
Author Archives: hksar gov

Effective Exchange Rate Index

     The effective exchange rate index for the Hong Kong dollar on Monday, July 25, 2022 is 100.9 (up 0.1 against last Saturday’s index).

     The effective exchange rate index for the Hong Kong dollar on Saturday, July 23, 2022 was 100.8 (down 0.2 against last Friday’s index). read more

LCSD to hold 25 · 35 Performing Arts Carnivals at Sha Tin Town Hall and Tsuen Wan Town Hall (with photos)

     To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the 35th anniversary of Sha Tin Town Hall (STTH) and Tuen Mun Town Hall, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) will hold the 25 · 35 Performing Arts Carnivals from May to December at five of its performance venues in the New Territories. STTH and Tsuen Wan Town Hall (TWTH) will present the Carnivals in the afternoon on July 31 and August 7 respectively. Various artists and performing groups will offer a wide range of free performing arts programmes. Members of the public are welcome to attend.
     Six professional arts groups will offer audiences various exciting performances, which will cover music, dance and a musical, in the 25 · 35 Performing Arts Carnivals. The Yat Po Singers will give an a cappella performance. Endor by Drip Music will provide the audience with a cinematic music experience. Jazzical by Music Lab will perform music pieces with jazz style. DancingAndy and Artists and the School of Dance of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts will give different dance performances, and Actors’ Family will perform a musical.

     A selection of fringe activities will also be held at the Carnivals. In STTH, audiences can enjoy performances including Chinese music, musical theatre, Chinese traditional puppet and shadow shows, family theatre and children’s Cantonese opera, and there will also be a dance demonstration workshop. In TWTH, there will be children’s theatre, different genres of dance shows, performances on Chinese and Western instruments, choirs and Cantonese operatic songs. An interactive activity, “Into the EKCC: Experiencing the Optical Tracking Camera System”, will also be offered in both venues, allowing visitors to experience the application of art tech.

     Admission to all programmes is free. Programme details are available on the STTH website ( and the TWTH website (

     In order to comply with the requirements stipulated in the Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirements and Directions) (Business and Premises) Regulation (Cap. 599F) and relevant requirements of administrative instructions, members of the public are required to scan the “LeaveHomeSafe” venue QR code with their mobile phones/other mobile devices before being allowed to enter the performance venues managed by the LCSD for necessary contact tracing if a confirmed case is found. Furthermore, in accordance with the Prevention and Control of Disease (Vaccine Pass) Regulation (Cap. 599L) and relevant requirements of administrative instructions, all persons entering indoor venues under the management of the LCSD must comply with the requirement of the Vaccine Pass.

Photo  Photo  Photo  
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Transcript of remarks by STL on self-paid designated quarantine hotel taxi service

     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Secretary for Transport and Logistics, Mr Lam Sai-hung, at a media session on self-paid designated quarantine hotel taxi service at Hong Kong International Airport today (July 25):
Reporter: Mr Lam, what is the purpose of this new taxi service?
Secretary for Transport and Logistics: We have to react to the demand from the community on such taxi services and we have heard quite a lot of voices from our community on this service. I am sure that this will meet the demand of some of the landing passengers. We will review the demand and adjust the service level to suit.
Reporter: How popular do you think it will be?
Secretary for Transport and Logistics: At this moment, I can’t predict but at the present moment we have engaged a hundred taxis to provide such service. If required, we can engage more taxis to suit the demand.
(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.) read more