents with the Government individually, re-arranging the mortgages, etc. as in the past.
     Moreover, the Lands Department will publish the first “Extension Notice” tomorrow, which covers applicable leases expiring in less than six years (i.e. leases expiring between July 5, 2024 and December 31, 2030) (Note).  This batch of land leases are all extended.  They involve 376 lots, including 309 situated in Kowloon mainly in Yau Tsim Mong district and 67 lots on the Hong Kong Island.
     Thereafter, in accordance with the requirement under the Ordinance to give six years’ prior notice, the Lands Department will publish the next “Extension Notice” at the end of 2024, which will cover land leases expiring in 2031.
     Ms Linn said, “The arrangement of extending land leases without having to execute a new contract ensures that the significant number of land leases expiring in upcoming years will be handled in an efficient and orderly manner, as well as saves the time and costs of owners bringing tremendous convenience to the public and businesses.”
     As the Government has reiterated in the past, in general, applicable leases will be extended by the Government, unless there are public interest considerations against extension of any particular lease (e.g. serious lease breach unpurged despite repeated warnings).
     The Development Bureau has disseminated information on the Ordinance to relevant professional organisations and offices of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government overseas and in the Mainland to facilitate stepping up promotion of the new mechanism to various stakeholders in the land and property market, including owners, banking sector, estate agents, investors, etc.  The Government will continue to step up promotion and education through various channels.  The dedicated webpage and enquiry hotline of the Lands Department will commence operation tomorrow (
Note: The Ordinance is not applicable to Special Purpose Leases (SPLs).  For SPLs expiring within the same period (244 lots in total, including lots for the purposes of petrol filling station, education, recreation, public utility, welfare, special industries, etc.), the Lands Department will issue letter to all the concerned lessees and make an “SPL identification note” in the Land Registry register of the relevant land leases on the same day.  This will identify the SPLs for handling of their lease extension matters in accordance with the original administrative procedures outside the Ordinance. read more

“Love Our Home, Treasure Our Country” Joint School Gala showcases activities’ remarkable achievements (with photos)

     The Education Bureau (EDB) today (July 4) held the “Love Our Home, Treasure Our Country” Celebration of 27th Anniversary of Hong Kong’s Return to the Motherland and Joint School National Education Activities Gala to showcase the remarkable achievements of the “Love Our Home, Treasure Our Country” activities this school year.
     The Acting Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Cheuk Wing-hing, together with Deputy Secretary for Education Mr Edward To, officiated at the event. Over 1 000 representatives from the EDB, school sponsoring bodies, school councils, school head associations, the Committee on Home-School Co-operation and schools attended.
     Speaking at the Gala, Mr Cheuk said, “Our country is now advancing at high speed towards the goal of a nation with prosperity and vibrancy, and we are at the most glorious moment in China’s history! We are fortunate to be able to catch up, and that we should seize the opportunities that lie ahead, find our own stage, fulfil our dreams, and contribute to the country, Hong Kong and the human world.” He was pleased to see that the EDB, Po Leung Kuk, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals and a number of school councils united strengths and joined hands to organise the “Love Our Home, Treasure Our Country 2.0” activities to further enhance the sense of national pride and affection for the country and Hong Kong among young people.
     The “Love Our Home, Treasure Our Country” joint school national education activities this school year were of a larger scale and were more diversified than last year, with total attendance reaching 25 000. Apart from teachers and students, some activities invited parents, experts from different sectors and members of the public to enhance different stakeholders’ understanding of national education. Through Chinese cultural heritage and immersion programmes under themes such as China’s outstanding historical figures, food culture, tea art, poetry and literature, the activities enriched students’ understanding of Chinese culture and the development of the country, further promoting national education.
     The Gala today was the grand finale of the “Love Our Home, Treasure Our Country 2.0” series, which also celebrated the 27th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to the motherland. More than 300 students participated in the performance, including the flag raising ceremony and Chinese-style foot drill by joint school flag guards, as well as music, dance, martial arts, poem recitations and drama performances to showcase their fruitful learning achievements.        
     The EDB will continue to promote “Love Our Home, Treasure Our Country” joint school national education activities in the 2024/25 school year and organise more diversified learning activities to promote national education and nurture young people into quality citizens with a sense of social responsibility and national identity, as well as an affection for Hong Kong.

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Government announces quarterly land sale programme for July to September 2024

     The Government announced today (July 4) the quarterly land sale programme for the second quarter of 2024-25, i.e. July to September 2024.

     The Secretary for Development, Ms Bernadette Linn, said in the second quarter of 2024-25, the Government will sell by tender a residential site in Siu Lek Yuen in Sha Tin, producing a supply of about 570 flats. Among the sites put onto this year’s Land Sale Programme, two residential sites are located in Siu Lek Yuen, Sha Tin. The first site, which is smaller in size, has already been put up for sale in the first quarter, and the Lands Department (LandsD) is conducting its tender. The site to be rolled out in the second quarter is the second residential site in the same locality.

     In addition, the Urban Renewal Authority plans to tender in this quarter its development project on Kai Tak Road/Sa Po Road, Kowloon City, expected to provide a supply of around 810 flats. 

     For private development and redevelopment projects, three projects capable of producing about 410 units are expected to complete their lease modifications in the second quarter. 

     “Taking all sources of land supply into account, the total private housing land supply in the second quarter of this financial year would support the development of around 1 790 units. Together with the supply from the first quarter, the total private housing land supply of the first half of this financial year is expected to support some 4 065 units, which is around 30 per cent of our annual target of private housing supply (13 200 units),” Ms Linn said. 

     As for industrial sites, the Government announced last week that it aims to put up for sale a site in Hung Shui Kiu in the second quarter. The site is around 77 700 square metres in area, and its maximum gross floor area could reach some 544 000 sq m. The site will be used for the development of multi-storey buildings for modern industries, mainly for logistics, and will provide certain floor area to the Government to assist brownfield operators affected by Government development clearance exercises. The Government is striving to complete the removal of the community isolation facilities now on the site, the drafting of land lease conditions and the formulation of tender arrangements as soon as possible. The target is to roll out the site for tender by the end of the second quarter. A two-envelope approach will be adopted in the tender, while the specific details on the ratio of non-premium and premium proposals as well as the floor area to be provided to the Government will be announced at the time of tender of the site.

     She continued, “The Government will work towards the annual supply target, continue to monitor the market situation and holistically consider supply from various sources to make fitting land disposal arrangements for each quarter and provide land to the market for economic and residential development in a paced manner.”

     The list of the sites to be tendered in July to September 2024 is in the Annex. The actual tender timetable will be drawn up taking into account the progress of necessary preparatory work. The LandsD will announce the detailed land sale arrangements before individual sites are put up for tender. read more