EMSD releases lift and escalator contractors’ latest performance ratings

     The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) today (July 21) announced the performance ratings of the registered lift and escalator contractors for the past 12 months (from July 2021 to June 2022) for public reference.
     According to the rating results, 31 registered lift contractors and 21 registered escalator contractors were awarded the Safety Star. Among these contractors, 10 registered lift contractors and eight registered escalator contractors had not been found non-compliant with the safety and maintenance requirements as reported in the last two consecutive announcements of performance results, and were therefore given the highest rating of five Quality Stars. The EMSD conducted 26 362 inspections of lifts and escalators during the period.
     The rating results, conviction records, summaries of the warning letters and equipment failure records are available on the EMSD's website (www.emsd.gov.hk/emsd/eng/pps/le_pub_mpr.shtml).

Effective Exchange Rate Index

     The effective exchange rate index for the Hong Kong dollar on Thursday, July 21, 2022 is 101 (up 0.2 against yesterday's index).

Opening remarks by SLW at HKTDC Education & Careers Expo 2022 (English only)

     Following are the opening remarks by the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Chris Sun, at the opening ceremony of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) Education & Careers Expo 2022 this morning (July 21):

Margaret (Executive Director of the HKTDC, Ms Margaret Fong), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

     Good morning. It's great to see you all here on a very sunny, lovely day.

     First of all, I would like to congratulate the HKTDC for staging this, what we believe is the signature event, as Margaret said, for the 31st time, I think it's in a row. It will bring together nearly 800 educational institutions, professional associations, private enterprises and also government departments from 18 countries/regions all under the same roof. I would also like to extend a very warm welcome to exhibitors from Japan, Finland, Ireland and Switzerland for taking part in this Expo for the first time. I am sure this four-day event will provide a useful guide to students and job seekers to explore opportunities and a variety of career pathways as they make plans for their future.

     Manpower is clearly vital to our economy. As the Government, we put a lot of emphasis on manpower development, and also nurturing our talent which is key to ensuring that we remain competitive in the years to come, as Hong Kong develops itself and transforms itself into a knowledge-based and high value-added economy. It is increasingly important that our economy is going to be driven by innovation, professionalism and a wide adoption of technology in business sectors. In fact, from that angle, manpower is shifting towards high-skilled and educated workers.

     So for Hong Kong, we spare no effort in nurturing our local talents by improving and keep on investing in our education. Let's take a look at this very important yardstick. The proportion of students having a post-secondary education right now is three quarters. If we look at the same figure 10 years ago, it was two-thirds. So clearly, in the span of 10 years, we've made a lot of improvement in terms of having more students having a post-secondary education, which is very, very important for their future. In addition, we also promote vocational and professional education and training (VPET) as multiple and flexible pathways for young people with different aspirations and abilities. We've also been making efforts to strengthen VPET pathways at the degree level. The Government launched in 2020 a pilot project on the development of applied degree programmes to prepare graduates for employment in relevant disciplines with recognised qualifications.

     Apart from the formal education, we also invest very heavily in building up our own manpower and skill sets through training, retraining and lifelong learning. The Employees Retraining Board provides over 170 000 training places a year. Some of these courses are placement-tied, some are focusing on specific skill sets and some are trying to improve people's generic skills. Also, we have a Continuing Education Fund (CEF). The purpose of that Fund is to promote learning by subsidising all adults, regardless of their educational level or how much money they earned, so that they can upgrade themselves, upskill themselves and learn new skills to meet with the fast-changing demand in a society that keeps on changing. Despite COVID-19, the beneficiaries, if we look at the number of people who benefitted from the CEF in the past three years, have increased more than double. Right now, we have 50 000 people benefitting from the CEF. To keep the momentum going, we will very soon introduce a new wave of CEF enhancement on August 1, including completely removing the upper age limit. Regardless of age, if you want to improve yourself, you can apply for a subsidy from the CEF and upgrade yourself at any age. Also, we are going to raise the ceiling of the subsidy from August 1. The ceiling of that subsidy will be $25,000 a year.

     We clearly understand that the Government alone cannot succeed in improving our manpower. What we need is a collaborative approach. We need the support of education institutes, business sectors and non-governmental organisations. I am confident, through collaboration among all parties, we could help our young people realise their potential and acquire the necessary skills and knowledge, so that they can build a bright future for themselves.

     Ladies and gentlemen, in closing, I wish this year's Expo, as before, a great and resounding success and all of you a rewarding and fruitful experience. Thank you very much.

SCST congratulates Cheung Ka-long and Vivian Kong on winning two bronze medals in World Championships

     The Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr Kevin Yeung, today (July 21) congratulated Hong Kong fencers Cheung Ka-long and Vivian Kong on each winning a bronze medal in the Men's Foil Individual event and the Women's Épée Individual event of the 2022 Fencing World Championships respectively. In addition to the two medals won by the Hong Kong team, Cheung Ka-long has also made history again by achieving the best result ever for a Hong Kong fencer in the Men's event in the Championships.

     Mr Yeung said, "With excellent performances in the competitions, Cheung Ka-long and Vivian Kong have won the well-deserved medals by showcasing Hong Kong athletes' talent and perseverance. We are thrilled by their achievements. I hope the fencing team will continue to strive for excellence in the team events."

Government announces latest situation of fresh food supply from Mainland

     A Government spokesman announced today (July 21) that the supply of fresh food from the Mainland yesterday (July 20) was sufficient and stable.

     According to the latest information, the quantity of vegetables supplied from the Mainland to Hong Kong yesterday (as of midnight) by land and water transportation was about 2 800 tonnes, comparable to the average daily supply from the Mainland on a normal day. The volume of vegetables sold through the wholesale markets of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) and the Vegetable Marketing Organization was about 769 tonnes. The average wholesale prices of choi sum and pak choi stood at $7.00 and $5.30 per catty respectively yesterday, comparable to their average daily wholesale prices last year. The supply of eggs to the wholesale market remained steady, with the average daily supply standing at about 3.2 million for the past week, comparable to the average daily supply on a normal day last year.

     The total supply of chilled meat from the Mainland yesterday was over 40 tonnes. The supply of live pigs was plentiful.

     The supply of chilled poultry from the Mainland was over 130 000 head yesterday, and over 8 000 live chickens were slaughtered locally. The supply was abundant.

     Regarding the rice supply, in compliance with the requirement by the Government, stockholders of rice have to maintain the reserve stock of rice at a level sufficient for consumption by the local population for 15 days. The trade generally stocks double the required amount, which is sufficient for one month's consumption by Hong Kong citizens. In recent years, the import and consumption of rice in Hong Kong has stood at a steady level of around 320 000 to 330 000 tonnes per year. The import quantity (including reserve stock) as of end-June 2022 was 30 400 tonnes. Suppliers also maintain a reserve for food that can be stored, such as frozen meat, for around three months' stock generally.

     The Government will continue to maintain close liaison with the Mainland authorities and major food suppliers to ensure a stable food supply.

     â€‹The AFCD updates and publishes the fresh food supply information daily. Members of the public may visit the AFCD website for updates on daily supplies and wholesale prices of fresh food (www.afcd.gov.hk/english/agriculture/agr_fresh/agr_fresh.html).