Missing woman in Kwai Chung located

     A woman who went missing in Kwai Chung has been located.

     Chan Mei-yi, aged 46, went missing after she left a caring centre on Wo Yi Hop Road on June 26 morning. A staff member of the caring centre made a report to Police on the same day.

     The woman was located on Wo Yi Hop Road today (July 26).

Man sentenced for failing to comply with requirement to undergo specified test under compulsory testing notice

     A 67-year-old male was fined $10,500 by the West Kowloon Magistrates' Courts today (July 26) for violating the Prevention and Control of Disease (Compulsory Testing for Certain Persons) Regulation (Cap. 599J). 

     The man, without lawful authority or reasonable excuse, failed to comply with the requirement to undergo the specified COVID-19 test as stipulated in the compulsory testing notice issued on May 7, 2021. He was charged with contravening section 13(1) of the Regulation and was fined $10,500 by the West Kowloon Magistrates' Courts today. 

     Failing to comply with the specified testing requirements under the compulsory testing notices is a criminal offence and offenders are subject to a maximum fine of $25,000 and imprisonment for six months. A spokesman for the Department of Health said the sentence sends a clear message to the community that the Government will not tolerate such violations, and solemnly reminded the public to comply with the regulations. The spokesman reiterated that resolute actions will be taken against anyone who has breached the relevant regulations.

Public hospitals daily update on COVID-19 cases

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     As at 0.00am today (July 26), a total of 1 425 patients who tested positive for COVID-19 are currently hospitalised for treatment, including 175 new patients. Among the patients staying in isolation facilities, 456 patients are in isolation wards, 39 patients are in second-tier isolation wards and 428 patients are in the North Lantau Hospital Hong Kong Infection Control Centre, of which 132 in total are new patients. There are four newly reported critical patients and five newly reported serious patients. There are a total of 31 patients in critical condition and 17 are in serious condition, of which seven critical patients are receiving intensive care. Moreover, there are 153 patients who have recovered, including 130 patients who have been discharged. In addition, six patients who passed away in public hospitals were reported.

     In the fifth wave of the epidemic, there are 54 766 patients who have recovered so far, including 54 514 patients who have been discharged. And since early 2020, there are 67 146 patients who have recovered, including 66 894 patients who have been discharged.

     The Hospital Authority will maintain close contact with the Centre for Health Protection to monitor the latest developments and to inform the public and healthcare workers on the latest information in a timely manner.

CHP investigates locally acquired SARS-CoV-2 virus cases with 1 595 cases tested positive by nucleic acid tests and 2 380 cases by RATs verified as well as 301 imported cases

     The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) today (July 26) announced the latest epidemic situation of COVID-19. As of 0.00am, July 26, the CHP was investigating 3 975 additional locally acquired cases tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, including 1 595 cases tested positive by nucleic acid tests (668 confirmed cases, 740 asymptomatic cases and 187 cases with pending case status) and 2 380 cases tested positive by rapid antigen tests (RATs) verified in the past 24 hours.

     Separately, 301 additional imported cases were reported, including 282 cases tested positive by nucleic acid tests (26 confirmed cases, 210 asymptomatic cases and 46 cases with pending case status) and 19 cases tested positive by RATs.

     Hong Kong has recorded a total of 811 091 and 519 308 cases that have tested positive by nucleic acid tests and RATs respectively for the SARS-CoV-2 virus so far. 

     The CHP is continuing with epidemiological investigations on the cases. Please refer to the "COVID-19 Thematic Website" (www.coronavirus.gov.hk) for more information.

     Meanwhile, according to the analysis by the DH's Public Health Laboratory Services Branch, as of yesterday (July 25), Hong Kong had recorded a total of 19 cases, 2 075 cases and 2 055 cases carrying the sub-lineages BA.2.12, BA.2.12.1 and BA.4/BA.5 under the Omicron mutant strain respectively (including suspected cases), among which zero, 1 833 and 826 of them are local cases.

     In addition, as of 0.00am, July 26, a total of 9 265 death cases that had tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus during the fifth wave (since December 31, 2021) were recorded, with 9 186 and 76 deaths reported from the Hospital Authority and public mortuaries respectively as well as three deaths reported from the Chinese University of Hong Kong Medical Centre. Hong Kong has so far recorded a total of 9 478 death cases that have tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

     Furthermore, among the earlier cases by nucleic acid tests reported, there were cases (including pending cases) changed to confirmed, asymptomatic or re-positive cases. As at yesterday, the total number of confirmed cases was 351 237, while the figures for asymptomatic cases, re-positive cases and pending/unknown cases recorded since January 1 were 224 138, 24 and 233 815 respectively.

     The spokesman for the CHP stressed that as the local situation of COVID-19 infection is still severe, the CHP strongly appeals to the community to continue to comply with social distancing measures, avoid going out and refrain from participating in unnecessary or crowded activities or gatherings. This would lower the risk of infection and prevent the virus from spreading in the community.

     â€‹â€‹The spokesman reminded that COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective in preventing severe cases and deaths from the SARS-CoV-2 virus. They can provide effective protection to those vaccinated in preventing serious complications and even death after infection. People who have yet to receive vaccination, especially senior citizens, chronic patients and other immunocompromised persons who face a higher chance of death after COVID-19 infection, should get vaccinated as early as possible for self-protection and to reduce the risk of falling seriously ill and death should they get infected.

SCS gives encouragement to colleagues engaging in anti-epidemic work and appeals for COVID-19 vaccination (with photos)

     The Secretary for the Civil Service, Mrs Ingrid Yeung, visited Tung Tai House of Ching Tai Court in Tsing Yi today (July 26) to express support for staff members of the Civil Service Bureau (CSB) participating in the "restriction-testing declaration" (RTD) operation there and encourage residents to receive COVID-19 vaccination in a timely manner.

     About 80 staff members from various grades in the CSB took part in the RTD operation, arranging for the residents subject to compulsory testing to undergo specimen collection for COVID-19 nucleic acid testing in batches and making reservations for residents who wish to receive COVID-19 vaccination. 

     "There have been thousands of daily new confirmed cases recently. Members of the public, in particular the elderly and children, should receive appropriate doses of COVID-19 vaccine as early as possible to enhance protection and reduce the risk of falling seriously ill and death should they get infected. Currently, there are still 30 per cent of elderly persons aged 80 or above, and over 20 per cent of children aged 3 to 11, who have not received any COVID-19 vaccine dose. The mutant strains that have been widely circulating recently are more transmissible. Members of the public should arrange vaccination for, and in the interest of, the elderly persons and children of their family as soon as possible. There are a large number of quotas for vaccination available at the vaccination venues, where members of the public can receive vaccination conveniently. Members of the public should also arrange for the elderly persons and children of their family who have received the first or second dose to receive the remaining doses on time," Mrs Yeung said.

     Channels for free COVID-19 vaccination include the Community Vaccination Centres (CVCs), Hospital COVID-19 Vaccination Stations, designated general out-patient clinics of the Hospital Authority and Elderly Health Centres under the Department of Health, as well as private doctors and clinics providing the Sinovac vaccine and venues operated by private healthcare institutions providing the BioNTech vaccine.

     The designated website for the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme (www.covidvaccine.gov.hk/en/programme) provides the latest information including details on vaccination venues, reservation and enquiry hotlines.

     The locations of the CVCs are as follows:

CVCs providing the Sinovac vaccine for persons aged 3 or above
Java Road Sports Centre in North Point
Kwun Chung Sports Centre in Jordan
Yuen Wo Road Sports Centre in Sha Tin
Millennium City 5 in Kwun Tong
Hong Kong Spinners Industrial Building in Cheung Sha Wan

CVCs providing the BioNTech vaccine for persons aged 12 or above
Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park Sports Centre in Sai Ying Pun
Boundary Street Sports Centre in Mong Kok
Sai Wan Ho Sports Centre
Hiu Kwong Street Sports Centre in Kwun Tong
Lai Chi Kok Park Sports Centre
Yuen Long Sports Centre
Osman Ramju Sadick Memorial Sports Centre in Kwai Chung
MTR Tsing Yi Station
CUHK Medical Centre in Sha Tin (no same-day tickets)
Satellite Community Vaccination Centre, Leighton Centre in Causeway Bay (no same-day tickets)
HKU Community Vaccination Centre at Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong (on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; no same-day tickets)
Pop-up CVC at 17th floor of Landmark North in Sheung Shui

Vaccination centres providing the BioNTech vaccine for children aged 5 to 11 (no same-day tickets)
Children Community Vaccination Centre (CCVC) at Hong Kong Children's Hospital in Kowloon Bay
HKU CCVC at Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong in Wong Chuk Hang (on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays)
CUHK Medical Centre in Sha Tin
Osman Ramju Sadick Memorial Sports Centre in Kwai Chung

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