Government announces enhancements on COVID-19 positive cases management

     The Government today (July 14) announced enhancements on the management of cases tested positive for COVID-19. With regard to control points, starting from today, outbound travellers travelling to the Mainland or Macao via the Shenzhen Bay Port, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Port, or the Hong Kong International Airport, whose special nucleic acid test results are positive, would be issued with isolation orders immediately and sent to a community isolation facility (CIF).

     The Health Bureau announced yesterday (July 13) the launch of an online booking system for the special nucleic acid test service at the Shenzhen Bay Port. The Government today further announced enhancement measures on the arrangement of cases without negative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test results in a more stringent manner. To prevent the exportation of local cases and support the Mainland's anti-epidemic efforts as well as to match with their relevant entry requirement, outbound travellers at relevant boundary control points currently can only continue with their journeys if they receive a negative result of their special nucleic acid test. As the transmission risk of those who did not obtain a negative result could not be ruled out, they could not continue their journeys. These travellers have to stay in the designated isolation areas set up on site starting today. The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health will issue isolation orders to them and arrange designated transport to send them to the Penny's Bay CIF.

     Specimen will be collected for another PCR test on the next day upon their admission. The CHP will conduct epidemiological investigations according to relevant test results. Travellers have to continue their isolation at the CIF in accordance with their isolation orders if they are considered new infection cases. For those who are considered re-positive cases, their isolation orders will be lifted and they can leave the CIF.

     In respect of management of confirmed cases in the community, the Secretary for Health earlier announced that, starting from tomorrow (July 15), infected persons undergoing home isolation will be required to put on electronic wristbands. For reported cases or cases reported via online platforms ("Declaration System for individuals tested positive for COVID-19 using Rapid Antigen Test" and "Online self-reporting for COVID-19 patient") from that day, relevant government department will arrange the distribution of anti-epidemic kits and distribute the electronic wristbands at the same time. 

     The Office of the Government Chief Information Officer will assist the cases and confirm the activation of the electronic wristbands. Confirmed cases must put on the electronic wristbands during the home isolation period with a view to ensuring compliance with the isolation requirement under the law that the infected persons must not leave their household area and to further minimise the chance of community transmission. The Government provides assistance through various channels. For details, please refer to the "Handbook for Persons Tested Positive for COVID-19".

     â€‹A Government spokesman reiterated that, in view of the epidemic developments, the Government will continue to formulate targeted strategies and measures that may achieve the greatest effects with the lowest costs, thereby protecting the safety and health of citizens while minimising the impact to normal social activities.

FEHD strives to crack down on sale of chilled or frozen meat disguised as fresh meat (with photo)

     The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) has all along been committed to combating the sale of chilled or frozen meat disguised as fresh meat, and in a blitz operation today (July 14) raided one licensed fresh provision shop (FPS) and one unlicensed FPS in Sai Kung District suspected of selling chilled meat as fresh meat.

     During the operation, FEHD officers raided the abovementioned two premises at Tong Ming Street, Tseung Kwan O, and marked and sealed around 1 135 kilograms of suspected chilled meat for further investigation. Samples were also collected for testing for preservatives, and prosecution will be initiated if there is sufficient evidence. The licensee of the licensed FPS is suspected of breaching the licensing condition for the display and sale of chilled meat as fresh meat, and the FEHD is proceeding with the cancellation of its FPS licence. FEHD officers also initiated prosecution against the proprietor of the other premises for operating an unlicensed FPS business.  

     In addition, FEHD officers also initiated prosecution against the operator of the licensed FPS for dirty food premises. A verbal warning was also given to the operator for non-compliance with the relevant licensing condition for failing to provide delivery notes for inspection. 

     A spokesman for the FEHD said, "Selling of chilled or frozen meat disguised as fresh meat breaches the licensing condition and causes food safety problems. Also, the operation of these profiteers is unfair to other shops that comply with the requirements."

     The spokesman added, "Anyone selling chilled or frozen meat without permission commits an offence and is liable to a maximum fine of $50,000 and six months' imprisonment on conviction. The department will continue to conduct regular inspections at licensed FPSs and market meat stalls, and will actively handle the complaints received. In detecting any irregularities, the FEHD will carry out an immediate investigation and take appropriate enforcement action. In addition, the FEHD also proactively investigates suspected violations from time to time and conducts surprise inspections and enforcement action as necessary. If there is sufficient evidence, prosecutions will be initiated and follow-up action will be taken on the breach of licensing conditions or tenancy agreements. The licences of fresh provision shops breaching the licensing conditions may be cancelled, while the tenancies of market meat stalls breaching the tenancy agreements may be terminated."

     In addition, under section 31(1)(d) of the Food Business Regulation (Cap. 132X), any person who carries on any food business which involves the sale of fresh, chilled or frozen beef, mutton, pork, reptiles, fish or poultry must obtain a FPS licence granted by the FEHD. Any person who operates a food business without a licence commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a maximum fine of $50,000 and imprisonment for six months, and an additional daily fine of $900 should the offence persist.
     The spokesman stressed that the FEHD is very concerned and has been committed to combating the sale of chilled or frozen meat disguised as fresh meat by taking stringent enforcement action against the violations. 


SITI visits Innovation and Technology Commission and meets with HKIRC (with photos)

     The Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, Professor Sun Dong, visited the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) today (July 14) to learn more about the ITC's work to support the development of Hong Kong as an international innovation and technology (I&T) hub .
     Professor Sun first met with the Commissioner for Innovation and Technology, Ms Rebecca Pun, and other directorate staff. He was briefed on the Commission's major work in supporting research and development (R&D), promoting technology adoption, nurturing I&T talent, supporting technology start-ups and promoting I&T culture. Such work includes the provision of funding support through the 17 funding schemes under the Innovation and Technology Fund such as the Re-industrialisation Funding Scheme, the Innovation and Technology Support Programme, the STEM Internship Scheme, and the Innovation and Technology Venture Fund; the establishment of InnoHK to promote global research collaboration in Hong Kong, in which 28 research laboratories have commenced operation; supporting five R&D centres to carry out applied R&D and technology transfers to the industry in their respective areas; provision of infrastructure and technological support to the industry through major I&T quangos such as the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation and the Hong Kong Productivity Council; I&T collaboration with the Mainland such as supporting the 22 State Key Laboratories and Hong Kong Branches of Chinese National Engineering Research Centres in Hong Kong; as well as providing assistance to the testing and certification industry in Hong Kong.
     Professor Sun later toured the Standards and Calibration Laboratory (SCL) of the ITC to learn more about the SCL's operation and calibration services. He observed an introduction of primary standards of electrical quantities and a demonstration of the submicron automatic precision line scale measurement system.
     Professor Sun said that the ITC, in collaboration with and supported by public I&T quangos and R&D centres, had been playing a key role in the implementation of various initiatives to drive the I&T development in Hong Kong, ranging from supporting R&D, nurturing I&T talent to translation of the R&D outcomes into applications that bring benefits to the society. He recognised the efforts made and results achieved by ITC colleagues over the years and encouraged them to continue with their good work to develop Hong Kong into an international I&T hub.
     Professor Sun then met with the management of the Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited (HKIRC) and was briefed by the Chairman, Mr Simon Chan, and the Chief Executive Officer, Mr Wilson Wong, on the latest development of the HKIRC. He learned about the ".hk" and ".香港" registry services, as well as schemes and services that were launched in recent years, such as the Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme, the Cyber Youth Programme, the Cybersec Infohub and the Free In-depth Website Security Scan Services. The Cybersec Training Hub to be launched in August this year was also mentioned.
     Professor Sun said that the wider use of information technology among various industries brings new opportunities, but at the same time, poses greater challenges to information security. He affirmed the work of the HKIRC in assisting the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and the community in enhancing cybersecurity awareness, providing cyber security training and assisting the SMEs in uplifting their overall information security capability.

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Sessions on “Spirit of the President’s Important Speech” held by North, Sham Shui Po, Sha Tin, Tuen Mun and Wong Tai Sin District Offices

     â€‹President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the meeting celebrating the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland and the inaugural ceremony of the sixth-term Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). The North District Office (NDO), the Sham Shui Po District Office (SSPDO), the Sha Tin District Office (STDO), the Tuen Mun District Office (TMDO) and the Wong Tai Sin District Office (WTSDO) each held sessions today (July 14) on the topic "Spirit of the President's Important Speech" by inviting different keynote speakers to talk and exchange thoughts on the spirit of the President's important speech.

     The NDO, together with the New Territories Association of Societies (NTAS) North District committee, held the "Session to Implement the Spirit of President Xi's Important Speech" in the conference room of the NDO today. The District Officer (North), Mr Chong Wing-wun, hosted the session. Hong Kong Deputy to the National People's Congress and member of the Legislative Council (LegCo) Mr Chan Yung was invited to be the keynote speaker. Around 60 participants attended the session, including Deputy Division Chief of the New Territories Sub-office of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government (LOCPG) in the HKSAR Mr To Sai-wah and the Chairman of the NTAS North District committee, Mr Wan Wo-fai.

     The SSPDO, together with the Ambitious and Energetic Youths Club, the Kowloon West Office of the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions (FTU) and the FTU Sham Shui Po District Service Office jointly held the "Session to Learn about President Xi's Speech on July 1" at the Mei Foo Community Hall today. The Deputy Director-General of the Department of Social Affairs of the LOCPG in the HKSAR, Mr Li Yun-fu, was invited to be the keynote speaker. The District Officer (Sham Shui Po), Mr Paul Wong, and the President of the Ambitious and Energetic Youths Club and the Director of FTU Kowloon West Office, Ms Wang Hong, also spoke at the session. More than 110 participants attended the session, including members of committees under the Sham Shui Po District, community leaders, locals and youths, and staff of the SSPDO.
     Further to the two sessions held on July 8, the STDO, together with the Sha Tin Rural Committee (STRC), jointly held the "Session to Promote, Learn about and Implement the Spirit of President Xi's Important Speech" at the office of the STRC today. The Chairman of the STRC, Mr Mok Kam-kwai, and the District Officer (Sha Tin), Miss Carol Or, spoke at the session. More than 20 participants attended the session, including members of the Executive Committee of the STRC and Village Representatives.
     The TMDO, together with the NTAS Tuen Mun District Committee, held the "Session on Learn about, Promote and Implement the Spirit of President Xi's Important Speech" in the Tuen Mun District Council conference room today. The sharing session was attended by keynote speakers including former Vice-Chairperson of the HKSAR Basic Law Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Ms Elsie Leung, as well as member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and the Chairman of the NTAS, Mr Leung Che-cheung. The District Officer (Tuen Mun), Ms Aubrey Fung, and the Vice Director General of the New Territories Sub-office of the LOCPG in the HKSAR, Mr Hu Qi-ming, also spoke at the session. More than 150 participants, including members of the five Area Committees of the Tuen Mun District, the Tuen Mun District Fight Crime Committee, the Tuen Mun District Fire Safety Committee, the Tuen Mun District Civic Education Committee, the Tuen Mun District Youth Programme Committee, and members of the Tuen Mun Rural Committee as well as staff of the TMDO attended the session in person or online.

     Further to the sessions held on July 7, 11 and 12 respectively, the WTSDO, together with the Ambitious and Energetic Youths Club, the FTU Wong Tai Sin District Service Office, the FTU Kowloon East Office and the Kowloon East Committee of the Hong Kong Federation of Hainan Community Organisations today jointly held the "Session to Learn about President Xi's Speech on July 1" at the Choi Wan Estate Community Centre. The Deputy Director-General of the Department of Social Affairs of the LOCPG in the HKSAR, Mr Li Yun-fu, and member of the LegCo Mr Tang Ka-piu were invited to be the keynote speakers. The District Officer (Wong Tai Sin), Mr Steve Wong, also spoke at the session and exchanged views with participants. More than 260 residents in Wong Tai Sin District attended the session to learn and exchange thoughts on the spirit of the President's speech.

     Other District Offices will be rolling out sessions, so as to enable more key district figures to obtain a deeper understanding of the spirit of the President's important speech.

Speech by SCST at opening ceremony of “The Hong Kong Jockey Club Series: The Road to the Baroque – Masterpieces from the Capodimonte Museum” (English only)

     â€‹Following is the speech by the Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr Kevin Yeung, at the opening ceremony of "The Hong Kong Jockey Club Series: The Road to the Baroque – Masterpieces from the Capodimonte Museum" today (July 14):
     Mr Contestabile (Consul-General of Italy in Hong Kong, Mr Clemente Contestabile), Mr Cheung (Executive Director, Charities and Community of the Hong Kong Jockey Club, Mr Leong Cheung), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,
     Good evening. Welcome to the opening ceremony of "The Hong Kong Jockey Club Series: The Road to the Baroque – Masterpieces from the Capodimonte Museum" exhibition. It gives me great pleasure to join you in my new capacity as the Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism at the first comprehensive exhibition of Baroque art in Hong Kong.
     This year marks an important milestone for our city as we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). As one of the celebration activities under the theme of "A New Era – Stability, Prosperity, Opportunity", the exhibition opens today will accentuate our achievements as an international arts and cultural metropolis.
     Indeed, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) has been collaborating with world-class museums across the globe to bring top-notch exhibitions to Hong Kong over the years. If you just recall the very well received exhibition of the Uffizi collection of Italian Renaissance art in Hong Kong last time, I can assure you that this exhibition of Baroque art is equally unique and no less inspiring. 
     This exhibition also marks the first collaboration between the Capodimonte Museum and the LCSD. The Capodimonte Museum is among the most visited museums in southern Italy and boasts some of the world's best art collections. I'm sure the success of this exhibition will definitely bring more opportunities for cultural exchanges and closer ties with the museum in future.
     This exhibition would not have been possible without the unwavering support of our collaborating partners. I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Consulate General of Italy in Hong Kong who has played the most vital role in the success of this collaboration. My gratitude also goes to the Capodimonte Museum, our first-time partner, and the Hong Kong Jockey Club, our long-term partner and also the exclusive sponsor of the exhibition. I wish to thank both of them sincerely for their tremendous and generous support.
     I cordially invite everyone to join in the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the HKSAR, especially this meaningful cultural event which strengthens our ties with Italy. Lastly, may I wish everybody good health and the exhibition a great success. Thank you very much.