14th meeting of Chief Executive’s Council of Advisers on Innovation and Strategic Development held (with photo)

     The Chief Executive's Council of Advisers on Innovation and Strategic Development held its 14th meeting today (May 30). The Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, took the opportunity to summarise the work of this term of Government in enhancing Hong Kong's status as Asia's world city and sought members' advice on how this objective might be further achieved.
     "Hong Kong is uniquely placed under 'One Country, Two Systems' to leverage her strengths to consolidate as an international financial, transportation and trading hub; the Central Government's support for innovation and technology (I&T), legal services and cultural exchanges as reflected in the National 14th Five-Year Plan will give Hong Kong abundant opportunities. However, the lingering impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on the local economy, continued geopolitical tensions between China and the United States and competition from Mainland cities and economies in the region will pose challenges," said Mrs Lam.
     Members unanimously agreed that Hong Kong must accelerate integration into the national development now that stability had been restored through the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law and improvements to the electoral system. While Hong Kong's fundamentals remained strong, including the rule of law and a market-oriented and highly internationalised business environment, members said that there was no room for complacency. They appreciated the proactive approach adopted by the current-term Government such as the substantial investment in I&T as well as the two blueprints, namely the Lantau Tomorrow Vision (LTV) and the Northern Metropolis Development Strategy (NMDS), and reiterated that such efforts had to be sustained.
     At the meeting, several members expressed concern that the anti-epidemic restrictions were posing challenges to Hong Kong's development in the short run. The gradual reopening of other international economies had put Hong Kong in a less favourable position on various fronts such as aviation and maritime businesses, I&T development, trade, and talent attraction. As the local epidemic situation has been generally brought under control, members noted that the Government has relaxed the anti-epidemic restrictions in an orderly and progressive manner.  
     The Chief Executive's Council of Advisers on Innovation and Strategic Development was set up by Mrs Lam in this term of Government to provide a high-level forum for the Government to seek advice from community leaders on Hong Kong's future development and strategies. During its four-year tenure, members met 14 times to discuss a wide range of topics strategically important to Hong Kong's future, covering the developments of both the traditional industries (such as the financial and maritime and aviation services) and emerging sectors (such as I&T and re-industrialisation). Members had given invaluable suggestions on Hong Kong's positioning and development in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and shared their thoughts on the tense geopolitical situation and the way forward for Hong Kong to tap into the markets of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations economies and take an active part in the Belt and Road Initiative. Members had also deliberated on manpower development and the nurturing of talents in Hong Kong, as well as long-term development plans such as the LTV and NMDS.   
     Mrs Lam took the opportunity to express her heartfelt gratitude to members for their contributions, and sincerely wished that they would continue to serve the community in other capacities.


Update on cluster of Candida auris cases in Princess Margaret Hospital

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     Regarding an earlier announcement on a cluster of patients carrying Candida auris in a medicine and geriatrics ward, the spokesperson for Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH) gave the following update today (May 30):
     PMH has adopted enhanced Candida auris screening for patients in the ward concerned. During the enhanced screening from May 17 to 24, one female and two male patients (aged 46 to 58) were identified as carriers of Candida auris while not having signs of infection. All patients are now being treated under isolation and are in stable condition.
     The hospital will continue the contact tracing in accordance with the prevailing guidelines. A series of enhanced infection control measures have already been adopted:
1. Thorough cleaning and disinfection of the ward concerned;
2. Enhanced admission screening for patients and environmental screening procedures; and
3. Application of stringent contact precautions and enhanced hand hygiene of staff and patients.
     The hospital will continue to closely monitor the situation of the patients. The cases have been reported to the Hospital Authority Head Office and the Centre for Health Protection for necessary follow-up.

Labour Department investigates fatal work accident in Pat Heung

     The Labour Department (LD) is investigating a fatal work accident that happened in Pat Heung, Yuen Long, this afternoon (May 30) in which a man died.

     The LD immediately deployed staff to the scene upon receiving a report of the accident, and is now conducting an investigation to look into its cause. 

Sick person in custody dies in public hospital

     A sick 74-year-old male person in custody at Siu Lam Psychiatric Centre died in a public hospital today (May 30).

     The person in custody suffered from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. He required continuous medical care and follow-up at the institution hospital and a public hospital. On March 18, he was sent to a public hospital for treatment due to physical discomfort. During hospitalisation, his condition deteriorated and he was certified dead at 12.42pm today.

     The case has been reported to the Police. An inquest into the death will be held by the Coroner's Court.

     The person in custody was convicted of the offence of manslaughter and detained under a hospital order for psychiatric treatment in May 1982.

CHP notified of human case of avian influenza A(H3N8) in Mainland

     The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health today (May 30) received notification from the National Health Commission on a human case of avian influenza A(H3N8) in Hunan Province, and again urged the public to maintain strict personal, food and environmental hygiene both locally and during travel.

     The case involves a 5-year-old boy living in Changsha, Hunan Province, who had visited a live poultry market before onset. He developed symptoms on May 9 and had recovered.
     So far, two human cases of avian influenza A(H3N8) have been reported by Mainland health authorities.

     "All novel influenza A infections, including H3N8, are notifiable infectious diseases in Hong Kong," a spokesman for the CHP said.

     Travellers to the Mainland or other affected areas must avoid visiting wet markets, live poultry markets or farms. They should be alert to the presence of backyard poultry when visiting relatives and friends. They should also avoid purchasing live or freshly slaughtered poultry, and avoid touching poultry/birds or their droppings. They should strictly observe personal and hand hygiene when visiting any place with live poultry.

     Travellers returning from affected areas should consult a doctor promptly if symptoms develop, and inform the doctor of their travel history for prompt diagnosis and treatment of potential diseases. It is essential to tell the doctor if they have seen any live poultry during travel, which may imply possible exposure to contaminated environments. This will enable the doctor to assess the possibility of avian influenza and arrange necessary investigations and appropriate treatment in a timely manner.

     While local surveillance, prevention and control measures are in place, the CHP will remain vigilant and work closely with the World Health Organization and relevant health authorities to monitor the latest developments.

     The public should maintain strict personal, hand, food and environmental hygiene and take heed of the advice below when handling poultry:

  • Avoid touching poultry, birds, animals or their droppings;
  • When buying live chickens, do not touch them and their droppings. Do not blow at their bottoms. Wash eggs with detergent if soiled with faecal matter and cook and consume the eggs immediately. Always wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after handling chickens and eggs;
  • Eggs should be cooked well until the white and yolk become firm. Do not eat raw eggs or dip cooked food into any sauce with raw eggs. Poultry should be cooked thoroughly. If there is pinkish juice running from the cooked poultry or the middle part of its bone is still red, the poultry should be cooked again until fully done;
  • Wash hands frequently, especially before touching the mouth, nose or eyes, before handling food or eating, and after going to the toilet, touching public installations or equipment such as escalator handrails, elevator control panels or door knobs, or when hands are dirtied by respiratory secretions after coughing or sneezing; and
  • Wear a mask if fever or respiratory symptoms develop, when going to a hospital or clinic, or while taking care of patients with fever or respiratory symptoms.

     The public may visit the CHP's pages for more information: the avian influenza page, the weekly Avian Influenza Reportglobal statistics and affected areas of avian influenza, the Facebook Page and the YouTube Channel.