CFS announces results of seasonal food surveillance on rice dumplings (second phase) (with photo)

     The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department today (May 26) announced that the test results of 33 rice dumpling samples collected under a recently completed seasonal food surveillance project on rice dumplings (second phase) were all satisfactory.

     "The CFS announced the results of 67 samples collected under the seasonal food surveillance project on rice dumplings (first phase) in mid-May which were all satisfactory. As the Tuen Ng Festival is around the corner, the CFS has completed the second phase of the surveillance project on rice dumplings and the results of 33 samples were all satisfactory. In conclusion, samples of rice dumplings from different retail outlets (including online retailers and online food delivery platforms) and food premises (including restaurants and food factories) were collected for chemical, microbiological and nutrition content analyses during the two phases. The chemical analyses included tests for colouring matters, preservatives, metallic contamination, mineral oil, antioxidants, sweeteners and pesticide residues. The microbiological analyses covered pathogenic bacteria including Salmonella, coagulase-positive staphylococci organisms, Clostridium perfringens and Bacillus cereus. In addition, nutrition contents such as protein, total fat, sodium and sugars of the samples were also tested to check whether the test results complied with their declared values on the nutrition labels," a spokesman for the CFS said.

     The spokesman reminded members of the public to observe the following food safety tips in purchasing, preparing, storing and consuming rice dumplings:

Buying rice dumplings
* Buy rice dumplings from reliable outlets;
* When purchasing non-prepackaged rice dumplings, choose those that are securely wrapped in wrapping leaves; and
* When purchasing prepackaged rice dumplings, check the expiry date and whether the packaging is intact.
Home-made rice dumplings
* Buy wrapping leaves from reliable suppliers and avoid leaves that are unnaturally bright green or with chemical smells;
* Wash hands and utensils thoroughly before and after handling food; and
* Handle raw and cooked food separately to avoid cross-contamination.
Storing and preparing rice dumplings
* Consume rice dumplings as soon as possible and avoid prolonged storage;
* Both the glutinous rice and the stuffing should be well covered until the rice dumplings are unwrapped. Do not come into direct contact with the strings upon cooking to prevent contamination at all times.
* Store rice dumplings at 4 degrees Celsius or below, or store them properly according to the instructions on the package if they are not consumed or cooked immediately;
* Keep cooked rice dumplings that are not consumed immediately in a covered container and put them in the upper compartment of the refrigerator. Keep raw food in the lower compartment to prevent cross-contamination;
* Reheat rice dumplings thoroughly until the core temperature reaches 75 degrees Celsius or above before consumption;
* Do not reheat rice dumplings more than once; and
* Consume reheated rice dumplings as soon as possible.
Consuming rice dumplings
* Wash hands with running water and liquid soap, and rub for at least 20 seconds before consumption; and
* Reduce seasonings such as soy sauce or granulated sugar during consumption.
     The spokesman said, "Rice dumplings in general are relatively high in energy, fat and salt. During the festival, people should maintain a balanced diet, and consume rice dumplings moderately, with due consideration of their health condition. People are recommended to share rice dumplings with their family members and friends, as this not only enhances the festive atmosphere, but also allows them to taste rice dumplings of different flavours and avoid over-consumption. People are also advised to make use of nutrition labels on prepackaged food to compare their nutritional contents for healthier food choices."

     The spokesman also reminded food manufacturers to purchase food ingredients from reliable suppliers, adhere to Good Manufacturing Practice for preparation of food products and comply with legal requirements when using food additives.


Hongkong Post to issue “The 120th Anniversary of Ta Kung Pao” special stamps (with photos)

     Hongkong Post announced today (May 26) that a stamp sheetlet and associated philatelic products on the theme of "The 120th Anniversary of Ta Kung Pao" will be released for sale on June 17 (Friday).

     Ta Kung Pao was founded in 1902 and has a history of 120 years. It is currently the oldest Chinese newspaper in operation in Hong Kong. To commemorate the occasion, Hongkong Post will issue a stamp sheetlet with the theme "The 120th Anniversary of Ta Kung Pao".

     The elaborately designed stamp sheetlet of "The 120th Anniversary of Ta Kung Pao" is composed of two parts, with the upper part showing the site of Ta Kung Pao within the French Concession in Tianjin in the past, and the lower part showing the cityscape of Hong Kong in the present. It highlights the long history of Ta Kung Pao and the important role the newspaper has played in the country's development in modern history and in the new era, in promoting national education and guiding readers to learn from history and understand the truth, thereby nurturing their patriotism and helping them to strive with the spirit of strengthening and serving the country.

     Official first day covers for "The 120th Anniversary of Ta Kung Pao" will be put on sale at all post offices from June 2, and on Hongkong Post's online shopping mall "ShopThruPost" ( The stamp sheetlet and associated philatelic products will be on sale at all post offices and "ShopThruPost" from June 17, while serviced first day covers affixed with the stamp sheetlet will be available at philatelic offices only.

     A hand-back date-stamping service will be provided on June 17 at all post offices for official first day covers/souvenir covers/privately made covers bearing the first day of issue indication and a local address. To avoid people gathering at the post offices and to observe social distancing, collection points will be set up at all post offices on the same day for submission of the covers requesting hand-back date-stamping service. Customers will be advised on the collection schedule upon acceptance of the covers. 

     Information about the stamp sheetlet and associated philatelic products is available on the Hongkong Post Stamps website ( and the "ShopThruPost" mobile app.

Photo  Photo  

Red flag hoisted at Clear Water Bay Second Beach

Attention TV/radio announcers:

Please broadcast the following as soon as possible:

     Here is an item of interest to swimmers.

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced today (May 26) that due to big waves, the red flag has been hoisted at Clear Water Bay Second Beach in Sai Kung District. Beachgoers are advised not to swim at the beach.

Appointments to Statistics Advisory Board

     The Government announced today (May 26) that the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury has appointed members to the Statistics Advisory Board (SAB) for a new term of two years from June 1, 2022, to May 31, 2024.

     The SAB of the new term includes 13 non-official members, 10 of whom are serving members and three newly appointed members. The new members are Ms Alice Lau Oi-sze, Ms Janet Li Tze-yan and Mr Michael Ngai To-nam.

     The Commissioner for Census and Statistics, Ms Marion Chan, said, "Members of the SAB are professionals from different disciplines. Their diverse background and expertise will provide the Census and Statistics Department with invaluable insights and help ensure that its statistical work will continue to meet the evolving needs of our community."

     Ms Chan added, "We are grateful to the three outgoing members, Mrs Cheung Ang Siew-mei, Ms Nicole Yuen Shuk-kam and Mr Edward Ho Man-tat for their unfailing support and wise counsel to the SAB that has helped foster the development of the Government's statistical work."

     The SAB is an advisory body established in 1972 to advise the Commissioner for Census and Statistics on matters pertaining to official statistical work. Its membership consists of professionals from the business sector, the academia and the community, providing a wide representation to assist the Commissioner in integrating views of data users, data suppliers and statisticians.

     Following is the membership of the SAB for the new term from June 1, 2022, to May 31, 2024:

Chairperson (Ex officio)
Commissioner for Census and Statistics

Official members
Director of Planning (or representative)
Government Economist (or representative)
Representative from the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau

Non-official members
Mr Samuel Lau Kin-pui
Ms Alice Lau Oi-sze 
Mr Patrick Leung Chin-pak
Ms Michelle Leung Oi-pui
Ms Janet Li Tze-yan 
Professor Vivian Lou Wei-qun
Mr Michael Ngai To-nam 
Mr Gavin Poon Ka-ming
Professor Isabella Poon Wai-yin
Professor Shen Haipeng
Mr Stan Tang Yiu-sing
Mr Ivan Ting Tien-li
Mr Daniel Wong Wai-hung

Three useful tools to help students prepare for HKDSE Examination results release day

     The results of the 2022 Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination will be released on July 20. To assist Secondary Six students to prepare for the release of the HKDSE Examination results, the Education Bureau (EDB) has specially produced the "Three useful tools for the release of the HKDSE Examination results", namely e-Navigator, Further Studies and Career Map and Compass@HKDSE. These tools, uploaded to the EDB website today (May 26), allow Secondary Six students, parents and schools to obtain the latest information of multiple pathways in a timely manner.
     Students, parents and schools can use the e-Navigator to search for programme information across different levels, including degrees, sub-degrees and the Diploma Yi Jin. Further Studies and Career Map provides a checklist of multiple pathways and key dates for course registration. Compass@HKDSE provides students with essential information to make better preparation for the release of the HKDSE Examination results. It includes useful information on further studies, multiple pathways and various supporting services.
     A spokesman for the EDB said, "The broad and balanced senior secondary curriculum provides diversified choices to cater for students' diverse learning needs. It promotes students' whole-person development, stretches students' potential fully and equips them with lifelong learning capabilities by the time of graduation. We hope that all Secondary Six students will make good use of the three useful tools, through the flexible and diversified study and career pathways with multiple entry and exit points, to choose their right directions according to their interests, needs and aptitudes, so as to develop their full potential and realise their aspirations."
     The spokesman added that despite the severity of the fifth wave of the epidemic in Hong Kong, the HKDSE written examinations were smoothly completed thanks to the co-operation of all sectors of the community, schools, parents, and students in Hong Kong. The EDB will continue to maintain close communication and collaboration with schools and other stakeholders to help students plan for their future. For the arrangements of the HKDSE Examination results release, schools are advised to refer to the latest announcements on the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority website (
     The three useful tools are available on the "Designated Webpage for Secondary 6 Students" (, which also provides other latest information about multiple pathways.