Money service operator convicted of operating without licence

     A female shopkeeper of a money changer was fined $10,000 today (July 27) at Kowloon City Magistrates' Courts after being convicted of operating a money service without a valid licence.

     In July last year, Customs officers found that a female shopkeeper had been operating a remittance business at a money exchange shop in Sham Shui Po after expiry of the money service operator licence.  

     Under the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Ordinance, a person who operates a remittance or money changing service needs to first obtain a licence from the Customs and Excise Department. The maximum penalty for such operators without a valid licence upon conviction is a fine of $100,000 and imprisonment for six months.

     Customs reminds consumers to procure services from licensed money service operators. A register of licensees is accessible from the website of Customs' Money Service Operators Licensing System at

     Members of the public may report any suspected unlicensed money service operation to Customs' 24-hour hotline 2545 6182 or its dedicated crime-reporting email account (

Hospital Authority announces positive patient cases detected via admission screening or testing and clusters of nosocomial COVID-19 infections

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The Hospital Authority today (July 27) announced information regarding patients who tested positive via admission screening or testing with patients or staff members identified as close contacts and nosocomial COVID-19 infection cases.
     The following are the statistics of patients who tested positive via admission screening or by testing in public hospitals with patients or staff members identified as close contacts:

Hospital/clinic Number of patients who tested positive Number of patients identified as close contacts Number of staff members without appropriate personal protective equipment identified as close contacts
United Christian Hospital 1 1
Tuen Mun Hospital 1 1

     The following are the statistics of clusters of nosocomial infection cases in public hospitals:

Hospital/clinic Number of patients who
tested positive
Number of staff members who tested positive
Shatin Hospital 1

     Thorough cleaning and disinfection have been conducted for the wards concerned. The hospitals will continue to monitor the health condition of patients and staff members closely, and communicate with the Centre for Health Protection on the latest situation.

Update on monitoring COVID-19 vaccination

     In the preceding week till 11.59pm on July 24, the Department of Health (DH) received 15 reports (Note 1) of adverse events following COVID-19 immunisation. No death cases were reported by the Hospital Authority (HA) involving individuals who had received vaccines within 14 days before they passed away and had potential association with vaccination.

     As at 8pm on July 24, around 17.99 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines had been administered for members of the public. Around 6.76 million people had received at least one dose of vaccine, including 94.1 per cent of the population aged 12 or above. The DH received 7 804 reports of adverse events (0.04 per cent of the total vaccine doses administered). Among the death cases concerning persons who had been vaccinated, including 119 cases (Note 2) with vaccination within 14 days before they passed away (0.0007 per cent of the total vaccine doses administered), none of the death cases were associated with vaccination.

     As of today, the Expert Committee on Clinical Events Assessment Following COVID-19 Immunisation had concluded that 72 death cases had no causal relationship with vaccination, while for one case the causal relationship with vaccination could not be established, and preliminarily considered that 11 cases were not associated with vaccination. Thirty-five cases are still pending further information for assessment. The Expert Committee considered that there is no unusual pattern identified so far, and will continue to closely monitor the relevant situation and collect data for assessment.

     According to information from the HA, during the period from June 27 to July 24, the overall ratio of death cases was 43.7 cases for every 100 000 people, whereas the average ratio of death cases for the same period in 2018 to 2020 was 42.7 cases for every 100 000 people. Among these death cases, the ratio of death cases with acute stroke or acute myocardial infarction was 2.1 cases for every 100 000 people, whereas the average ratio of death cases under the same category for the same period in 2018 to 2020 was 2.5 cases for every 100 000 people. Furthermore, the ratio of miscarriage cases was 14.8 cases for every 100 000 people, whereas the average ratio of miscarriage cases for the same period in 2018 to 2020 was 21.7 cases for every 100 000 people. Based on the statistical analysis of the above figures, there is no evidence that vaccination increases the risk of death or miscarriage for recipients. The relevant reference statistics will be uploaded to the thematic website for the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme.

     The majority of non-death cases of adverse events received so far are relatively minor cases. The relevant details can be found in the "Report on the Safety Monitoring of COVID-19 Vaccines in Hong Kong" (

     A Government spokesman said, "The number of daily new cases in Hong Kong remains high at four-digit figures with an on-going rising trend. The Hong Kong community must stay vigilant in combating the epidemic rebound. Deaths and severe cases involving children and elderly persons, who are our focus of protection in vaccination, have been recorded in the fifth wave of the epidemic. For elderly persons, the COVID-19 vaccination rate for the elderly aged 80 or above in Hong Kong is only around 70 per cent at present, meaning that around 30 per cent of the elderly in that age group are in a dangerous situation, which is alarming.

     "According to preliminary data analysis, out of the cases reported in the fifth wave, over 95 per cent of the fatal cases are elderly people aged 60 or above, with the proportion of death and hospitalised cases being the highest in those aged 80 or above. Most of the deceased cases are unvaccinated persons. As compared to the Hong Kong overall population, those who have received three doses of vaccine account for a much lower proportion among reported cases, and an extremely low proportion among the hospitalised critical/serious and deceased cases. This demonstrates the effectiveness of three doses of vaccine in preventing infection, serious illness and fatality from COVID-19. Even with just the first dose of vaccine, the risk of death can be significantly reduced. The latest research data from the University of Hong Kong also shows that receiving three doses of either the Comirnaty or CoronaVac vaccine is highly effective for preventing severe cases and deaths with over 90 per cent effectiveness. Members of the public who are currently eligible for a third dose should get the third dose as soon as possible.

     "Furthermore, in response to the latest advice from experts, we have started the administration of the fourth vaccine dose for persons aged 60 or above who have received three doses of the Comirnaty or CoronaVac vaccine. They may receive the fourth dose no less than three months after their last dose. For persons aged 18 to 59 with a higher risk of COVID-19 exposure, or a greater risk of COVID-19 exposure and transmission because of their occupational setting, they may choose to receive a fourth dose no less than six months from their third dose. Members of the public may also receive a fourth dose due to personal needs (such as studying abroad or travelling). On the other hand, the minimum age for receiving the CoronaVac vaccine has been lowered to 3 years old, while the minimum age for receiving the Comirnaty vaccine is 5 years old. We call on parents to arrange vaccination for their children as early as possible for better protection.

     "In addition, the Government once again reminds members of the public that recovered persons who had been infected with COVID-19 should also get vaccinated in a timely manner. For the Vaccine Pass, the recovery record QR code is valid within 180 days (i.e. six months) from the date of recovery. Therefore, the recovery record QR codes of persons who recovered at the beginning of this year will gradually expire. At that time, the recovered person may need to receive one more dose of COVID-19 vaccine to comply with the Vaccine Pass, or update their vaccination records. Specifically, recovered persons who had not received or had only received one dose of vaccine are required to receive an additional dose (first or second dose) of vaccine before their recovery record QR codes expire, in order to continue to use the Vaccine Pass. As for recovered persons who had received two or more doses of vaccine, they should update their vaccination records through the Electronic Vaccination and Testing Record System (, the 'iAM Smart' or 'eHealth' mobile applications before their recovery record QR codes expire, in order to continue to use the Vaccine Pass."
Note 1: Provisional figures. In the preceding week till 11.59pm on July 24, the DH did not receive any reports of suspected myocarditis or pericarditis involving adolescents in the age group of 3 to 15.
Note 2: In the preceding week till 11.59pm on July 24, the DH did not receive any reports involving individuals who had received COVID-19 vaccination within 14 days before passing away.

Interest rate of second interest payment for Silver Bond Series due 2024

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:
     The Hong Kong Monetary Authority, as representative of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government (HKSAR Government), announced today (July 27) the relevant per annum interest rate for the second interest payment of Silver Bond Series due 2024 (Issue Number: 03GB2408R) (the Bonds) issued under the Retail Bond Issuance Programme of the Government Bond Programme.
     According to the Issue Circular dated June 29, 2021 for the Bonds, the second interest payment of the Bonds is scheduled to be made on August 10, 2022, and the relevant interest rate is scheduled to be determined and announced on July 27, 2022 as the higher of the prevailing Floating Rate and Fixed Rate. 
     On July 27, 2022, the Floating Rate and Fixed Rate are as follows:
Floating Rate: +1.47 per cent (Annex)
Fixed Rate: +3.50 per cent
     Based on the Floating Rate and Fixed Rate set out above, the relevant interest rate for the second interest payment is determined and announced as 3.50 per cent per annum.

Government follows up on positive results of sewage surveillance and appeals to residents to undergo virus testing

     The Government announced today (July 27) that in order to fight the coronavirus epidemic, the Environmental Protection Department and the Drainage Services Department have been collecting sewage samples for virus testing in all districts, and had detected positive results in some areas, indicating that there may be hidden cases in the premises within these areas.
Rapid test
     As regards positive sewage testing results with relatively high viral loads in the following areas, the Housing Department and the respective District Offices will commence distributing about 315 000 sets of the COVID-19 rapid antigen test (RAT) kits to residents, cleaning workers and property management staff working in the following areas for them to take the test on their own, in order to help identify infected persons:

  • Sai Kung District – On Ning Garden, Choi Ming Court, Metrotown, Finery Park, Well On Garden, The Pinnacle and The Metropolis
  • Sham Shui Po District – So Uk Estate, Shek Kip Mei Estate, and residential premises around Marigold Road, Magnolia Road and Osmanthus Road (See Annex)
  • Yau Tsim Mong District – Parc Palais and King's Park Villa
  • Central and Western District – Kwan Yick Building Phase II, Kong Chian Tower, Whitty Street Court, Des Voeux Road West Building, Hang Lung Bank Western Branch Building, Wing Wah Mansion, Sang Cheong Building, Upton, Fung Yip Building, Kam Ling Court, Lun Fung Court and The Merton

     Members of the public may refer to ( for enquiries relating to the use of the RAT kits.
     When using an RAT kit, please pay attention to and follow the instructions from the manufacturer to perform the test and read the result properly. It is advisable to record the displayed result by taking a photo immediately after reading. Users should wash their hands before and after performing the tests, and avoid placing non-essential items within the specimen collection area. After completing the test, wrap and seal all components of the test kit carefully and dispose of them properly. If the household environment is contaminated during the specimen collecting process, disinfection should be conducted with 1 in 49 diluted bleach solution or 70 per cent alcohol.
     People who obtained a positive result through an RAT for the first time can report via the online platform "Declaration System for individuals tested positive for COVID-19 using Rapid Antigen Test" ( If individuals encounter difficulties using the online platform, they can call the automated system at 183 6119 to register their identification document and telephone number. The Centre for Health Protection of the Department of Health will contact the relevant person later to finish the report procedure.