Thematic Household Survey Report No. 75 published

     The Thematic Household Survey Report No. 75 is published by the Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) today (May 26).
     This publication contains key findings on Internet and personal computer (PC) penetration and Hong Kong population’s pattern of smoking based on the Thematic Household Survey conducted during April to July 2021.
Internet and PC penetration
     The survey results showed that the majority of households (94.4%) had Internet access at home in 2021. Among these households, smartphone was the most popular type of device used for Internet connection at home (99.9%), whereas PC came next (80.2%). 
     Usage of the Internet remained very popular. The percentage of persons aged 10 and over who had used the Internet during the 12 months before enumeration increased from 92.4% in 2020 to 93.1% in 2021. In particular, the increase was substantial among persons aged 65 and over (from 65.9% to 70.0%).
     Findings of the survey also showed that the popularity of smartphones continued to increase. The smartphone penetration rate rose from 92.1% in 2020 to 92.9% in 2021. The increase in usage of smartphone was particularly remarkable among the elderly. 73.0% of persons aged 65 and over had a smartphone in 2021, higher than the corresponding percentage (68.1%) in 2020.
Pattern of smoking
     The survey results showed that there were some 581 500 daily conventional cigarette smokers in 2021, accounting for 9.5% of all persons aged 15 and over in Hong Kong, which was lower than the corresponding percentage (10.2%) in 2019 and the first time the relevant percentage dropped to single digits in Hong Kong on record. Daily conventional cigarette smokers consumed on average about 13 sticks of conventional cigarettes a day, the same as that in 2019.
     Including persons who consumed other forms of tobacco or related products (e.g. heated tobacco product, e-cigarette, cigar, hand-rolled cigarette, pipe-smoking, snuff/snus and water pipe), there were some 601 300 daily smokers in 2021, accounting for 9.8% of all persons aged 15 and over in Hong Kong, which was lower than the corresponding percentage (10.5%) in 2019.  Of note, there were some 17 500 daily smokers who consumed e-cigarettes, accounting for 0.3% of all persons aged 15 and over in Hong Kong, which was higher than the corresponding percentage (0.1%) in 2019.
Other information
     The survey successfully enumerated target respondents in some 10 100 households in accordance with a scientific sampling scheme to represent the population of Hong Kong.
     Detailed findings of the survey, together with the population coverage and concepts/definitions of key terms, are presented in the above-mentioned publication. Users can download the publication at the website of the C&SD (
     Enquiries about the survey findings can be directed to the Social Surveys Section (1) of the C&SD (Tel: 2887 5103 or email:

June 2022 adjustment in ceiling prices for dedicated LPG filling stations

     The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department today (May 26) announced an adjustment to the auto-LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) ceiling prices for dedicated LPG filling stations from June 1 to 30, 2022, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contracts of the dedicated LPG filling stations.
     A department spokesman said that the adjustment on June 1, 2022, reflects the movement of the LPG international price in May 2022. The adjusted auto-LPG ceiling prices for dedicated LPG filling stations will range from $4.84 to $5.41 per litre, representing a decrease of $0.40 to $0.41 per litre.
     The spokesman said that the auto-LPG ceiling prices were adjusted according to a specified pricing formula. The formula comprises two elements – the LPG international price and the LPG operating price. The LPG international price is the LPG international price of the preceding month. The LPG operating price is adjusted on the first day of February every year according to the movement in the Composite Consumer Price Index in the previous year.
     The auto-LPG ceiling prices for respective dedicated LPG filling stations in June 2022 are as follows:

Location of
LPG Filling Station
Price in
June 2022
Price in
May 2022
Fung Yip Street, Chai Wan  5.41 5.82
Ngo Cheung Road, West Kowloon 5.41 5.82
Sham Mong Road, Mei Foo 5.06 5.47
Yip Wong Road, Tuen Mun 5.06 5.47
Marsh Road, Wan Chai 5.05 5.46
Fung Mat Road, Sheung Wan 4.98 5.39
Wai Lok Street, Kwun Tong 4.98 5.39
Yuen Chau Tsai, Tai Po  4.98 5.39
Cheung Yip Street, Kowloon Bay 5.03 5.44
Kwai On Road, Kwai Chung 5.03 5.44
Hang Yiu Street, Ma On Shan 4.84 5.24
Tak Yip Street, Yuen Long 4.84 5.24

     The spokesman said that the details of the LPG international price and the auto-LPG ceiling price of each dedicated LPG filling station have been uploaded to the department website at They are also posted at dedicated LPG filling stations to enable the trades to monitor the price adjustment.
     Details of the pricing adjustment mechanism for dedicated LPG filling stations can also be viewed under the "What's New" section of the department website at
     The dedicated LPG filling stations at Fung Yip Street in Chai Wan, Yuen Chau Tsai in Tai Po and Ngo Cheung Road in West Kowloon are closed for renovation. For details, please refer to the announcement in the webpage of the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department.

Government finishes exercise on “restriction-testing declaration” in respect of specified “restricted area” in Wah Sui House, Tin Wah Estate, Tin Shui Wai, and enforcement operation for breaches of compulsory testing notice

     The Government yesterday (May 25) exercised the power under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Compulsory Testing for Certain Persons) Regulation (Cap. 599J) to make a "restriction-testing declaration" with effect from 5.30pm yesterday under which people (hereafter referred to as "persons subject to compulsory testing") within the specified "restricted area" in Tin Shui Wai (i.e. Wah Sui House, Tin Wah Estate, Tin Shui Wai) were required to stay in their premises and undergo compulsory testing. Persons subject to compulsory testing were required to stay in their premises until all such persons identified in the "restricted area" had undergone testing and the test results were mostly ascertained.
     In addition, the Government issued a compulsory testing notice yesterday, requiring any person who had been present at the above building for more than two hours from May 19 to May 25, 2022, even if they were not present in the "restricted area" at the time when the declaration took effect, must undergo compulsory testing on or before May 27, 2022.
     The Government finished the compulsory testing exercise at around 7am today (May 26) and carried out enforcement action in the "restricted area" afterwards to verify that all people in the "restricted area" had undergone compulsory testing in accordance with the requirements of the relevant declaration and compulsory testing notice. The Government announced that the enforcement operation ended at around 9am today.
     The Government provided food packs for persons subject to compulsory testing, so as to facilitate their meal arrangements.  Anti-epidemic proprietary Chinese medicines donated by the Central People's Government or procured with the co-ordination of the Central People's Government and rapid test kits were also provided to persons subject to compulsory testing to help them fight against the virus. The Housing Department set up a hotline for people restricted by the declaration to make enquiries and seek assistance.
     The Government thanks persons subject to compulsory testing for their support and understanding. With everyone's co-operation and efforts, coupled with the efforts of the testing contractors throughout the night, residents have been informed about their testing results by SMS notification. After finishing the compulsory testing exercise at around 7am today, the Government took enforcement action in the "restricted area" immediately to verify that all people in the "restricted area" had undergone testing according to the requirements of the declaration and the compulsory testing notice. Persons who could present an SMS notification containing a negative test result as proof of having undergone the compulsory testing could leave the "restricted area" through the designated exit after providing personal information to a prescribed officer. The enforcement operation was completed at around 9am. Test records of about 790 persons subject to compulsory testing were checked. Four persons were found to have not undergone compulsory testing and compulsory testing orders were issued to them. Taking into account the above situation, the Secretary for Food and Health revoked the "restriction-testing declaration" in accordance with Cap. 599J (see attachment).
     The Government reminded the households who have not answered the door to undergo a nucleic acid test as soon as possible after reading the notices put up by the Government, in the hope of eliminating the possible risk of further spread of the virus in the community.
     The Government thanks all participating government staff and the testing agencies for their hard work. The Government is also grateful to those subject to compulsory testing for their support and understanding, and their full co-operation during this period in undergoing testing and waiting for the results at home.
     The Government will seriously follow up on the compliance situation of the compulsory testing notices and the "restriction-testing declaration" by persons subject to compulsory testing. Any person who fails to comply with the compulsory testing notices commits an offence and may be fined a fixed penalty of $10,000. The person would also be issued with a compulsory testing order requiring him or her to undergo testing within a specified time frame. Failure to comply with the compulsory testing order or the "restriction-testing declaration" is an offence and the offender would be liable to a fine at level 5 ($50,000) and imprisonment for six months.

Government enforces “restriction-testing declaration” and compulsory testing notice in respect of specified “restricted area” in Hing Wan House, Sui Wo Court, Sha Tin

     â€‹The Government yesterday (May 25) exercised the power under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Compulsory Testing for Certain Persons) Regulation (Cap. 599J) to make a "restriction-testing declaration" effective from 5.30pm yesterday, under which people (hereafter referred to as "persons subject to compulsory testing") within the specified "restricted area" in Sha Tin (i.e. Hing Wan House, Sui Wo Court, Sha Tin) were required to stay in their premises and undergo compulsory testing. Persons subject to compulsory testing are required to stay in their premises until all such persons identified in the "restricted area" have undergone testing and the test results are mostly ascertained.
     In addition, the Government issued a compulsory testing notice yesterday to any person who had been present at the above building for more than two hours from May 19 to May 25, 2022 to undergo compulsory testing on or before May 27, 2022 even if they were not present in the "restricted area" at the time when the declaration took effect. The Government finished the compulsory testing exercise at around 8am today (May 26) and is now carrying out enforcement actions in the "restricted area" to verify that all people in the "restricted area" have undergone compulsory testing. The Government will further announce the revocation time of the declaration.
     Starting from around 8am today, persons in the "restricted area" in Sha Tin who have undergone testing and are able to present SMS notifications with negative test results as proof of having undergone testing may leave the "restricted area" through the designated exit after providing personal information to a prescribed officer.
     The Government set up temporary specimen collection stations in the "restricted area" yesterday and requested persons subject to compulsory testing to collect combined nasal and throat swab samples at the stations to undergo a COVID-19 virus test before 11.30pm yesterday. About 870 people within the area had undergone testing. Amongst them, one tested positive case was found. The Centre for Health Protection of the Department of Health will arrange to follow up.
     The Government provided food packs for persons subject to compulsory testing so as to facilitate the meal arrangements of persons subject to compulsory testing. Rapid antigen test kits, as well as anti-epidemic proprietary Chinese medicines supplied by the Central People's Government, were also provided to persons subject to compulsory testing to help them fight against the virus.
     Moreover, the Government also assigned staff to visit 389 households in the "restricted area", among which 43 households did not answer the door. The Government will take measures to follow up.
     The Government reiterates that enforcement actions will be taken seriously. Any person who fails to present an SMS notification with a test result as proof of having undergone testing breaches the compulsory testing notice and may be liable to a fine of $10,000. The person will also be issued with a compulsory testing order, requiring him/her to undergo testing within a specified time frame. Failure to comply with the compulsory testing order or the "restriction-testing declaration" is an offence and the offender may be liable to a fine at level 5 ($50,000) and imprisonment for six months.

Government enforces “restriction-testing declaration” and compulsory testing notice in respect of specified “restricted area” in Wah Sui House, Tin Wah Estate, Tin Shui Wai

     The Government yesterday (May 25) exercised the power under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Compulsory Testing for Certain Persons) Regulation (Cap. 599J) to make a "restriction-testing declaration" effective from 5.30pm yesterday, under which people (hereafter referred to as "persons subject to compulsory testing") within the specified "restricted area" in Tin Shui Wai (i.e. Wah Sui House, Tin Wah Estate, Tin Shui Wai) were required to stay in their premises and undergo compulsory testing. Persons subject to compulsory testing are required to stay in their premises until all such persons identified in the "restricted area" have undergone testing and the test results are mostly ascertained.
     In addition, the Government issued a compulsory testing notice yesterday to any person who had been present at the above building for more than two hours from May 19 to May 25, 2022, even if they were not present in the "restricted area" at the time when the declaration took effect, must undergo compulsory testing on or before May 27, 2022. As a mutant strain is involved, for prudence's sake, vaccinated persons and persons who have recently been tested are also required to undergo testing.
     The Government finished the compulsory testing exercise at around 7am today (May 26) and is now carrying out enforcement actions in the "restricted area" to verify that all people in the "restricted area" have undergone compulsory testing. The Government will further announce the revocation time of the declaration.
     Starting from around 7am today, persons in the specified "restricted area" in Tin Shui Wai who have undergone testing and are able to present SMS notifications with negative test results as proof of having undergone testing may leave the "restricted area" through the designated exit after providing personal information to a prescribed officer.
     The Government set up temporary specimen collection stations in the "restricted area" yesterday and requested persons subject to compulsory testing to collect combined nasal and throat swab samples at the stations to undergo a COVID-19 virus test before 11.30pm yesterday. A total of about 2 000 persons had undergone testing. Amongst them, one tested positive case was found and the Centre for Health Protection of the Department of Health will take follow-up action. Regarding cases tested positive in the specified "restricted area", the Government will provide health advice for persons tested positive pending admission to hospitals or isolation facilities, disinfection products and surgical masks to these persons and their household members pending follow-up arrangement.
     Moreover, the Government also assigned staff to visit about 720 households within the "restricted area", among which 36 households did not answer the door. The Government will take measures to follow up.
     The Government reiterates that enforcement actions will be taken seriously. Any person who fails to present an SMS notification with a test result as proof of having undergone testing breaches the compulsory testing notice and may be liable to a fine of $10,000. The person will also be issued with a compulsory testing order, requiring him/her to undergo testing within a specified time frame. Failure to comply with the compulsory testing order or the "restriction-testing declaration" is an offence and the offender may be liable to a fine of level 5 ($50,000) and imprisonment for six months.